God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1034: humiliation

The first thousand and thirty-four chapters of shame

Chang Yusheng, the second largest force of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, is second only to the Ji family. It has been with the Ji family for many years. The years that have passed together can be counted in the millennium.

This is Ji's most reliable ally. Ji Tianyi thought that some of his allies would be bought by the royal family, and even many of them had already turned against him. He also responded.

But I did not expect that the ultimate anti-go, it turned out to be the constant rain, this most reliable person!

The presence of the Jijia high-rise on the scene is extremely incomparable. The Qingyu Pavilion, represented by Chang Yusheng, is an indispensable force of Ji’s family. At this moment, it stands on the side of the royal family. For Ji’s family, the blow is too Big, almost fatal.

However, why did Chang Yusheng do this, the cooperation of the millennium, and even the Qingyu Pavilion was helped by the Ji family, and finally entered the list of eight products.

Such tacit understanding and embarrassment, will suddenly give up?

Moreover, so thoroughly, there is almost no room left. Yesterday, it was called the brother of the brothers and brothers. Turning his head, he became the sharpest sword in the hands of the enemy.

"Ji brother, you don't have to look at me like this, the time person is Junjie, the only imperative trend of the imperial power, the only way to stop the road, but why not be ignorant?" Chang Yusheng ignored Ji Tianyu's angry look. , smiled lightly.

After all, Ji Tianyi was the owner of the Ji family. When he saw more big scenes, he was not knocked down. He took a deep breath and said coldly: "Well, since this is the case, I don’t say much, I am just Curious, what did they give you and let you make such a decision?"

Chang Yusheng stunned with a pair of small eyes, and then sneered, saying: "You ask me why, isn't that simple? Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, why do you Ji Ji have the final say!"

"In the future, the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce will only listen to the Qingyu Pavilion. You can say that this kind of benefit, can I not agree?" Chang Yusheng laughed, very comfortable, and already won the prize.

"Chang Yusheng, don't forget that you can have the credit of who you are today. My family will treat you not thin, and the Qingyu Pavilion will not be thin. You are rewarding us!" Ji Tian said with anger.

"Hey, why do you have to say that this is so grand, you Ji family help me Qing Yuge, don't you want to fight against the royal family? Then again, these years, Qingyuge also helped you Jijia enough, this kind of affection, also Still finished?" Chang Yusheng snorted, no apology.

"Of course, if a few people think that I often owe you a rain, it is no problem. Today, I will be a wicked person. This Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, I will set a blue rain pavilion. I blame you for being stupid and blame others!" Chang Yusheng laughed.

"Chang Yusheng, you are a despicable villain, I used to squint, even to call you a brother and brother!" Ji Tiancheng bite his teeth.

Chang Yusheng snorted and said indifferently: "Two lords, don't be angry, we are not children. Why do you say that if you lose your identity, let's talk about the marriage of Jiluo's niece, I think you should not want to Things are going to the point where the fish and the net are broken, so it is not good for anyone."

Ji family are all biting their teeth. I really want to kill the Changyu soundtrack on the spot. This little man, after killing, is quick, but the people of Ji family are also very clear. The current situation is extremely unfavorable for Ji’s family, not killing often. The sound of rain can be solved.

And often the sound of rain, is it so easy to kill?

The atmosphere suddenly solidified, and on the other side of the royal family, everyone was so good, and the Ji family and his allies were very ugly, and several of them even began to blink, apparently with dissent.

The situation is already very clear. The royal family has drawn a salary and broke the biggest arm of the Ji family. The Ji family is already in an absolute disadvantage.

Taking advantage of this, the royal family will never let the Ji family be better today. It must force the Ji family to show their attitude, or promise the marriage of the royal family. Later, they will be gradually eroded, or it will be a big battle, but it is difficult to win.

"Scorpio brother, look at the past love, I advise you, marriage!" Chang Yusheng poured wine, took a drink, hehe smiled: "Jing Lie prince can be said to be the first person of the Five Elements Empire, the day In a vertical position, it can be called a god, and a green niece can marry a prince, but it is her blessing."

"Of course, everything is good to discuss, we can also take a step back here, so that the green niece is a wife, but I hope that you can stop it. If you want to replace Mrs. ,, you may not know how to lift it." Chang Yu channel These words, where is the advice, completely on the fire, is humiliating the Ji family!

"Normal rain, not the last, you should not be too proud of it!" Ji Tianyu cold channel, the pressure shocked, pressed on the constant rain sound.

Chang Yusheng snorted, facing the semi-san, or a lot worse, was instantly suppressed, a sweet mouth, has been rushing.

"Himee Lord, why are you angry when you are overjoyed?" The **** prince laughed and shook the pressure and blocked Ji Tianqi.

Both of them are semi-sacred, and their strength is superb. In a flash, they collide with hundreds of rounds of power, but it is difficult to win.

However, there is a **** prince here, Ji Tianyi is hard to do.

"The family of Ji, the proposal of Fang Cai’s brother is still appropriate. I don’t know what the idea of ​​Ji’s family is?”

"It is necessary to let Wang Ye be disappointed. Although I am a father, I still have to listen to the child's meaning if I am married. If the child does not want to, my father is not strong!" .

Wen Yan, the **** Wang Ye brow slightly wrinkled, Ji Tianyi's attitude is intriguing, today's game, the royal family has already occupied the advantage, and even at this moment, Jijia allies, there are one or two dark lines are not exposed.

Ji family, it is difficult to turn over, is it possible to want to break the net?

This is naturally not what the blood lord wants to see, but it is not afraid. To pay too much for the royal family today, I must get a result today!

I am afraid that I still don’t know what Ji’s card is.

"The family of Ji said that the children's opinions are indeed important. Jing Lie, let the family of Ji listen to what you mean." The **** prince smiled slightly and gave Jing Lie a look.

Jing Lie would like to know, stood up, and a line of ceremonies, then said: "Green Rose sister is born with beauty, and is the Princess of Ji family, how can the king not like it, naturally willing to marry her.

"But it", Jing Lie’s mouth sneaked a taunt, laughing: "The king and his wife have deep feelings, and they really don’t want to let the lady be sad. So it’s more appropriate for the younger sister to marry into the palace, or to make a cockroach. The name is just right."

"Oh? What name does the emperor want to change?" Ji Tiancheng pressed his anger and was indifferent.

"It’s just like the younger sister of the green radish, and it’s changed to the name of the 妾 ,. So, it’s just like the identity of the squatting room. It’s like a natural thing, it’s not beautiful!” Jing Lie laughed.

When the words came out, the people on the other side of the royal family laughed and said that the move was wonderful.

"Hey!" Ji Qian's wine glass broke open, he couldn't stand it anymore, and a long sword in his hand flashed, taking Jing Jing.

Jing Lie was laughing and screaming, and he was afraid that the other party would not move. He did not move at all. Others did not mean to shoot at all. It was just that the sword went forward, but it was suddenly blocked by an electric light.

The king behind Jing Lie shot, and he slammed Ji Qiang out with a single blow.

"This strength, but also to come up with shame?" Jing Lie laughed.

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