God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1035: Qin Qi VS King Lin

The first thousand and thirty-five chapters Qin Qi VS Kings Pro

The **** prince worried that Ji’s family still had a card, so Jinglie tried it and tried to find out the truth. This Ji Qian’s shot was really good, and they gave them an excuse.

"Ji Gan, you are so bold, you dare to assassinate the emperor in public, the sin is a sin!" Xie Ying coldly screamed, holding a sword, and even shot.

"Xie Ying, you can try it!" Ji Tianyi screamed, and the semi-shengwei no longer converges.

The entire banquet hall, suddenly a stagnation, the weaker generation of people directly on the ground, can not resist these pressures.

Xie Ying’s face was suddenly white, and one hand was held on the handle. However, he did not dare to take out the sword anyway.

He was trembling all over, it was instinctive fear, and he could not control it.

Because he knows that as long as he dares to move, he will die, in the face of the wrath of the semi-holy, even if the **** lord can not save him!

And the half sacred, this banquet, has been completely over now, the two sides have even been difficult to maintain the surface of the peace, then, is not an adult ceremony, but the game between the two sides!

This adult gift of Jiluo has not yet begun, it has ended, and there is no half blessing.

"Xie Ying, what are you doing, the fight between the juniors, you need to intervene?" The **** prince gave a low drink.

Xie Ying took the lead and put the knife down.

Ji Tianqi’s eyes were shaking, but in the end it was put away.

"Hey, Ji family, only one Ji Kun is not bad, but he did not come back, otherwise the king would like to ask for advice." Jing Lie smiled faintly, revealing ridicule.

"If my second brother came back, I still got your Converse?" A sigh of relief, the main lord of this banquet finally appeared.

Green radish, stepping through the void, holding Ji Qian, the eyes are cold.

Jing Lie looked at the green radish. When he heard the green radish, he suddenly smiled and said: "If it is Ji Kun, can he not come back?"

Hearing this sentence, the face of Ji Jiazhi suddenly changed, and the dawn was very beautiful.

"Jing Lie, what do you mean by this!" Green Luo yelled.

Jinglie shrugged and smiled slightly: "Just say a possibility, why are you excited, and Ji Kun is so strong, you should have confidence in him."

Ji Jiazhi, the heart can not help but sink, Ji Kun is afraid of being ambushed!

This royal family, today is not swearing to give up!

"Green sister, you come right, only the seniors said to listen to your opinion, how do you mean?" Jing Lie held his hand, hehe laughed.

Green Luo took a deep breath and chuckled, saying: "If you want me to marry you, you can even do it for you, but I have a request."

"What requirements?" Jing Lie asked.

"Our baby, don't marry waste, it's as simple as that." But Ye Yuexin walked up and his face was full of smiles.

Ye Yuexin, even on such an occasion, when the people underneath have shivered and did not dare to move, she still looked relaxed.

At the moment, facing the half-sacredness of Ji Tianqi and the blood-stricken prince, she did not care. She turned two laps around the green radish and finally laughed: "How do you understand what I mean?"

The people on the other side of the royal family saw Ye Yuexin appearing. They all had some big heads. Of course, they knew that Ye Yuexin had a close relationship with Green Luo. She also guessed that she would appear and be prepared, but still feels tricky.

Ye Yuexin, they are naturally not afraid, but the Yehu Ye family behind Ye Yuexin, especially the Yejiazu land, is really a taboo.

Especially rumors, Ye Jiasanjie has two people into the ancestral land, this Ye Yuexin is one of them.

Not to be a last resort, or can not conflict with Ye Yuexin, even if it can not avoid, can not hurt her.

Jing Lie blinked and snorted, indifferent: "Miss Ye San means that the king naturally understands that fortunately, the king is not a waste."

"Is it waste? You didn't count it. You only know it when you tried it." Ye Yuexin said faintly.

"What is Miss Ye San?" Jing Lie said.

"Simple, I have a friend, a bandit from the country. If you can beat him, even if you are not a waste." Ye Yuexin smiled and dragged Qin Qi out.

Qin Qilian rolled his eyes, what is the **** introduction, can't you say something about it?

"It's you!" Jing Lie's eyes swayed in the cold, and then whispered: "Oh, it's really boring, even if it beats waste, what can you prove?"

"Then you can choose to fight with Ji's predecessors and see your own mind." Ye Yuexin shrugged.

Jing Lie breathe a stagnation, where can he dare to fight with Ji Tianqi, not to find death?

"His Highness, these little things, don't let you do it yourself, give it to me." The king opened his mouth, and he looked at Qin Qi indifferently. He has already set the death of Qin Qi to today.

Originally, I had to find an opportunity to kill Qin Qi. Qin Qi was good, and I sent it to my door. How can I not kill it?

Today, Qin Qi, who is such a bureau, dares to blend in. Who is he who will die?

"Give you a chance!" Qin Qi naturally confronted.

"Haha, yes, look at this Yuxing show!" The **** lord laughed.

Ji Tianyi and Ji Tiancheng looked at each other and could only acquiesce and let Qin Qi play.

The king was on the scene, and the thunder flashed, and it was incredibly amazing. Even if he was present at the moment, he was an old master. Without a weak one, he could not help but be shocked.

The genius of this monarch's genius seems to be more powerful than imagined, and it is like a king of thunder!

And does his appearance also mean that this rising star of the Jun family has also invested in the embrace of the royal family?

"Eight Star Wuzun!" There is a strong flash of light, seeing the realm of the king, can not help but exclaim.

The younger generation, ranked in the eight stars, this is too amazing, enough to be comparable to King Seiji!

"Qin Qi, it’s coming to death." The king was holding his hand and standing, staring at everything, cold and cold.

Qin Qi glanced at him, but did not enter the first time, but looked at the green radish.

Today, it should be her birthday, but it seems that no one has the mood to celebrate her birthday, and now, Qin Qi finally knows the dilemma she faces, and is the power that Jijia can't resist.

Perhaps he can't reverse the situation today, even if he defeats Jinglie, it is difficult to change the ending.

However, he still has to fight, and he has to fight beautifully!

This is what he can do!

"Radish, when is your birthday?" Qin Qi asked.

"What do you ask for this?" Green radish strange.

"Tell me, yes."

Green radish flat mouth, whispered: "There are three moments."

"..." Qin Qi blinked, then coughed, facing the king: "What time is it now?"

"In the past two moments, why, I want to know when I died?" The king sneered.

"There is still a quarter of an hour, it seems to be hurrying." Qin Qi screamed and smiled at the green radish. "Radish, your gift is on the road, please check it when you arrive."

"What?" Green radish blinked.

However, Qin Qi did not answer. He smiled at the corner of his mouth and walked toward the king. It was only in the eyes that there was no temperature.

"The king is coming, the new hatred is old and hate, and today it is finished. You and me can only live one."

"Right on my mind!"

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