God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1085: Ancient demon

The first thousand and eighty-five chapters of the ancient demon

The Tianyuan Twelve Clan, the Hera family, possessed the ability to see through everything, and did not expect to encounter it here.

Their abilities are similar to those of their talents, and Qin Qi, who once fought with his talents, is very clear about how difficult this ability is.

"So young and half-sacred, it should be killed!" Another demon and a half-jun, the power is overwhelming, this is not only their own strength, but also the battle matrix.

And, still two to one!

"I will help you!" But it was a slap in the face, and the head of the 14th Army Corps also rushed to fight against the Mozu half-jun with Qin Qi.

Two-on-two, even if the strength of the battlefield blessing is not a series, there is one less legion in life, but there is a possibility of counterbalance!

"You are the head of the 14th Army Corps?" Qin Qi was surprised. I didn't expect the head of the 14th Army Corps to be a woman, and so young!

No, it’s not appropriate to describe it with young people. This guy seems to be a childish girl. The beautiful, unspoken face seems to be only eleven or two years old, although it is not a loli. But the age is too small.

Is it true that the goddess is not successful, this achievement of this age, even Qin Qi are not sighing.

It’s just such a little sister, and this terrible battlefield is too out of place!

"Look at what, that is the half-jun of the Hera clan, not fully welcoming the enemy!" Yan Yinxiu shouted, but the voice was not childish, but a mature woman.

Hard to beat, Tianshan nursery rhyme?

I didn't have time to think about it. The Mozu half-jun had already rushed, and Qin Qi was not afraid, and greeted the enemy.

The four major sacred, the battle is on the verge, the power is too strong, and everything is crushed.

In the anticipation of Yin Yinxiu, they are only afraid that they will fall in the wind in an instant. After all, even if the individual combat power is similar, but the other party has a battle group bonus of the legion, the gap is not huge.

Moreover, the other side has a Hera clan who can see their flaws and accurately grasp them!

Being able to support is already the best situation.

However, after the real collision, she discovered that she did not fall into the wind.

"The realm of the Holy Land!" 娄Yin Xiu’s glory has risen. This kid has a holy field, and it’s amazing how to master this power.

"The field of the king?" The Mozu half-bited his teeth, his eyes were even colder. Such a human race, and still a holy warrior, how can he let him live?



Even if they are in the realm of the monarch, they are also semi-junitorial, but they exist at the same level. Even if they do not master the realm of the monarch, they can compete.

"Anti-war law!" 娄 Yin Xiu whispered, the same secret method, although not as devil, but it should also shorten the gap.

"Hey, **** secret law, flawless countless, what is the use?" Hera's half-sacred smile, the endless magic turned into a long gun, stormed.

That power, from one of the twelve clan, is indeed terrible.

However, at this level, Qin Qi’s cross-border challenge is indeed more and more difficult. Under the same circumstances, if you can’t do it, you don’t have to mix it.

Who is afraid of Qin Qi?

"Devil is very embarrassing?" Qin Qi cold, the shape of the gods, eight palaces, four pictures, the ancient gods resonate among them, smashing down.

The ancestor king was roaring, and it seemed to be more than the demon **** Hera.

"Is there a martial arts?"

"This is the soul of the ancient demon god, this is impossible, who are you!" Hera's half-junior color suddenly changed, Qin Qi's Wuhun, the first ancestor, the Titan's god, let him think of some legends.

The Hera clan has a very long history, dating back to ancient times. Although it has less knowledge than Demeter, it is also extremely vast, and the blood gives them the power to see details that others cannot see.

Hera's half-sacred horror stared at Qin Qi's martial arts, which was similar to the Tianyuan twelve clan before the rule of the lord of the lord.

"What is the soul of the ancient demon god, are you being stunned? Laozi, but the real Wushu!" Qin Qi is cold and screaming, no matter whether it is Hera or another Majesty surname, withstand.

This power is directly at the level of crushing, and there is no opponent at all in the same territory.

If they do not have the support of the battlefield, I am afraid that they have been killed by a punch.

How can this human being be so strong!

"Withdraw!" Hera's half-sacred light flashed and finally decided.

"What, Lord Mo Jiujie, we still have an advantage now, how can we retreat!" Another Mozu half-junk exclaimed, can see the 14th Army can be killed, and now how to accept it?

Even if Qin Qi is extremely strong, but they have more than one army's combat power, still have the upper hand!

"This war, my saints will win, how can they spare their lives, and there are some things, I need to sue inside the family, and contact Demeter to confirm." Hera's half-sacred channel, decisively evacuated .

"This..." Yan Yinxiu did not expect the Mozu to retreat.

In any case, it should not be.

Hera’s half-junction retreats, and the other half of the king naturally does not dare to stay for a long time, and quickly retreats. These magical forces are well-trained and retreat with great rules. If you want to pursue, I am afraid that it will cost a lot.

Moreover, the Terran has no meaning to pursue.

It’s already very good to be able to make it like this. If you counterattack something, don’t dream, then the back is now the territory of the Mozu.

"Retired, what is this way." Qin Qi Emei, is it related to the ancient demon that Hera’s half-june blurted out?

The ancestor king, the **** of Titan, according to the setting of the chaotic era, is indeed the uncle of the demon, but the tyrant of the abyss.

But that's just a game!

"It will not, this system, really has a relationship with the world?" Qin Qi whispered, he had such a conjecture, after all, the game system and the world's cultivation system perfectly fit, this is extremely amazing, it is hard to believe that coincidence.

Coupled with the system can be changed, similar to the treasure, it is even more suspicion of Qin Qi.

But for a long time, there is no evidence to prove this, Qin Qi will not care.

Now, I can't help but think about it.

"This time, I really want to thank you for your help. Otherwise, this 14th Army Corps, I am afraid I will be playing in my hands." Yan Yinxiu said, very grateful, there is a kind of luck for the rest of his life.

Qin Qi heard the words and retracted his thoughts. He smiled slightly: "It’s all human races. At this time, it’s time to help each other, without thanking you."

This Yin Yinxiu, the voice belongs to mature women, quite beautiful, but the person is a 12-year-old little sister. These contrasts are hard to care about.

Qin Qi was extra curious, and Yin Yinxiu was not taken over by anyone, otherwise how could this be?

Yan Yinxiu was looked at by Qin Qi, and his eyes couldn’t help but shake a few times.

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