God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1086: If the miracle has a name

The first thousand and eighty-six chapters if the miracle has a name

"Little brother, you are so powerful. I knew this way. Even if my sister is fighting with the guys who are going to fight with the army, I will pull you to our 14th Army!" Gu drunk winter ran over, haha ​​smiled, a slap After Qin Qi’s neck, a large piece of soft bullets was directly pressed against Qin Qi.

Desperate life, how to cover up the excitement, the entire army is excited.

"Little brother, I tell you, don't ask the head of the age and physical condition, otherwise she will worry." Gu drunk winter whispered in the Qin Qi ear.

"Drunk winter, not rude, he is now the deputy head of the army, but your sir!"

Gu drunk winter spit out his tongue, but did not dare not listen to Yin Xiu, and quickly stood up, gave Qin Qi a military ceremony.

Qin Qi nodded, his eyes turned to the battlefield in the distance, could not help but frown.

There, you can see a very brave army and another legion full of the Holy Light. The rest are followed by several powerful regiments, linking all Terran troops and fighting the Magic. The entire battlefield is like a twist. In the meat farm, there are always soldiers who die, extremely fierce.

"That is the light legion of the First Army and the Holy King. It is the banner of all the regiments. If they are not, they can't resist the magic army." Yan Yinxiu said, the situation on the battlefield has become more and more difficult.

Qin Qi nodded, such a battle, it is indeed very difficult, and Qin Qi can also see that the commander of the Mozu side is above the Terran, the mastery of the overall situation is more excellent, with soldiers like God, is a little bit Dismember the power of the Terran army.

I didn't expect the Mozu to have such a powerful commander!

At this moment, Qin Qi suddenly had an induction and quickly looked up.

Above the Scorpio, there is horror to the indescribable electric light that is beating, even if it is far apart, but the scent of destruction still makes people feel guilty, as if the light has passed, the order will be rebuilt.

That is the strongest family from the Tianyuan 12 clan, the power of Zeus!

Then, in the sky, there is blood falling, crystal clear, full of the majesty of the saints, every drop is terrible to the extreme.

That is the blood of the Holy Blood, the blood of Wu Sheng!

Someone is martial, and is smashed!

"How come!" Yan Yinxiu exclaimed, is the Terran Saint, is it lost?

"Kill!" A demon whistle, the Legion Wars also split the victory and defeat at this time, in the magic army, there has been an invincible division, like a sword, straight into the Terran army, invincible.

Where is this legion?

"The Mozu Guards Corps, the corps of the Demon Commander, how can they leave the commander and rush into the battlefield, is it that the Mozu commander actually joined the battle in person?" Yan Yinxiu's face turned pale.

"This battle is my saint's victory!" The Mozu commander rushed to the forefront, no one can stop, she is a woman with both heroic and noble, it is too special, and has a unique temperament.

There are mountains and rivers in the chest, and the overall situation is in the grip. As a commander of the demon army, she should take the overall situation. At this moment, she has rushed to the forefront. What kind of confidence she is confident about herself, whether it is force or wisdom!

Really, what you are!

Her power does not require any words to modify, because her clan is the best interpretation of her power!

Athena, three words, is enough to explain everything, because this is a symbol of war and wisdom!

It is capable of commanding all the demons and coordinating the power of the twelve clan, and only Athena can do it.

On the top of the Scorpio, the Wu Shengqiang was defeated by the Mozu, and even Wu Sheng had been torn and bloodshed.

Under the scorpio, the Terran Legion retreated, and the First Corps joined forces with the Light Legion, and failed to stop the Athena that was invincible.

Terran, lost!

Qin Qi clenched his teeth tightly, but even in this battlefield, Wu Sheng was dead. What he could do was too little. He couldn’t control anything.

Next, it is to see that Yiqiu Guan, can resist this mighty magic army, but I am afraid, but also hope.


The Terran Commander can only issue orders for retreat. Even if the military laws are like God, they are already unable to return to heaven.

"Retreat to the autumn, regroup, maybe there is still the possibility of a war!" Yan Yinxiu sighed, this battle has been unable to fight, continue to fight, will only increase casualties.

Only relying on Yiqiu Guan, as soon as possible to rest, may also find opportunities to fight again.

However, the hope is too small, the big defeat today, the morale has completely fallen, the image of the unbeatable force of the Magic Army has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Who can think that the demons and the two tribes have been playing at the border for tens of thousands of years, and the devils have never been able to cross the border. I thought that the human race would be weaker and not too much.

I did not expect that the real full-scale war, less than two days, has to retreat.

This retreat, I am afraid it will be hard to win.

"Qin Qi, retreat." Yan Yinxiu said.

Qin Qi did not answer, just looking at the memory of Qiu Guan, the look was extremely shocked.

"What's wrong?" Yan Yinxiu frowned.

"Someone is coming." Qin Qidao, the dawn is very complicated.

"Someone is coming?" Yan Yinxiu was amazed. The support of Qiuguanuan has always been there. People, like ants, have come out of their nests, but they have not changed the battle. The big summer will be dumped and irreparable.

However, what Yin Yinxiu knows, Qin Qi must also know, Qin Qi this time, why?

Who is it?

Between the autumn gate and the main battlefield, above the chaotic sky, the raging power can smash the ten-star Wu Zun, but at this moment, there is a person walking on it, step by step, and head to the main battlefield.

He walked very easily and was very freehand. It seemed that the terrible forces around him did not exist, and even the clothes that he picked up could not be done.

He is very young, rich in spirits like jade, a pair of scorpions, there are statues of worshipping the heavens, and there are also the scenes of the ups and downs of the sea, the kind of dignity, the majesty, the impulse to worship.

Recalling the autumn, a girl looks at the battlefield. She is not so high, so she can't see anything, let alone the main battlefield.

But she still stared in one direction, the direction the man was heading.

She is very ordinary, although it is not good-looking, but it is not with the beauty, it is a very ordinary girl, but her eyes are very bright!

She fixedly looked as if she could see the man, the man who was destined to shake the world and is about to shake the world.

"You are a big hero, let the people of the world know your name!" The girl pinched her hand and firmly put it in her heart.

She is proud and proud of that man!

In the main battlefield, the Terran retreats and can only retreat, but even after the First Army and the Guangming Legion, there is still some support, and I am afraid that there will be countless bones on the way to retreat.

The soldiers bathed in blood, watching the comrades continually die, and their hearts were mournful. Who can save them and lead them to victory?

Does such a person exist, and if it exists, it must be a miracle!

"Well?" Qing Litian Athena suddenly felt something, slammed to stop, and looked at the Terran.

The weather over there has changed!

A person, step by step disillusioned, almost instantly, has come to the battlefield, standing before all Terran!

"The warriors of the Terran, aim your weapons at these magical creatures. You don't have to doubt, you don't have to be sad, you don't have to be timid. In this battle, my race will win!"

"Because, I, Ye Liangchen, already!"

The madness to the ultimate voice, the look of self-sufficiency to the apex, but because of the burning flame of the eyebrow, no one can question.

That is the fire of the Terran, burning!

At this moment, all the Terran warriors feel that the blood in the body is boiling, and the inexhaustible power of the source is constantly coming.

The defeated defeat suddenly disappeared, leaving only the belief that must win!

In this battle, the Terran will win, because the miracle has already appeared.

If the miracle has a name, it must be Ye Liangchen!

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