God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1559: The mystery of the gods at dusk

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-nine chapters of the mystery of the dusk

"It is true", Qin Qi nodded, he knew the reasons for the disappearance of the past strong, are related to the outside world, not to explore the world, is to prepare to face the strong outside.

The gods at dusk alone, the real chapters that were consulted before were not mentioned, and I am afraid that the events in the past are not for the same reason.

It is true that it is true. After all, Qin Qi returned to 100,000 years ago and saw the taboo female emperor sent the gods away.

This is not because the gods voluntarily leave, but the female emperor is forced.

Not to mention that the female emperor can actually do this kind of thing. To say that the incident itself is necessarily a secret, and it is of great importance.

"You know where the gods are in the world, who is the world?" Prometheus smiled.

Whose world?

Qin Qi’s eyes are slightly stunned. Is that also an independent small world, used by the taboo female emperor to detain the gods?

"Not going to be Devadado?" Qin Qi swallowed.

At the beginning, the bright king of the king clothed the chess game, and finally reversed the small six roads, opened the door of the outside world, and wanted to welcome the gods through the other side of the bridge.

Obviously, the existence of Huang Quan is not meaningless. I am afraid that that boundary is connected with Huang Quan.

And the world connected with Huang Quan, do not need to think too much, I am afraid that anyone who knows the name of Devadado will know that it is the land!

Huang Quan is connected to the local government. After the six reincarnations, he lives in the local government. That is the pursuit of Devadado.

However, how can the world of Devadado be used by the taboo female emperor?

"You guessed it right, that world is the land, and only there, you can lock the gods." Prometheus flashed through the eyes.

Qin Qi sighed with a sigh of relief and immediately asked, "Where is the dynasty, is it in that world?"

It seems that there is no mention of the goddess of fire of the Podado, or is it that only Devadado did not pass back the fire?

"I don't know this." Prometheus shook his head. "I don't know what the appointment between Devadado and the female emperor, but the land government has indeed become a trap for the gods."

“Why do you do this?” Qin Qi said.

"This is the key!" Prometheus looked condensed. "The land was used by the female emperor and turned into a barrier to the world of heaven, and the gods were slaves in the barrier!"

"Block! Slaves?" Qin Qi was shocked.

These two words, no matter which one, are shocking.

"100,000 years ago, the world was shattered. You should know this, but you can know the cause of the destruction?" Prometheus asked.

Qin Qi doesn't know, but how many can guess something, "In another invasion?"

"No, it's not like this. This time it's not the outside world, but the heavens!" Prometheus slowly said, even if he said this fact, he couldn't help but take a breath.

"What?" Qin Qi really jumped up.

He knows the existence of the outer world, and knows that there are also the existence of the heavens and the world outside the outer world, and even stronger than the outer world. In the heavens and the world, it is not the topmost world.

But why did not think that a world of Tianyuan can attract the attention of all circles.

The outside world will gaze at the Tianyuan world. That is because the black gods have met the strong powers in the dark side of the world. This is a coincidence.

What about this time?

"The creatures of the heavens and the realm must invade the heavenly world?" Qin Qi cried in an incredible way.

Prometheus shook his head and said: "I think it may not be the case. In fact, it was intentional or unintentional that the big shattered, and I am not sure."

"What I know is that 100,000 years ago, in the universe where all the worlds existed, there was an unprecedented time and space fission. This fission has affected all the world nodes of the heavens and the world, and even made each other Connected!"

"Original, such fission will not affect our Tianyuan world, but because of the internal disturbance of the Jinwu people, it has inadvertently formed some kind of opportunity."

"A crack, appearing in the world of Tianyuan, is equivalent to the world of Tianyuan, which was originally unknown. For the first time, it was completely exposed to the eyes of the heavens!"

"The opportunity?" Qin Qi was shocked, the opportunity caused by the civil disturbance of the Jinwu people?

One hundred thousand years ago, Qin Qi saw a red fireball and two fireballs passing by. It was the last two strong men of the Jinwu nationality. Among them, the white gold, the power was even more earned.

Their battles have spurred the power of time and space to cause fissures, leading to the emergence of cracks?

"Isn't that finished?" Qin Qi is unbelievable.

The essence of civilization is war and plunder. Even if some worlds are constrained, they will not be easily shot, but the world similar to the outside world is never a minority.

A different world can't compete, let alone other worlds.

"So 100,000 years ago, the Tianyuan world will be greatly shattered, almost completely ruined?" Qin Qi sighed with relief, did not expect this is the case.

"Not like this." Prometheus shook his head.

"..." Qin Qi was speechless, and he never guessed again, let Prometheus say it himself.

"The great destruction of the Tianyuan world is due to the emergence of time and space cracks, even if it is only a small one, it is not a world that Tianyuan can carry, and it is inevitable that it will be destroyed." Prometheus said.

Qin Qi's eyebrows couldn't help but say: "I don't want you to say that I used to return to the 100,000 years ago by the power of time. The great destruction did not happen immediately. After that, the whole world gradually declined and eventually appeared."

Prometheus did not seem to be surprised by what Qin Qi said. He smiled and said: "This is exactly what I want to say next. As I said before, I don't know whether the occurrence of time and space cracks is intentional or unintentional. Because there are things that are hard to explain."

"The key to sending the goddess to the gods is actually the appearance of the egg of cause and effect. The timing of the appearance can be said to be just right, just the crack has just formed!"

"The egg of cause and effect is the only fruit of the great world that was born in the Great World 100,000 years ago. There is no doubt that it is the strongest force!"

"Because of its emergence, whether it is the strong man who is in the limelight, or the guy who has been hiding for a long time, they have fought for it. The gods of Tianyuan world have risen together, and the female emperor took the opportunity to send them all to the land. Among them."

"At that time, the land government has been attached to the power of time. The whole world is similar to the peak of Zeus, and even time will never pass."

"And the female emperor, before the land was blocked by the land, the gods became slaves. In this endless years, the Tianyuan continent resisted the terror power transmitted from the rift!"

"Those are the powers from different worlds, that is, the gods can't bear it. It can be said that the land really became their purgatory, and they can't see the end at all, and eternal life is suffering."

Prometheus slowly said that the sound was difficult to calm, excited, admirable, and unbelievable.

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