God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1560: you sing

The first thousand five hundred and sixty chapters of you, singing

It is no wonder that Zeus hates the taboo female emperor. It is because of this. It seems that the gods in the land are afraid of being an attitude towards the female emperor.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and digested it for a while before he calmed down. The unforgiving female imperial concubine was too amazing.

Can these two people do this?

Take the gods as slaves.

Listening makes people excited!

This is the real hegemony. Compared with this, Qin Qi is simply a pediatrician.

However, the doubts are still heavy, as Prometheus said, he does not know all, and what he said is only what he saw.

"So, what about the female emperor?" Qin Qi asked in a hurry.

Prometheus looked at somewhere under the mountain. Qin Qi noticed his gaze and was shocked.

Prometheus is looking at it, it is Emperor Ji!

She is really related to the taboo female emperor!

"The female emperor has passed away." Prometheus regained his gaze, and some difficult roads seemed to be as heavy as Taishan, making it difficult for him to speak.


"That is the crack caused by the fission of time and space. The entire Tianyuan continent cannot carry it. If you want to block it, is it a simple land?"

"The crack is barely sealed at the expense of the life of the female emperor. Otherwise, a land government is to cooperate with the gods, and it is impossible to resist the constant penetration of the cracks!"


Qin Qi was difficult to accept at one time, and the imperial female emperor had no one in the world. Qin Qi listened to his legend from the beginning of cultivation, but still only looks at her back.

Moreover, they are all vain, and they are not really cut.

Such a myth has already passed away?

Qin Qi can't imagine this kind of thing, and, forbidden the female emperor, will she do this?

Qin Qi did not understand her, but she always felt that if she was the female emperor, even if she died in the dead, she would also face the heavens. The feat of the physical barrier was admirable, but it was not her character.

"Why did the female emperor choose this way, I don't know, but she did die. The woman you brought is the soul of the female emperor."

Prometheus dropped a blockbuster.

Qin Qi knows that Emperor Ji is related to the female emperor, but she can't think of it anyway. It turns out to be a goddess of the female emperor!

"So, with Emperor Ji, is there a chance to resurrect the female emperor?" Qin Qi couldn't help but scream, his first thought was this.

Such a stunning female emperor, the first talent since the ages, has passed away, and it is unacceptable.

"The female emperor has already squandered everything. Although this spirit is derived from her, she has no connection with her. At that time, the female emperor who had obtained the cause and effect of the egg, it is not difficult to break this cause and effect." Prometheus shake Shake his head.

The Qin Qi 瞳 hole shrinks, the relationship between the emperor and the female emperor, like Meng Yu and the immortal, has already broken the cause and effect, there is no connection.

Just why do you want to do this.

The taboo female emperor is the only one who is suspected of successfully resurrecting others. Why does she, herself, cut off everything and cut off the chance of rebirth?

Didn't she succeed?

Qin Qi was sinking in his heart, and then he shook his head. No matter what, he had to try it. He must find Fu Caixuan back!

"The female emperor sealed the crack, and the gods together with the land government resisted the infiltration of the force from time to time in the crack. It looked perfect, but the power of time and space fission still surpassed the imagination."

"It’s just that the power transmitted by the female emperor before the crack was sealed is enough to make the Tianyuan continent gradually disintegrate. Eventually, the great shattering began."

"But fortunately, not the world is completely shattered, the seeds of hope have been left behind, and the prosperity of 100,000 years has revived the prosperity."

And this is the truth of the twilight of the gods that Prometheus knows.

There are still many mysteries left unsolved. I don’t know if the appearance of the gods at dusk is helpless or intentional.

I don't know why the female emperor chose this way.

I don't know the crack, at the dawn of the gods, otherwise it will reopen.

There are too many unknowns.

The reason why he told Qin Qi now is because he has foreseen that the dawn of the gods cannot be stopped, and the gods will return.

"The previous gods and fires were the forces that the gods prepared to return." Prometheus said.

Qin Qi heard the words, and the light suddenly flashed.

From the very beginning, he felt that there was a problem with the gods, and similarly, he was so thoughtless when he was in the same year, so he did not want to use it.

Only forced to help, was handed over to Jiang Xueting.

After that, Qin Qi killed a lot of the existence of the gods, but the gods and fires disappeared, and Qin Qi could not recover it.

"I think, in addition to the other side of the bridge, the world can be together with the land, and only the outer world of the virtual world outside the domain, these gods of fire, accumulated power for ten years, want to come to the door of the alien." Prometheus Hughes Road.

He is the strongest prophet, and he "sees" to see something.

Qin Qi nodded, but it was not unexpected. He knew that the holy thousand is in the extraterrestrial starry sky. The purpose is to be the door of different degrees.

The contrast between the two is to confirm the previous ideas, and I am afraid that the progress of the Holy Spirit is smooth.

Prometheus wants to tell Qin Qi, and that's it. As for others, if Qin Qi has doubts, he will naturally answer, but there is no need to pull Qin Qi to say.

"Next, I will go to the outside of the field, the gods can not stop and there is nothing to do, the big deal can not be destroyed!" Qin Qi cold road.

Prometheus smiled, and the pair of wise eyes seemed to see something again.

"Right, since you are the strongest prophet, help me to calculate where the Dragon God debris is, is it in Long Island?" Qin Qi asked, take this opportunity to make sure.

Want to meet the gods, the dragon in his hands does not improve the tears of the gods.

Prometheus nodded and said one side: "The Dragon Sword is the inheritor of the Dragon God. It reaches the limit in the hands of the strongest dragon god, and ranks among the supreme artifacts."

"Later, the dragon **** lost to the dragon pulse, this sword was obtained by the dragon vein. After ten thousand years of warming and tempering, the dragon sword almost reached the peak of the supreme artifact, comparable to the shoulder sword!"

Prometheus said slowly, and there was a flash of light in the middle of the battle.

"This is where the Dragon God is." Prometheus took a hand and appeared dozens of locations, the largest of which was in Long Island.

"Or, then count the tears?" Qin Qi eyes bright, Prometheus's ability to deduct is too strong.

"Tearful tears are the soldiers of the female emperor, taboo artifacts, by me, can not be speculated." Prometheus shook his head.

Qin Qi is not disappointed either. After all, the biggest tears of the day are already in his hands. After that, they only need to find these dragon **** fragments and then forge them.

I believe that by then, the dragon **** tears can be compared with the 诛 剑 sword!

The scene of the fairy swaying with the immortality is still vivid, and Qin Qi is also very yearning for self-improvement.

"Well, this power is also condensed and completed, and I will hand it over to the girl, and there will be unexpected changes in the song of the mermaid." Prometheus smiled.

The strength of the steel giant eagle has been refined, it is a crystal water drop, there is a mysterious rune looming, the high grade, Qin Qi is also difficult to see through the mystery.

This thing will have an effect on Di Ji?

Qin Qi did not suspect that he had collected the mysterious water droplets and left Zeus Peak. He came to the emperor and the sea to listen to his heart.

"Qin... Qin Qi, you are back." Hai listened to his mouth and swallowed his mouth, but he dared not make it in front of Qin Qi.

"you sing."



"Oh, this sings, and this sings."

In the song of the mermaid, Qin Qi put the mysterious water drop into the forehead of Emperor Ji.

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