The first thousand five hundred and ninety-five chapters of the void

The legacy of the void is not an ordinary boundary. It is hard to find, even if it is really found, it is difficult to get in.

The Void Beasts are born with the power of the void, and their advantage over the Nether Avenue, almost no one can surpass, is the top layer of the Void Avenue.

Qin Qi estimates that even if it is the void of the sword, striding forward on the void road, mastering the word "yu" is also difficult to compare with the power of the void beast.

Because of this kind of characteristics, it is almost impossible to get into the void.

After all, the first step is to break through the void barrier set by the Void.

That is the strongest virtual road law. How can it break through?

So, as Lin’s roaring month, I wandered in the stars for thousands of years, and I had the privilege of approaching the void, but to enter, I could not do it.

"There is still a void of the beastly queen, who is the invincible strong man, who lived through the endless years, and Lao Tzu speculates that he is probably the king of the world, almost the same as the metamorphosis in the sea." Lin snarled the moon.

The sea listened to the unexpected accident and looked at Lin’s roaring month.

"Little girl, when I was still in the mainland, I went to the East China Sea. Although the East Sea is deep, it is not something I can't see." Lin roared and smiled.

One hundred thousand years ago, when the gods were at dusk, all the strong people were sent to the local government, especially the Yaozu and the Mozu. The loss was heavy, and the Haizu was better, and many of them were proud to save.

"In the world, even the king of God, it seems that it is not enough to see." The sea listened with a bitter smile, watching Qin Qidao.

The human race is much stronger than imagined.

Or, grow too fast, has surpassed other families!

Lynn’s roaring month shook his head.

If the dawn of the gods comes, the party that suffered heavy losses will grow indefinitely, and the Terran, there will be few gods sent to the land, relatively speaking, it will become weak.

Today's great world, led by the Holy Spirit, led the advent of God's temporary generation, it seems that there is no advantage to the Terran, this is not afraid of the Holy Thousand.

Today, the Terran is strong, even though Qin Qi has destroyed nearly a quarter of the Zhongzhou forces headed by the Shengxian Palace, but it is still inferior to the Mozu and the Yaozu.

Especially the top fighting power, has already crushed the demon two.

Whether it is the Emperor City or the first day of the election, although they have not appeared, showing strength, but the combat power can definitely exceed the imagination.

How to say it is stronger than Lynn’s roaring month.

But when the gods dawn, this situation will be broken instantly, especially Zeus, the king of the gods, almost invincible.

So if you can stop it, say what you have to do.

Xiaoxu is a void beast. Although it has been a long time since he left the void, it is not difficult to enter the void.

The blood of the Void beasts is passed on, so that it can go in and out.

The remains of the void are constantly drifting in the deep air, and this time, it meets with the Chaos Xinghai, and can reach at a small and imaginary speed without taking too long.

"The front is, I have already sensed the breath of my hometown!" Xiaoxu rushed through the Chaos Xinghai.

Even the chaotic forces that are raging everywhere can't interfere with its return to the void.

After rushing through a huge nebula, the picture in front of us suddenly changed, no longer a miscellaneous chaos, but a pure night starry sky.

"Where is there?" Qin Qi flashed.

In front of them, it is a normal star field, which is no different from what you have seen before, but how amazing Qin Qi feels, can feel a broken boundary in this starry sky.

The broken boundary is connected with the starry sky, but it is a world. The connection is the most high-level virtual avenue. The ordinary gods are strong, but they are afraid to be aware.

"Nothing." The sea listened to the heart, and with her strength, it was impossible to tell the difference.

In the presence of the scene, only Xiao Xu and Lin Roaring Month can be distinguished, and Mo Ziqi and Yi Xiaoying can be perceived as a god, but they cannot be clarified.

"Don't look at it, go in and say it again." Xiaoxu said, the power of the void that belongs to the void beasts rushed, and they all wrapped them in Qinqi.

Then, he plunged into the broken world.

After a while, they disappeared, and the next moment, has entered the boundary of the world, that is, the ancestral land of the void beast, the void of the void!

"A terrible power of the void!" Qin Qi and so on into the void, the first feeling is to sink.

This piece of heaven and earth, the space is extremely solid, more than ten times more stable than the Tianyuan world.

In the world of Tianyuan, Qin Qi can break the void and even cause large fission and chaos.

But here, you need to really use the power to be able to barely tear the void.

It is worthy of being the ancestral home of the Void.

"It's so heavy." The sea is depressed, the body bends forward and bends slightly.

Obviously, the more stable void here made her bear a lot of pressure, and the proud figure became a burden. It was difficult to adapt to the heavy feeling from the chest.

"Cut, don't guess it!" The donkey was quite dissatisfied.

Although it has grown up, some places have not grown along with their heights. Although they are not as talented as the green radish, they do not see anything.

As for Mo Ziqi and Yi Xiaoying, the realm of Dao Shen is not so close to the sea, and he has adapted to it in an instant.

Of course, the sea listens to it for a while. In the end, it is a strong person close to the true God, and it is not really dragged down by this thick void.

"Is this the void of the void?" Mo Ziqi looked at the world before him and couldn't help but admire.

The remains of the void are an independent small world, with heaven and earth, but there is no flatness on the ground. They are dark cliffs, mountains, towering places, and even pierced the sky.

Even the huge body of the Void is a bird among these steep mountains.

In this mountain, there is fog and swaying, and there is a strong force of the void inside. For the virtual beast, it is a source of strength that can be absorbed, but for others, it is a disaster.

Not strong enough body, or defense treasures, do not dare to shuttle between these smog.

"It looks calm." Lin snarled the moon.

Qin Qi is also Emei.

From the moment he came in, he has already increased his vigilance, and he is trying to prevent the emergence of unexpected situations.

It seems that now, there seems to be nothing special.

"Boss, don't be so nervous, my family's strength is to be idle, then the holy thousand has already come in, but it is not so easy to want to succeed." Xiaoxu laughed, the confidence of the people is self-evident. .

This is also true, this world is afraid that no simple ethnic group can beat the void beast.

"Go, go back to my house and see." Xiaoxu smiled and glared at Qin Qi, and they rushed directly into the endless mountains.

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