God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1596: Void depression

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-six chapters of the void

The Void beast is born with a strong, but because of this, the cost is not small, it is extremely difficult to breed, so the whole void, the number of Voids is not much.

Such as small imaginary, it can be regarded as the younger generation of the void.

I only hope that my family will remember it.

Rushing into the depths of the smog, it feels like it is coming into the Netherstorm, and the pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

People can't help but spit out and grow in such an environment. It's no wonder that the Void is strong.

All the way to the rapid flight, shuttle between the huge mountain between the road, finally, a large area of ​​open space appeared, Qin Qi they rushed out between the mountains, flew into a white.

The area of ​​this white area is very large, and the bottom is full of smog, but it feels like being above the clouds, the scenery is incredibly magnificent.

In the center of these smog smog, a mountain that is bigger than before has risen to the sky, like the king, everything!

This mountain is very special, not a whole piece, but a hollow space in the middle, transparent before and after, far away, like an eye.

There, it is the place where the Voids live - the empty cliffs, no wonder, you can fight this empty area.



It was Qin Qi and Xiao Xu, who changed their look together.

After they rushed into this smog, they felt.

Xiaoxu is the induction from the blood, while Qin Qi is based on the perception of small maps.

there is a problem!

This void is still a problem.

"Be prepared for the battle!" Qin Qi shouted, the body's strength continued to swell, it is already in a state of war.

And Mo Ziqi, etc., have also stimulated the body.

Although they have not yet perceived any danger, since Qin Qi reminded, naturally there is no doubt about him.

"Come!" Qin Qi drinks low.

I saw that in the empty cliff, a black shadow suddenly rushed out, and the speed was almost instantaneous. It came to Qin Qi.


A loud noise is the incomparable space of the void, and it is also split and spreads out.

Qin Qi, one hand turned into a dragon claw, Hengdan was in front, collided with the black shadow, the power suddenly burst out, just the flesh of the flesh, but it has already shown terrible power.

"Void beast?" Lin snarled the moon and frowned, it turned out to be a emptiness beast, and rushed straight to them.

Moreover, silk ignores the existence of small illusory.

"Six elders!" Xiaoxu exclaimed, this emptiness beast knows it, but it is the elder of the emptiness beast family, and lived for a long time.

"Six elders, what are you doing, I am sacred, don't you recognize me?" Xiaoxu quickly called.

This name Qin Qi has no time to vomit, the six elders, the strength can be different, reaching the level of the extraordinary peak of the gods, the physical body is more sturdy, Qin Qi can not easily ignore.

The most important thing is that Qin Qi sensed the breath of the Holy Spirit from the other side.

I am afraid that it is the Holy Spirit that has done it.


The emptiness of the emptiness beast grows up in the sky, and the void is swaying again and again. The circle of cockroaches is constantly spreading, but it is an amazing empty avenue!

"It is controlled, brother, first take it down!" Lin snarled and shouted.

Qin Qi also knows clearly that the other party is the elder of the Void Beast. Qin Qi is naturally impossible to kill. He can only hold it first, and then see if he can help it recover.


Alice appeared, the ice and snow suddenly eagerly cut, the heart of frost, instantly frozen this piece of heaven and earth.


The six elders roared, and the body was frozen, but the empty avenue on it was more intense, and with the heavy space characteristics of the void, the frost heart could not seal it.

The Void Avenue is enough to cut off these forces!


The ice crystals shattered, and the six elders rushed out of the ice, and the giant mouth opened, and they bite into Qinqi.

This is a full-fledged void beast, too big, and the little emptiness of the body is almost swallowed in front of it.

Dragon claw hand!

Qin Qi was helpless, and the nine-color dragon became a dragon claw, which suddenly grew stronger enough to cover the seven elders.

Then, the cockroach is crushed down.

The body of the dragon vein above the peak, the suppression of the supernatural beast of the supernatural god, is not so difficult, at least the physical strength, Qin Qi is still above the void beast.

The six elders squatted again and again, and the empty avenue was raging. The power of Qin Qi was to be separated. It was only in the hands of Qin Qi, the color of bronze was bright, but it was difficult to resist the empty avenue and was constantly suppressed.

Immediately, Qin Qi was even out of his hands and seized it.

"Boss, help out, help it must be controlled by the holy thousand!" Xiaoxu bite his teeth, his eyes are full of anger.

"You can rest assured." Qin Qi blinked, the ghost of the ghost appeared, and several soul chains directly rushed into the minds of the six elders.


However, Qin Qi’s look changed. The six elders had only one body left.

There is no soul in his soul sea, and a blank space is implanted with the will to obey orders.

This is already a weapon.

Qin Qi’s glory and coldness, the Holy Thousand, actually achieved this step.

"excuse me!"

Qin Qi's fingertips, the power of bronze emerged, rushed into the six elders, and sealed all the strength and strength of the body, temporarily losing its combat power.

Immediately, it was sent directly into Huangquan.

"This is..." Lin growled in surprise and looked at Qin Qi.

This kind of power is the power of the other world.

I was actually mastered.

"This kid, what the end is." Lin roared in the heart of doubt.

"Boss, what is the situation?" Xiaoxu asked quickly.

Qin Qi shook his head and said: "The soul of the six elders is no longer in the body. This is just a fighting weapon that still has activity."

"What?" Xiaoxu was shocked, his eyes wide and his blood red.

"St. Thousands, dare to do this to my people, I am going to kill him!" Xiao Xuan snarled, angry.

How can one of my own people be taken away from the soul and become a weapon? How can this be tolerated?

Qin Qi knows the feeling of being small and imaginary. At this moment, naturally, there is nothing to say, "Be calm, don't be stunned by anger."

Although it is possible to reinforce the souls of the six elders, and to turn them into weapons, the means of the holy millennium may have reached an incredible level in this decade.

You must be careful.

However, it is with you to kill.

"I will kill you!" Qin Qi whispered, the dragon **** tears in his hand, the whole person is like a cannonball, directly slammed into the void cliff.


Even the sound of the sound, the earth is moving, but it is the empty cliff, hundreds of shadows rushed out quickly, in an instant, the whole piece of emptiness rioted, the strongest empty avenue, swept out!

These are all empty beasts!

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