God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2066: Cost of coronation

The talent of Bailuo God, although not as good as the appearance of the world, is also rare in the past and present, even those who have already claimed the king, do not dare to say that talent is definitely better than Bailuo.

Of course, if you want to become a king, talent is only part of it.

In the past, the hunting king was not known for his talents. Although it was not a problem, it was obviously worse than other kings.

But he eventually became a king, and all the way, the record is shocking.

He once challenged the diamonds and completed the difficult gram, which really laid the potential for becoming a king!

Today, it is even more devastating to the Black King.

No matter how strong the Hunting King can be in the future, no one can predict it, but it is certain that as long as he recovers from the serious injury left by the Black King, he may be able to match the King of Sand.

A ambition-filled king full of conquest, for the outside world, is definitely a shark that breaks the balance.

Even the black kings have died. How can other kings not have the feeling of dying of rabbits?

Although they will not be as generous as the Black King to die, they will never avoid the war, but death is a word far away from them. From then on, they will once again linger in their hearts.

Outside the world, since the pace of the war has begun, the whole has been calm for a long time, although there is civil strife, but in fact it is only a small fight between diamonds.

For the entire alien world, it is already a peaceful era.

But it is foreseeable that the chaos of the outside world will begin today.

Qin Qi looked at Bailuo, who was promoted into the sky. At this moment, she was surrounded by endless rays. She did not need to use power deliberately, and she could still be suspended in the sky.

It looks like a goddess.

As for Bailuo Shen, he will be crowned at this time. Qin Qi knows that most of them are related to the Black King.

Through the conversion of the net lotus, the black king left the will of the king to the river whisper, and his only daughter is also the girl who perfectly inherits his strength.

But this is not all.

The Black King also shattered all the hidden dangers in Bai Luoshen.

There is a big hidden danger in the body of Bailuo. When she accidentally got the power of the night, she could not suppress it, and she was almost turned into a night worm.

It was only by the Black King that the town was closed at a great price, which was stabilized.

But at that time, the Black King was also coping with the urgency, not comprehensive, there will still be repeated possibilities.

For millions of years, Bailuo has been hiding himself. He did not want to let Black King know what happened to her. Second, he tried to really tame this power.

It was not until after Qin Qi, who swallowed the octagonal seal that was sealed by a thousand feathers, and she finally finished her taming.

But after all, it is the power of the night, and it is still an extremely powerful night locust, which requires the combination of the black king and the thousand feathers to suppress.

Is it so simple that it can be completely used for its own use?

Bailuo God can never be crowned, but also because of this, and the black king, this last hidden danger, directly smashed, Bailuo in front of him, no obstacles.

Bailuo was able to crown, and the price was that he would never forget the Black King.

This is very unequal.

However, there is no reason at all.

Bailuo's achievements are star-studded, power is skyrocketing, and all over the world, her body, surrounded by the laws of heaven and earth, has already ignited the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth.

Just after the coronation, there is such a momentum, the strength of Bailuo at the moment is bound to be on the diamond valley.

Even, it can be stronger than looking!

"It's so strong, Xingyao is really strong. Now, I still have some difficulties in getting on the stars." Qin Qi felt the power of Bailuo, and whispered in his heart.

With Qin Qi’s current combat power, if he goes all out, he has the opportunity to defeat the Ghost Valley drill, but it is not easy to kill.

Xing Yao is not better than Wang Hao, but it is also a crown. As long as one heart escapes, it is still difficult to kill.

Qin Qi wants to enter this realm by killing the glory. It is very difficult.

For the sake of the present, I am still familiar with the anti-Kunlun that has just been sublimated, in order to enhance the combat power.

The vision caused by Bailuo slowly converges, and she herself has fallen. If there are countless brilliances in the gods, it is beautiful and beautiful.

At the same time, there is the majesty of the stars.

Even if it is not the first sight of the stunning, Qin Qi still can not help but some lost.

This is the first beauty in the world, it is not so simple to be able to calm down, Qin Qi is no exception.

However, Qin Qi did not reveal the ugly state. After all, the empress of the night, did not lose to Bailuo.

How much is still somewhat resistant.

“What do you want to say?” Bai Luoshen smiled shallowly.

Qin Qi shook his head and smiled: "Forget it, don't care about those, what are your plans for the future?"

"I used to look forward to leaving the island, but after I really left, I found that I was doing nothing. Now, I have recovered my identity and gained more attention, and I am even more uncomfortable." Bai Luo Shen slowly said, looking into the distance.

"You have to leave the outside world?" Qin Qi heard something.

"Well, I really want to go out and see, in fact, I don't want you to say that the world of flowers is the first world I went to, the completely strange world, it is really interesting."

"Unfortunately, the last time was too hasty, too late to go around and go shopping." Bailuo Shinto.

"Now you are already a star, you are so identifiable, where can you go?" Qin Qidao.

With the charm of Bailuo, no matter which world, you are free to go, absolutely no one will be embarrassing her.

"I will go later, now, I can't go." Bailuo Shinto.

Qin Qi nodded.

Bailuo is obviously planning to protect Jiang’s whispers, and he does not want the black palace to go down.

And there is Bailuo God, and it is already the starry spirit of Bailuo, no matter what, at least can slow down the decline of the Black Palace.

As for whether it can be reversed, it is difficult to say.

The foundation of a king, no one will not be hot, the kings have their own responsibility as a king, by then, it is impossible to look at the face of Bailuo, but indifferent to such a fat.

After all, no one wants to follow the black king's footsteps.

And only by being strong, can you avoid that ending.

"Don't say me, it's you, what are you going to do next?" Bailuo asked.

Qin Qike still has a big trouble, and Tang Sinuo is still sleeping in the world of Huangquan!

"First go back to the emperor country, others, take a step and see one step." Qin Qi smiled and then asked: "How is the emperor country now?"

"It's not bad, and no one wants you to leave and start," Tang Sinuo said.

Qin Qi nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

Although there is a world of flowers to retreat, Honglian should not be in danger. At most, they lose the emperor's kingdom, and as long as Qin Qi returns, he can recover it in an instant. It's just a good way to save this process.

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