God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2067: Night is full of dawn

"In fact, no one wants to shoot, but the emperor's kingdom has been taken care of." Bailuo Shinto.

"Who cares?" Qin Qi a glimpse.

"The girl lying in your little world", Bai Luoshen smiled.

Qin Qi stunned, I don't know what to say.

"But she did this, and most of them made Xu Lian even more determined to use your determination." Bai Luo Shen sighed.

Of course, these things have passed and it is not helpful.

"You go back, I am here alone," Bai Luoshen whispered.

"Good," Qin Qi nodded and left with green radish.

The white Luo Shen is standing on the eve of the cliff, looking at the horizon, and stood up for the night.

The night is full of dawn, on the other side of the eve, there is a rising sun, and the sky is red and the fire is half.

Bathed in the morning sun, Bailuo seems to be more beautiful.

The next moment, Bai Luo Shen disappeared here.

She did not wait for the sunset that she liked the most, but instead went in the middle of the morning glow.

This time, she will never return here again.

Let everything be buried here.

Bailuo God does not know where to go, but there is no doubt that he will always pay attention to the Black Palace.

Today, she is no longer a vase, but has the existence of a starry martial force, which requires more attention from all parties.

Xing Yaozhen is not strong relative to Wang Shuo, but not all the stars can be ignored.

At least the existence of a thousand feathers, although it is a king, but the combat power is comparable to the king, but the black king is willing to cooperate with it, equal existence.

And no matter how strong Bailuo God is, no one knows that she has the power to crown the stars. For millions of years, if the power of the night is still lacking, she must have already won the star.

Nowadays, the imperfections are all gone, the perfect crowning, and the nature is far stronger than the normal crowning.

Do not say Bailuo God, Qin Qi and Green Luo quickly returned to the emperor country.

In the days when Qin Qi left, he received the photo of the Fire Palace, and the Emperor’s Kingdom was not hit by the rest of the forces.

However, the emperor's kingdom did not continue to expand, but instead digested the income before, and now the internals have basically stabilized.

Of course, it is impossible to be completely stable. After all, it is dominated by people from different worlds, and it is still difficult for people to unite.

But this is enough. Qin Qi does not need the people at the bottom to die. As long as he is invincible and does not break the territory, these problems will naturally be washed away.

Back to the national capital of the emperor's kingdom, Qin Qi saw Yu Botao and Tao Er.

Taoer is a symbol of the bright face, and Sheng Bo Bo Tao, it is necessary to deal with the national government, so both of them are in the country, get the news of Qin Qi's return, and they rushed over.

As for Wenyangyue, Honglian, etc., they are guarded or cultivated in various places, so they are not in the country.

Of course, the return of Qin Qi at this moment is the first major event of the emperor's kingdom. After they get the news, they will gather here soon.

It is more open than ever since, and Qin Qi must also seize the opportunity.

"Isn't this one of your confidantes, brought back from the blue star?" The peach saw the green radish and couldn't help but be surprised.

Although the two did not have much intersection, they still knew each other's existence.

And Taoer obviously likes green radish very much. It may be that the current green radish is not a normal person. It can be used as a tree, and peach is a peach tree.

The two of them met each other somewhat, and soon they talked about it together, and Qin Qi learned about the specific situation of the country from Yu Botao.

In general, development can be rapid, and some problems can be solved by them.

The return of Qin Qi, the biggest problem of the emperor's kingdom has been alleviated, that is, the lack of high-end combat power.

At least now, the emperor country also has a diamond to sit down.

After that, Hong Lian and others also returned from the outside. When they saw Qin Qi’s peace, they naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

After each of them greeted, the high-level meeting of the Emperor Kingdom was followed.

The death of the Black King has not yet come out. Everything about the Xi Cliff has only been circulated between the top forces of the outer world.

There is no relevant source of information for the emperor.

In their impression, today, the Black King Palace and the Fire Palace will unite and become a stronger alliance.

So after hearing the real situation, they all opened their mouths and couldn’t believe it.

"The black king has already been squatting, even the black king scorpion has died. Is this happening?" Liu Yefei was shocked. If Qin Qi did not inform the incident, he would absolutely not believe it.

The black king is at its peak, who can kill him?

"It seems that the status of the school in the outside world will be upgraded again, and it is bound to be a storm."

The Hunting King is the representative of the academic school. He killed the Black King and naturally represented the further rise of the academic school.

In contrast, the alien family may be starting to decline, the black king is falling, the fire king is old, and the two kings represent the ultimate palace of the family.

There is no doubt that the outside world will be chaotic, and one is not handled properly, that is the beginning of a big reshuffle.

In the troubled times, some squatting generations will rise. For any aspiring strong, the troubled world is the best stage. If you can't, you can fly to the sky!

And the emperor country must also seize this opportunity.

"The black king Yu Wei is still there, and out of respect for the generation of Wang Hao, the major forces will never be in trouble immediately, but in contrast, those forces underneath should soon begin to test." Yu Botao calmed down and then sank Channel.

"So we should have a bad day." Liu Yefei also nodded.

"No problem, if anyone reaches out, it can just be an excuse to send troops!" Honglian faintly, full of war.

She recently reorganized the Wolf Legion, and each soldier's strength far exceeds that of Tianyuan World. However, if he wants to be an arm, he still needs war to temper.

And she is already impatient.

For the war women, it is the home to lead the war.

"Honglian adults said it is good, but there is still a problem, which is the question of which side to stand on." Killing love slowly.

Even in a troubled world, there must be a team, whether it is true or not, at least it needs to show a tendency.

Otherwise, a new force, how can not grow alone, with the suppression of the three parties.

The emperor's kingdom, such a title, naturally prefers the family.

However, the family's future days are afraid of being difficult, and Qin Qi has the status of an academic school, but it can be inclined to the academic school headed by Hunting King.

This will be the fastest growing faction in the future.

But even then, the decision still needs Qin Qi to come down, and the rest of the people can just follow the direction of Qin Qi.

"The family." Qin Qi did not hesitate, direct.

Everyone looks different, some people are worried about the color, and some people nod their heads, but no matter what, since Qin Qi has made a decision, then they just need to do it. Whether this decision is correct or not is not the scope of their concern.

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