God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2257: mutation

Qin Qi’s auction did indeed offend too many people.

If there is not a shy flower, and Solomon and Shenfeng Temple suddenly enter the market, and intervene in it, Qin Qi is indeed difficult to confuse.

But even without the hatred of the past, Qin Qi, now a super fragrant, with the treasures he got, is enough for the strongest to face his face.

Qin Qi’s current situation is no more secure than before.

Of course, my heart is scrupulous. At this moment, no one is shooting, and I want to go to the dark.

For the various dangers that may arise next, I don’t know if Qin Qi can withstand it.

However, while paying attention to Qin Qi, many people have attracted attention at the moment.

The first **** is coming!

In this auction site, it is not only the local strongmen, but many people who are called, also heard the news.

In the past year or so, they have successfully integrated into the Tao. Although they did not get the Eight Gods, but the harvest is not small, this time, of course, is the first **** to hide.

The same people who are called, they also want to see where Qin Qi is sacred, dare to provoke so many giants.

Such a feat, even if it has already got the number of the Eight Gods, does not dare to do it.

Looking down all the way, what Qin Qi’s actions did make them feel shocked. In the midst of the power of the Big Mac, they dared to extort and swindle. It was really daring.

But at this moment, I don’t care what Qin Qi is. After all, I can see from the jade card that the first **** is already arriving here.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or something else. The destination of the first **** is also this area.

Everyone knows that the first **** is of great significance and is related to the layout of the undead sage. After all, after the first **** has possessed the Lord, the plan of the undead esteem will enter the next stage.

I am afraid that it will affect the entire road.

"Oh, suddenly accelerated, faster than expected!" Suddenly, the callee whispered, and the mark displayed in the jade card was approaching quickly.

This is the speed that has never been seen before.

"It's already here!" Qin Qi is also a look, this is much faster than expected, and the arrival of the first gods, according to the distance calculation, is the city that does not fall.

The first gods will appear in the city of no fall?

Realizing this, the person who is present can no longer hide, and he has to leave and rush to the city where he is not falling. After all, he has got the first god, that is, a metamorphosis, and he can definitely rewrite life.

The rest of the strong, although it does not dare to touch the Eight Gods hiding, but the situation will be extremely chaotic after a while, perhaps you can take the opportunity to attack Qin Qi.

In short, at this moment, many people are thinking and turning, and they have been skillful and only wait for the situation to change.

The first gods have touched the attention of too many people. Not only those people present, but also some of the people who are called, even those who have received other gods, will probably come.

No one knows what will happen next.

"Who is the first god, who will it be?" Tianzhu whispered.

She didn't have any movements, just watching it quietly. After all, she will come over this time, not for Jin Qinsheng, but for the first god.

She wants to know who got the first god, after all, this is related to the plan of the undead.

Even though, she doesn't know what she wants to do now, but every thought of immortality will affect the undead palace, and she wants to ignore it.

Not only the Scorpio, but other representatives such as Zhangjia, the Temple of Fire, the Imperial City, and Solomon, are also the look of change.

The first **** is hiding.

It has been shuttled for no more than a year, this time, will eventually find the owner.

No, they should not pay attention.

"The first **** hides, the city that does not fall..." Among the crowd, a plain-looking woman whispers.

She was too ugly, no one noticed her existence, even the Qin 36's 36-fold perception method, she did not notice her.

However, if it is seen by the naked eye, Qin Qi will find that she is the woman who came to see him with Mu Zhou.

She also came to join in the fun.

But Mu Zhou is not there.

"I always feel that something is wrong. It seems that it is right to let the little fish and the boat return to the group hall in advance," he said.

That ordinary woman is a shame.

For some considerations, she let Ye Shenyu and Mu Zhou return to the group, only she is here.

It seems to be right now.

This place is only afraid of some unexpected situations.

"The first **** is not dead... it falls to the city that does not fall." Qin Qi is also the heart of electricity.

In fact, he now has more knowledge than anyone present. Even if he is shameful, the use of Yu Lingling cannot be compared with Qin Qi.

Different Kunlun people can't do anything, count the power, and win the world!

And different Kunlun, has sorted out some strange clues from various related materials.

Da Yan’s city of no fall has a long history. It used to be a real giant city to fight against heterogeneous invasions. It is one of the great barriers of mankind.

This point has been understood before Qin Qi.

However, after numerous wars between humans and aliens, the pattern of the Tao has gradually stabilized, and the city of no fall is no longer a barrier to humanity.

Even with the vast territory behind the city that did not fall, it was isolated because of the numerous wars that broke down, and the wars in the battlefield began from that time.

Qin Qi used to think that the battlefield was a special geographical location, so it would be out of touch with the outside world.

But now it is known that the geographical location of the battlefield is not naturally formed, but because of the unimaginable terrorist war, those dangerous places are artificially scorpio.

Of course, these are all relevant records, the most important thing is the city that does not fall.

The reason why this majestic can stand still, in the past a long period of collapse, as the gateway to the human domain, is because the city has a treasure.

Immortal protection!

It is the power of absolute defense. It is because of this heavy guardian that the city that is not falling is crowned with this name.

However, later, the immortal protection was overwhelmed, and eventually it was fragmented. It was also the battle that would be artificially cut off from the battlefield, and the power of changing the appearance of the mountains and rivers would be chilling.

That battle, affecting the entire road, the loss of both sides is difficult to estimate, and in the end, they can only succumb to each other, delineate the territory, and recuperate.

The city that lost the immortal protection, naturally, did not have the glory of the past. Now, it has been a long time since it has come, and it has not disappeared. It is not easy.

But now, it’s just a coincidence that it’s not a dead city that has never been protected by immortality.

Qin Qi can be somewhat unbelievable.

And as if in response to Qin Qi's thinking, when the people have not yet acted, this piece of land suddenly began to vibrate violently.

"Look at the sky!" someone exclaimed.

Everyone noticed that something was wrong and rushed to the sky. I don’t know when, the dense black chain has blocked the entire sky.

Everyone's look changed, and the instinct felt the threat.

Qin Qi, his face is even more unsightly.

Because his power is connected to the ground, and at this moment, he perceives the depths of the earth, and is also covered with this dark chain. This is, the cage!

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