God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2258: Fallen

what happened!

This sudden change made everyone shocked and didn’t know what happened.

Everything came too fast, and when it was discovered, even the strongest of the heavens was already trapped in this cage.

The dark chain, each chain is as big as a mountain, Hengdan is above the sky, heavy and incomparable, human beings can only be considered small in front of them.

Such a huge chain, the sky is blocked, the scene is really shocking.

But how can such a change hold everyone?

This is not a little change.

"Go out and say it again!" Shi Bingmu frowned, no matter what happened, but the sense of uneasiness in his heart was not fake. What might happen next is not a good thing.

Of course, you have to leave and say.

When Shi Bingmu was on the body, the dim and darkness of the breath suddenly sprang up, and a huge bone bird appeared, which was his martial art.

The power of the heavens emerged, and when Shi Bingmu waved his hand, he rolled up all the people, and then went straight into the sky.

He has to go through these strange dark chains and rush to the outside of this world.

It’s not just Shi Bingmu. In fact, all the big powers feel uneasy, almost simultaneously stimulating power and rushing outside the chain.

With their strength, they can be crossed almost instantly, and the cages are bigger and they can’t stand them.

The strongest of the heavens fled, and the other strong ones also shook their strengths. They were ready to escape and say that the scene was incomprehensible and the shouts were heard.

Qin Qi’s face sank, and of course he didn’t want to stay here.

However, the chaotic crowd suddenly quieted down.

"What's the matter!" Qin Qi's uneasiness in his heart rose in vain, and immediately he looked at the sky, and the pupil suddenly contracted.

Full of blood and blood!


Qin Qi couldn't help but retreat two steps and his face was pale.

The sky is all blood.

Above those dark chains, they have been soaked with bright red blood, and blood is dripping.

Not just Qin Qi, everyone else who saw this scene felt a tingling scalp and cold hair.

That is, the blood of the strong heavens!

"Shi Bingmu?" Qin Qi was shocked.

Shi Bingmu, who stands in the undead fence, is the decision-making level of the undead palace. The status and power are extremely high, not to mention the strength. The prestige of the heavens can sweep the entire battlefield.

Such a strong in this place can be called invincible.

Now, it has become a broken bone.

This scene, in addition to the fear from the heart, can no longer feel anything else, the hands and feet are already cold.

Vaguely, you can see that in the blood, several people are falling. It should be the member of the undead temple that Shi Bingmu took away at that time. I am afraid that the Tianzhu in the mouth of Jin Qin is also among them.

However, they are all free to fall, not even struggling.

I am afraid that when Shi Bingmu was killed, they were also implicated and already seriously injured.

It’s just that the distance is too far away, and it’s hard to get close to sleep. It’s difficult to detect the situation.

Not to mention, Shi Bingmu is only the first one.


The sound of the body bursting, whether it is human or heterogeneous, those who rushed to the chain of the heavens master, directly shocked by the chain into pieces, blood and broken meat fluttering, reddish the sky.

This scene is too shocking.

Even Qin Qi, for a moment, his head slammed, blank.

The strongest of the heavens, how terrible, a slap in the face, is that thousands of miles of mountains and rivers turbulent, turning hands for the clouds to cover the rain, is the ruler class of the Tao.

They can be called invincible here, and even if they return 10,000 steps, it is impossible to be easily killed.

However, they were dead, all died, and it was such a simple death that they were extinct.

Blood hydration as the raindrops continue to drip until the pouring, and until the blood that remains the rest of the temperature falls on the face, all the talents are slowing down, knowing that all this is not a fake, not an illusion.


From the depths of the soul, only the tremors left.

Everyone is still in fear, but the treacherous screams are ringing again, and the heavenly strong are turned into blood, and the blood is spilled into the sky.

The blood is burning, and with the power of endless flames, it is the strongest who is away from the Temple of Fire.

At almost the same time, it was a scream that almost broke the eardrum. The red blood turned into ice crystals, which were magnificent, but with unimaginable ice.

The strong man of Zhang’s family is also dead.

This scene happened in front of you. It’s too horrible and too strange. It’s still a wilderness outside the city, it’s just purgatory!

Qin Qi did not even know how they died.

I only know that they want to rush out of the cage and then they die.

The rest of the heavenly masters see this, the heart is big, and where they dare to rush outside, they stop the action and plan to wait for the opportunity to move again. However, at this time, there have been changes, and several chains have actually taken the initiative. Go through the clouds.

Their goal is the rest of the world!

A few loud screams suddenly sounded, and the rest of the heavenly strongman's face turned wild, and a force broke out without reservation, and fled everywhere.

That kind of power, the level is still far apart, but it is still unbearable, and the people who are slightly weaker than the realm are only swept by Yu Wei, and they instantly become blood fog.

Obviously, the strongest in heaven is afraid at the moment, and has already refused anything else. It does not care about accidental injuries. I just want to live on my own.

The strong heavens fled everywhere, and the chain was quickly followed.

After the situation, no one can see clearly, only know that the strongest of the heavens has begun to desperately, endless roads, innumerable spirits, smashing the void land.

The roar is still ringing, but the screams are even more chilling.

The rest of the people, who did not dare to move, all stood still and waited for the final result.

In the end, all the power subsided.

The invincible atmosphere of the strong heavens has disappeared.

Only the chains and bloodstains are left. They fall from the sky and emerge from the ground. They become the incarnation of fear, and no one dares to approach.

"Don't you die all the time, are you adults, are you dead?" Someone trembled, sitting on the ground, with no eyes.

The strong naturals who were present were all dead, leaving no living.

These strange dark chains are probably for some purpose, deliberately trying to kill the powerful.

But this is killing the strongest, it is really incredible.

"How come this is, what happened!"

"What are these chains, even the strongest of them can kill at will!"

"What will happen next, we, will we die here too?"

The panic spread, everyone is in danger, and I don’t know what will happen next. But even if the strongest people are dead, then if the people behind the event plan are willing, none of the remaining people can live.

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