God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2265: Seventh god

"Split out?"

"In fact, although human beings and heterogeneous things are very different, they are all evolved after the beginning of chaos and the beginning of the world. So even if the difference is huge, there are many things in common."

"And the darkness belongs to us and to the aliens, but there is no similarity between them. It can be said that it is independent of our life lineage."

Scorpio's words use earth science to say that there are the same genes in humans and heterogeneous bodies, but the dark genus is the same as humans and heterogeneous, but not half of the genes.

It is a completely different living body, or a life form.

"Of course, these are the research topics of those scholastics. For us, we only need to know that this kind of darkness is extremely strong, and that there is an overwhelming advantage to our power," Tianzhu said.

"Similar to natural enemies?" Qin Qidao.

"Not yet that level," Tianzhu shook his head.

However, Qin Qi heard the words, but I realized that I was afraid that it was at that level.

The darkness in front of the eyes, the scorpio called the dark genus, but in fact only the subordinates of the genus.

The subordinates are already like this. The true darkness is probably a natural enemy of human beings and even heterogeneous.

"So where is this dark genus, where is it?" Qin Qi asked, this is the most critical.

"As far as I know, there is only one thing in the entire Taoist world that has such darkness, that is, the place of exile." Tianzhu looked at Qin Qi, and the voice was still calm.

But Qin Qi, but can not calm down.


Today's Zhongzhou, his old people, is not in the exile?

Is there a dark genus activity in that?

If so, the hazard level of the exile land can be said to be a straight line lift.

Qin Qi got the information of Yu Linglong, and naturally made a detailed understanding of the exile land. This area can be said to be an independent world abandoned by the Taoist circles.

There, the resource inferiority is just a feature that is not worth mentioning. The rules of chaos, the ubiquitous natural disasters, and the ferocious beasts are all threatening to obliterate all outsiders.

Such an environment is extremely unsuitable for human survival, and the weak state of Central is being penetrated here. Whether it can be supported is an unknown number.

Now, there are still dark scorpions in which to act.

Then the pressure of Zhongzhou is even more unimaginable. Even if the ancient people are in the position of the heavens and the celestial arrogance, it is difficult to support the continuation of the entire state.

"What do you mean, this is the place of exile?" Qin Qi's voice is slightly trembling, it is his self-control, and it is difficult to completely control the mood at the moment.

Scorpio looked at Qin Qi with some surprises. He didn't understand what Qin Qi was thinking at the moment, but she naturally wouldn't ask, just said: "I don't know that the Tiangong Palace only knows such a place in the place of exile. As for whether it is the only one, and can not guarantee."

Is it only possible?

But even if it is only possible, Qin Qi must seize this opportunity.

He was summoned by the undead, and he was in the game. He was not helpless. He was not sure when he would enter the exile and look for his wife and children.

But now, the place of exile may be in front of you, then Qin Qi said that he has to go out!

"If this is the case, it is necessary to thank the layout people behind it." Qin Qi whispered, taking a deep breath and holding back the violently fluctuating state of mind.

It’s obviously not so easy to go out, I’m afraid I have to wait until something changes in the city that never dies and does not fall.

In the meantime, it is still as fast as possible to improve the strength. Otherwise, even if it is out, it will be a tragedy if it is directly passed by the Diablo subordinate.

The fastest way to promote is naturally to kill.

In this cage, there are still some land respects and high grounds. Although the risks are huge, Qin Qi has to do it.

In addition, the jade card given by the undead **** has not responded, but it has indeed seen a lot of eight gods gathered together, it should be chasing the first god.

These people, now I am afraid, are also in cages.

The same person who is called, and is already a stand-out existence, then only killing after the encounter, after all, only one person can finally get the reverse.

Kill them, Qin Qi will not have any burden, after all, others want to kill him.

Perhaps, at the moment he is planning to shoot someone else, others are looking for him, to get rid of him early.

"Right, you think this big change, who is the handwriting?" Qin Qi asked.

"I don't know," Scorpio shook his head. "But one of the purposes should be directed at the Supreme Master. Some people don't want to see the Supreme Master's plan go smoothly."

The Heavenly Supreme in the mouth of Scorpio is of course undead.

"Do it," Qin Qi nodded, no longer asked what, and was ready to take Scorpio back into the world of Huang Quan.

However, he noticed that Scorpio's eyes are still devoid of gods, and the pupils are expanding, as if facing death.

The eye of death.

Is she still running this power?

Sure enough, people like Scorpio are unwilling to give in. If they have the chance, they will act.

Even, that's just that she thought she had a chance.

Qin Qi snorted and smacked, and now it is necessary to suppress the Scorpio.

This strength of Scorpio recovery is not enough to resist him.

However, the eyes of Scorpio did not look at him, but looked behind him, his eyes, and a dead silence, like a dead line, from far and near, the moment has come to the front.

There are strong people who do not die!

Scorpio is not trying to escape the control of Qin Qi with the eye of death, but to attract others.

This is also the practitioner of the undead, able to fit the eyes of the Scorpio, to avoid the Qin Qi's perception, and quickly approached along the dead line.

Of course, the ability to do this, the strength of the coming, is also extraordinary.

However, Qin Qi is not so sneak attacked in this way, the blood in his hands is flashing, and even the blood is not used. A sword has already fallen, and the sword is sensational. It gives people a feeling that may be more than the eye of death. Close to real death.

The sword was smashed, and the void was blurred. However, the figure of the figure was worn out and was not obstructed by Qin Qi.

Dead air, instantly lost, gray, with decay and defeat.

Is it not an ordinary human race?

Qin Qi’s eyes were slightly stunned and he understood the identity of the other party.

Not dead, not dead!

At the beginning of the acceptance of the undead sacred call, the strong men of the heavens and the celestial rushed to the chaotic collar, but most of them were intercepted here, and they must not enter the border.

At that time, when Qin Qi arrived at the chaotic collar, they learned that the people who did not die were not blocked at all, and they entered the Taoist territory directly, showing the strength.

Nowadays, the power of this group of people is probably beyond imagination.

The people in front of you are even worse.

Qin Qi is cold and realizes who the other party is. Shi Yan, holding the seventh god, "not breaking, not standing," the undead master!

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