God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2266: Hail funeral

Undead, one of the top ten worlds in the world, the overall strength can not be compared with the road and the central, but it is much stronger than the outside world.

And this stone sarcophagus is the master of the undead world. There is no need to say anything about the talent of strength. It can stand out in the undead world and has explained everything.

Nowadays, it seems that the power is stronger than that of the lord of the virtual world.

At least the realm of the realm is not the first place.

At this point, it has been amazing enough to grow to such a level. Qin Qi can't help but admire.

However, as the undead master, the same practice of undead, perhaps behind the connection with the undead heaven, it is not impossible to get better resources.

Of course, it doesn't make much sense to think about it now. Ishigaki has already attacked the recent ones. The shots are killing, the darkness is raging, and everything will be withered.

Dark wizard!

The breath of Qin Qi is also changed with it. The ghost of the Nether Ghost appears and is integrated into Qin Qi.

With the power of life and death in the ghosts of the ghosts, the death of Shijie is stronger, and the effect on Qin Qi will be very limited and will be offset.

Immediately, Qin Qi reached out and smashed, and a large piece of ice and snow would condense, and everything around it fell into the ice.

Extremely cold!

The power of Alice is also integrated into the body of Qin Qi.

The double martial arts are against the enemy, enough to give face!

With a very cold hail, Qin Qi's ice power is so terrible that it can be described as a moment, even if it is a stone scorpion, it is impossible to easily resist.

Ishigaki snorted, and I really felt the biting cold, like freezing the body directly into ice.

However, the resistance of the undead to the strength of each department is inherently strong. Except for the fire system and the sacred system, the ice system and the like cannot give too much damage.

Therefore, at this moment, Shijie was affected, but it was still calm, and the atmosphere of death shrouded the whole body, with a slashed blade, with a road to death and a glimpse of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi does not retreat, the infinite Holy Light burns up, instantly infiltrating all the ice crystals, the power of sacred and peaceful, can purify all the pollution around.

It is better to simply practice undead, and it will not be restrained by the Holy Spirit, but the undead is different. Although it can better match the power of undead, it also leaves a bigger flaw.

The holy fire burned, and the ice was in one place, and then the ground suddenly rushed out of countless ice ridges with holy light, turned into hail, and sealed the stone sarcophagus directly.

Hail funeral!

Qin Qi’s attack seems to be simple, but in fact it does not mean to keep the hand. The power is terrible. Even if the Scorpio is enclosed, it will be killed.

After all, Qin Qi, now in the realm of the earth, is the stone in front of it, but it is just this realm.

Even subdivided into the level of small realms, Qin Qi still prevailed.

This kind of realm gap, Qin Qi has never lost.

The stone scorpion was trapped in the hail. The next moment, he felt the threat of death. The cold ice poured into his body from all directions, destroying every inch of his flesh and blood.

Even the soul must be frozen.

This is the power of the hail, and the ice system has been brought to the extreme.

Not to mention that Qin Qi also exerted the power of the sacred system, and even let the stone scorpion have no ability to resist, and was completely locked in the hail.

It can be felt that there is a horrible force inside the hail that is constantly oscillating. If you want to impact it, then the wave of power can not be underestimated.

However, after all, it failed to rush out.

Until the ice crystals completely condense, the inside of the hail is filled, and the strength of the stone shovel will fluctuate to the freezing point, and there is no longer any resistance.

If this is the case, then face death.

Even if it is not dead, even if you have cultivated a powerful undead, the body of immortality has already been practiced, but this constitution is relatively speaking.

No one in the world can die, not dead, but only infinitely close to death.

The extent of this proximity, the upper and lower limits can be huge.

For example, Najin Qinsheng, his undead body, can not be compared with Shijie, but the undead body of Shijie is also far from the strongest of the immortal Tiangong.

In other words, not dead is only a degree, beyond this degree, still dying, and the power of Qin Qi is obviously enough to exceed this degree.


The hail is broken instantly, but it is the funeral. Since the stone can not be broken out, it will be turned into a powder with the broken ice crystals. This is enough to beat him ten times.

And this is the power of Qin Qi at this moment. Under the same circumstances, there is no rival. Even the Lord of the World, the figure of Tianjiao.

Scorpio wants to take the opportunity to escape, but also made efforts, but Qin Qi’s strength has always been partially on her, and she did not give her any chance.

Seeing that Shi Jie was killed by Qin Qi, it is difficult to calm down in the heart of Tianzhu.

She thought she was enough to understand the power of Qin Qi, but now it seems that there is still a small look at Qin Qi.

As the owner of the undead world, Ishigaki had mastered the undead and a certain degree of immortality before entering the Taoist world. Naturally, he was optimistic about the undead Heavenly Palace.

Some of the strong men of the sect also secretly gave inspiration and gave him a lot of help, even helping him get the seventh god.

Therefore, Scorpio still has a certain understanding of Shijie, even if she is in the state of prosperity, it is not so easy to win over Shijie.

With this understanding, after seeing the death power emitted by Shi Jie in the eyes of death, Tian Yi decided to take a chance and cooperate with Shi Yan.

The primary purpose is to escape. Of course, if there is an opportunity, it is okay to counter Qin Qi.

But now, there seems to be no hope.

The ice flakes flew, Qin Qi turned to look at the sky, look like, still want to let Tianzhu understand the current situation, so that she does not dare to have any escape thinking.

Just mind and this, Qin Qi found that although Tianzhu did give up the escape, but chose to shoot.

Scorpio refers to the sword, and the scent of death is engulfed on the sword. It is more pure than the sarcophagus.

Although Shi Lang caught up with the realm in a short time, but the foundation can not be compared with the Scorpio, there is also a huge gap between the undead.

However, even if it is a scorpio, the cohesive force of this kind is not a matter of hand. It is bound to go all out and put the essence of its own strength into it.

In her current state, there is only this sword.

"Undead aria!"

Scorpio gritted his teeth, this sword squatted, and there was no slightest momentum, but as the undead was low, straight through the source of human life.

It seems that before this sword, Qin Qi even entered the state of killing the wolf, condensed the vitality to a point, and could not avoid it, and the vitality would be dominated by the defeat of gray.

A strong sword.

Even if Scorpio is in these states, is it still the power?

However, Qin Qi has never despised the Scorpio. Although the other side's sword is unexpectedly strong, Qin Qi is also enough to take it.


In Qin Qi's body, the sound of the dragon's gongs resounded, Kunlun to the dragon, and the flesh of the flesh broke out. Qin Qi punches, and will use the power of pure flesh to smash the sword of Tianzhu.

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