God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2271: Breaking back

The power contained in the dark chain is extremely terrible. After all, the beginning of the heavens is directly killed by the spike. It is not Qin Qi can bear.

Even if this power has been weakened in Xiaohua, it is still too powerful for Qin Qi, and it must be accurately controlled before it can be removed.

In this regard, Qin Qi and Xiaohua's cooperation is needed.

Moreover, the chain power that is crossed to Qin Qi is dominated by small flowers. In case there is any other thought in Xiaohua, Qin Qi is afraid that it will never be recovered.

So doing this is extremely risky for Qin Qi, not just from the power of the dark chain.

Xiaohua’s mind did not know what kind of thoughts. After listening to Qin Qi’s request, he began to guide the power in the body and rushed to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi’s perception is strong, and Xiaohua is not fortified against him, so he can clearly feel the strength of that force.

I have to say that the flowers are controlled very accurately.

It can even be said that the accuracy is overdone. As a result, the pressure will increase several times for small flowers, and the efficiency will drop a lot, but Qin Qi will be more secure.

Qin Qi knows this in his heart, but he did not mention it. It is a tacit understanding between the two people, and also let Qin Qi have a deeper understanding of Xiaohua.

The small flowers look thick, but they are thin and thick, so it's very clear what to do at this time.

The power of the chain has entered the body, Qin Qi is tight, no longer care about those other things, concentrate on it, and start to cope with this power.


At the moment of contact, Qin Qi was stunned and smashed into a giant earthquake.

Although there has been a lot of preparation, Yi Kunlun even made a model to simulate the situation after the contact, but after the real contact, it was found to be more unbearable than expected.

That force is like a strong sulfuric acid. When it touches the body, it begins to violently corrode. The range expands rapidly and gradually penetrates the body.

Qin Qi bites his teeth, his fists are pinched, and his body is madly rolling up to resist the power.


Then, the sound of the dragon is deafening, after Qin Qi, the shadow of Kunlun emerges, immediately Kunlun to the dragon, nine hundred and ninety-nine dragons, through the body meridians.

It seems that it is like a mountain of mountains feeding back the earth. It is vast and vast, infinite and powerful.

The little flower flashed and whispered, "Is the power of Kunlun Mountain?"

"However, unlike the power possessed by the Kunlun disciples, it seems like a reversal." Xiaohua whispered and his eyes changed.

Her understanding of Kunlun is more than that of the average person, but she does not want to touch, and does not want to know everything about Kunlun.

But some things are involuntarily, she has to know something, and now, she is also somewhat difficult to control herself, the eyes can not help but change, revealing a few points that should not be killed.

For a moment, she even wanted to increase the power of the chain to destroy the mountain.

Qin Qi’s intuition sensed this danger, and suddenly the hair was straight and vertical.

However, waiting for Qin Qi to move, the sense of danger has disappeared.

After all, the little flower is controlling himself.

She laughed at herself. "Today, there are still such stupid thoughts. How do you want people to look down and stop?"

Qin Qi does not know the subtle emotional changes in Xiaohua's heart. He must now fully resist the power of the chain.

The body of his dragon vein is naturally strong.

The flesh of the flesh is the realm of the blood-burning oven.

But there is still a scene of defeat.

The power of the chain penetrated the whole body, and Qin Qi’s body began to collapse.

“The Emperor Dragon Road!”

Qin Qi runs the exercises, and the power of the body is completely extracted. The power of the dragon vein is further enhanced.

Moreover, Qin Qi’s feet stepped on the ground, and even the power of the ground was borrowed to counter the power of the chain.

However, it is still unable to stop the fierce attack of the chain power.

No matter whether it is Qin Qi's body or soul, it has begun to suffer tremendous damage. If this continues, it can even leave a permanent damage to Qin Qi!

It's hard to imagine what this power is.

How to give people a taste that can't be countered by nature?


This is what Qin Qi wants.

If you don't break it, you need this kind of destructive power. If you destroy everything and destroy it, you will have the opportunity to break through and gain stronger power!

Qin Qi is firmly convinced that he constantly resists this force and seeks a breakthrough.

Qin Qi has come this way, and the number of times he has lived has never been counted. Many of them are after he is on the verge of death, surpassing the limit and breaking the potential, thus reversing the situation.

In the past, this is still the case. Now, if the seventh **** is not broken, how can it be defeated to the limit?

The limit is used to transcend.

If you don't break, the probability that Qin Qi will exceed the limit is even greater.


The power of the chain has already eroded all over the place. Qin Qi looks like a wolf, and is even more scary than a small flower.

Lively, it was destroyed nearly half, almost dying.

But in the end, Qin Qi body suddenly breathed up, and all-round began to improve, and the power of the chain was also completely offset in this process.

Break and stand!

Qin Qi is destroying the new life, and the power is upgraded in all directions.

The body of the dragon vein is restored at the speed seen by the naked eye, and the blood is like a note. There is a sense of vastness. If it is not blocked by the law, it will break through the sky.

"It is!" Xiaohua was surprised, can not help but admire, Qin Qi's qualifications, really crowned the world.

After all, she is very clear that she is not able to do this step without breaking it. Qin Qi’s own role in it is greater than not breaking.

As time passed, Qin Qi's body began to converge, and Qin Qi could not wait to check his own state.

It must be said that the effect of not breaking or not standing is remarkable. He is full of qi and blood. After this break, he will not be promoted, and the completion of the blood-burning oven will be higher.

Not only the flesh, but also the spirit is much stronger, and the dragon is more intense. In contrast, the Emperor Dragon Road has also been upgraded, taking steps toward higher grades.

After a break and stand, Qin Qi’s cultivation can’t grow, but the improvement of combat power is obvious.

According to this speed, as long as after six breakthroughs, Qin Qi's overall combat power can be more than doubled!

Qin Qi has the ability to be invincible in the same territory, and has almost reached the limit of a realm, and if it is doubled again, such a concept is hard to imagine!

However, if you want to break through six times in a row, I am afraid that even if it was the undead **** of the year, I have never done it.

"Small flower predecessors, we continue", Qin Qi Shuguang bright, to fight hot iron.

The little flower smashed and nodded, and began to push the power of the chain into Qin Qi.

Qin Qicha felt that the mood of Xiaohua was somewhat abnormal, but before the small flowers stabilized the mood, there should be no problem next.

To put it bluntly, Xiaohua’s previous killings were not directed at him. As for the specifics, Qin Qi did not know, and was not interested in knowing.

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