The second time to accept the power of the chain, Qin Qi's response is much better than the first time, of course, the amount of tolerance is more than the first time.

So for Qin Qi, it was almost the first time to reprint, and the whole person almost collapsed.

And Qin Qi, once again survived in desperate circumstances.

In this way, the time lapses slowly, and each time after the break is more slow than the previous one, showing that Qin Qi is under great pressure.

Even if it is a small flower, I feel that Qin Qi has been difficult to succeed. Qin Qi is still successful and gains stronger strength.

"I really let him do it," Xiaohua said to himself, could not help but marvel.

Time has passed ten days, and Qin Qi has completed the break for seven consecutive times.

But this last time, for Qin Qi is also extremely dangerous, almost failed to succeed, destroyed under the power of the chain.

Fortunately, in the end he still seized the opportunity.

However, if you want to carry out the eighth time, I am afraid that it is impossible. Even if Qin Qi is beyond imagination, Xiaohua will decide to continue. Qin Qi will die.

Obviously, Qin Qi also knows this. After the seventh success, it has not continued.

"I can only do this step. The rest, but also rely on the seniors themselves, but the strength of the older generation should be able to cope with it," Qin Qi laughed.

He opened his eyes and shot out with a divine light, like a thunder.

This multiplying power has brought his combat power to another level.

Although it is still in the realm of the land, even if it is facing the land, it can be a battle.

You know, this is almost impossible in the realm.

To this extent, the chain power in the small flower body has been cleared by more than half, and the rest, the small flower itself has been able to cope.

Xiaohua looked at Qin Qi with some surprises. It seems that Qin Qi knows about her situation and is almost the same as her own.

"Thank you," Xiaohua laughed, and the strength of the body suddenly surged, and began to counterattack the power of the chain.

The strength of Xiaohua is indeed very strong, that is, there is no aim against Qin Qi. At this moment, Qin Qi also feels a huge threat. He feels that as long as he is willing, he will be ruined.

It seems that even if you can pass the hand over the land, but in the face of heaven, there is still no resistance.

Qin Qi looked at the small flowers and felt the gradual dissipating power of the chain in her body. Everything went smoothly, and the complete elimination of the chain power should be completed soon.

Although the injury of Xiaohua is not likely to heal immediately after the removal, the impact on the combat power will not be so great.

It is the small force of this flower, so that Qin Qi is somewhat amazed.

The strongest group in the Fangfang Pavilion is undoubtedly the shame of the owner. Although she has not yet entered the heavens as the other giants, she also has the strength of being close to Tianzun.

This little flower, even if it is worse, is already in a state of paradise.

When did the group show such a master?

Moreover, the most famous group is the beauty, the owner of the museum, down to a random, all beautiful, small flowers in it, can be described as out of place.

Is the flower just familiar with Mu Zhou, but it does not belong to the group Fang Pavilion, just like the leaf fish?

Even so, Xiaohua, a person who has never heard of Qin Qi, has at least the record of Yu Ling, and there is no such thing as a small flower.

The master of the hidden world?

Qin Qi thought in the heart, and Xiaohua over there, has successfully understood all the chain power, and the horrible wound on the chest can finally recover.

Even if the injury is difficult to heal quickly, at least it can make the body look innocent.

"Predecessors first recover, I went outside to see", Qin Qidao, then he will not watch, after all, under this circumstances, it is impossible to have any accidents.

It’s outside, ten days have passed, and I don’t know how.

Shen Shahua looked at Qin Qi, the pair of blind, the eyes waved slightly.

When I met for the first time, Qin Qi felt that the flowers were very strange. Although they looked very ordinary, they were extremely uncommon.

It seems that only looking at these eyes is enough to make people feel the charm of the woman. If they look at it for a long time, even the holy shrine is afraid to break into the red dust.

Such a pair of eyes should not grow on such a normal woman.

“Predecessors?” Qin Qi’s eyebrows, still able to feel the feeling of shameful flowers.

I just didn't expect it to last until now.

Shen Shahua this time, but it is no longer to stabilize their emotions, of course, it has not developed in the direction of killing, but another extreme fiery.

She smiled and laughed. Before the deception, the speed was fast. Qin Qi did not even have time to react.

"Little guy, I said it before, if you really helped me, I will let you touch me, this is absolutely perfect, the world, the fierce, the instrument." Finally, the words, the small flowers have been attached to the ears of Qin Qi root.

The exhaled heat was directly hit on the face of Qin Qi, itching and numb, so that Qin Qi raised a fire.

Qin Qi's determination is not so much, but this small flower seems to have the ability to let all men abandon all persistence, even if she grows so ordinary.

In the face of such a small flower, Qin Qi could not help but take a deep breath and force the impulse from instinct. He wanted to get out of it. Otherwise, he would not know what to do.

However, Xiaohua has already grasped his hand, and he can press it in his arms without saying anything.

And Qin Qi, the impulse to forcibly suppress, at this time, completely lost control.

The hands are soft, hail, smooth, and huge. The feeling is like jelly. The tight tension is constantly squeezed from the fingers and it is difficult to grasp.

At this moment, Qin Qi knew that none of the adjectives before Xiaohua was used indiscriminately. Instead, there was no rhythm at all. This is simply the feeling that words can't be described.

"How, it's not bad, is there any feeling of love?" Xiaohua sneered at Qin Qi's ear, and the sound had a magical power, which made Qin Qi's last reason lost.

Qin Qi began to take the initiative, and the strength in his hands slowly increased, and he could not stop.

The little flower was a pair of eyes, and there was water ripples. She gasped twice and accepted all the rude but fiery movements.

She is like this.

She has always been free.

There is nothing to be reserved, nothing to worry about, if you want, then go to indulgence.

What is the attitude of others, and how about the waves.

I don't want anyone to cherish it, and I don't expect anyone to understand it. As long as I can fill the hole in my heart, it will suffice.

Xiaohua knew that her own emotions were a little bit wrong, but the more she did, the more she was hot and seductive.

Crazy request is the proof that she is alive.

And Qin Qi, has been almost drowned by her fiery. If there is no such loud noise.

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