God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2293: Dark genus

"There is a lair, and I don't know where Shilin is." Qin Qi took a clap and solved his opponent. He couldn't help but sigh.

The place of exile is too desolate, and the climate is also very unsuitable for human survival. Although both of them are strong, they will feel depressed and tired after a long time of activity here.

Not to mention that they must be careful all the time, and often fight, there will naturally be some emotional changes.

After all, it’s been a month since I came to the place of exile.

While Qin Qi is eager to reunite with his family, it is difficult to be completely calm and seem a little impatient.

"You still put it easier," Xiaohuadao.

She is well aware that in such an environment, always fighting and vigilance is a great test for the spirit.

Even though Qin Qi is still able to keep himself, the details show that there have been some changes in his mood, and the suppression has turned fierce.

"I know", Qin Qi took a deep breath, but his mind was still hot, and he couldn't feel the slightest coolness.

"I don't worry about anything, but I am too eager and insist on my own words. Once the accumulated negative emotions break down, you may make something you don't want to do!"

"The more powerful people, even me, need a vent," Xiaohua reminded.

Qin Qi stunned, nodded, no mouth.

It has been a month.

Since the beginning of this month, Qin Qi and Xiaohua have turned a large circle in this exile, but they still have not been able to determine their position.

And the dark subordinates of the nest, did not find much, until now, Qin Qi still can not break through the heavens.

Qin Qi had long known that the place of exile was not only desolate, but also extremely dangerous. What he encountered this month, Qin Qi finally had a real experience in the danger of this place.

The storms that suddenly rolled up, the magic light from the valley, suddenly realized the scenery of the four seasons of glory... Everything is extremely dangerous, even if Qin Qi, once caught up, will die.

If there is no small flower on the side, Qin Qi can't live without it now.

"The little guy is growing very fast," and the little flower then looks at the nephew.

She sat on Qin Qi's shoulder, and the little hand of pink toot grabbed Qin Qi's hair and kept balance. At this time, she was eager to learn the language. She didn't know what "Oh," what was it? .

Since this time, her growth has not been small, the body has accumulated a large number of dark particles, and even Qin Qi are worried, will there be problems.

After all, this amount is too amazing for such a young nephew.

However, the child did not feel anything, the spirit is still very full, and it does not look like it will happen. Qin Qi can only feel the talent of the child, which is not comparable to the dark subordinates.

"Go to the next place to see it," Qin Qidao.

"Good!" Xiaohua nodded.

The two men flew out again and left the dark subordinate's lair.

But it wasn't long before the two left, but the small flower suddenly changed his face, then landed directly on a mountain and held Qin Qi down.

Suddenly, Qin Qi could not help but be shocked, but he also understood that Xiaohua would never be so for no reason, so he rushed to cooperate, and he would completely converge.

As for the small flowers, mastering many secret methods, among them, the law for hiding the atmosphere is indispensable. At this moment, Qin Qi is also blocked.

Make sure there are no traces.

Now they are the stones that can be seen everywhere, without causing any special attention.

Qin Qi looked at Xiaohua and found that Xiaohua was looking at the nest just now, and her eyes were alert.

I am afraid, there are some powerful guys.

The thought in my heart, the next moment, the world was suddenly suppressed by a force, Qin Qi only feels cold, even the blood can not flow.

The terrible momentum is just like the hegemony of the heavens and the earth. It is very heart-rending, and people can't give birth to the second thought.

Qin Qi heart contracted, he thought that there would be a strong person, but did not expect it would be so terrible.

No need to face up, just feel the breath that is exposed, it has been completely suppressed.

It is no wonder that the small flower is full of cover up the atmosphere, and it does not reveal any points. Even her, I am afraid it is not an opponent.

At least she is not cured.

Although he felt a terrible deterrent, Qin Qi still looked at the direction of the nest.

They are not too far away, and the air is clear and there are no impurities. Even if they are far-sighted, they can still see something.

I saw that a black shadow landed directly from the sky and appeared in the nest.

This is the horrible strongman?

Look at the form, it should not be subordinate to the dark, but the same, the body is dark and black, the light can be seen, I am afraid I also have the strong exoskeleton.

"Does the real darkness belong?" Qin Qi thought of it.

They smashed several dark-dependent nests, and finally attracted the attention of the dark genus?

Sure enough, this exile is not only the subordinates of darkness, the dark scorpions are also strong and guarded here, but I did not expect that this level of people will appear directly.

Qin Qi secretly judged, combined with the calculation of the different Kunlun, the strength of the dark genus in the distance, I am afraid that the heavens will be high.

Absolutely can not be found, otherwise, it will be dead.

Now the little flower, there is no ability to deal with this level of the guy.

Xiaohua knows her situation better than Qin Qi. The injury left by the dark chain almost hurt her roots. It can be recovered in a month.

For the sake of the present, I did not see each other when I was a stone, until the other party left.

Fortunately, Xiaohua is still very confident about his hidden practice. Even if it is dark, he may not be able to find her.

The dark scorpion stood still in the same place. At such a distance, Qin Qi could not see what it was doing.

But then, the figure moved and came to a hillside where it stayed for a while.

Seeing this, Qin Qi’s heart suddenly became tight.

In that place, he and his nephew once took it.

At that time, the nephew absorbed a lot of dark particles, and then spit out some impurities, which was the residue she extracted.

At that time, Qin Qi couldn't help but marvel that such pure dark particles could be purified, and the children were amazing.

Now it seems that the other party is clearly aware of the existence of the residue.

And with the strength of the other side, I am afraid it is very clear what it is.

The traces should be cleared!

Qin Qi’s heart was a bit annoyed. It seems that the nervous nerves that have been tight for a month have had an impact, and he has been leaked.


A soft bang, Qin Qi and Xiaohua are all stiff.

After the dark scorpions searched the debris, they suddenly screamed and uttered an incomprehensible syllable, giving only a sense of pain that the soul fell into hell.

Instead, it was a nephew, and the big eyes flickered and flashed. It seemed to understand, and even wanted to respond, but in the end it could not help.

She is still very young, she can't speak, but she is already sensible, knowing that she can't move now, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

The dark scorpion called a few times, and then a black ring appeared from the top of the head, then rose into the sky, and continued to grow!

In the end, the huge black ring opened up the sky, turned into a cockroach, and instantly swayed to all directions.

And the black ring passed, everything was scanned, and no one could hide. Qin Qi and Xiao Hua are both shocked by the spirit, and the heart suddenly stops beating. Only hope will not be discovered.

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