God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2294: Grommet

"No, these dark scorpions are too strange. They are naturally restrained by the power of the whole world pedigree. Even if they are hidden deeper, I am afraid I will reveal the stuffing!"

The dark ring crossed the sky, as if it were a scan, and all the hidden things were to be pulled out.

The camouflage of small flowers may be seen.


It was a nephew, and the screaming of the screaming, the dark particles of the body surging, turned into a layer of scorpion, shrouded Qin Qi and Xiaohua.

The black ring above the sky swayed into the distance. After Qin Qi, they both had a feeling of being snooped. It seems that there is no longer any secret.

However, the black ring did not stop, but went away, and the other party did not notice the existence of Qin Qi and Xiaohua.

In the distance, the darkness of the body rises into the sky, and the black ring is moved back and forth from the far and near, suspended above the head.

The ring whirls and spins, and it is not a smooth circular arc. There are many supporting angles on it, and a spiral of spirals gathers the power of darkness.

Nothing is gained, and the dark scorpion will not stop, and it will go away.

After a while, I finally determined that it was safe. Qin Qi and Xiaohua recovered from the hidden state and couldn’t help but take a long breath.

"Is this dark scorpion? It's too strong." Qin Qi was soaked in cold sweat.

Xiaohua is a lot better, but it also has a lot of cold sweat, but unlike others, her sweat is actually with aroma, very good smell.

"Be careful, I have a different smell, but this smell smells more, it is not a good thing for you." Xiaohua looked at Qin Qi and smiled.

Qin Qi heard the words, a glimpse of the heart, and I feel that the blood in the body is a little irritating. For this situation, it is really not a good thing.

When Qin Qi waved his hand, only the fire power rolled over and all the sweat was evaporated.

"This is a sneak peek, but then I want to smash the dark subordinate's lair, I am afraid it is not that simple." Qin Qi sighed.

"That's right," Xiaohua nodded, but didn't care. "In fact, there is nothing. Our purpose is not to kill all dark subordinates."

Qin Qi smiled bitterly, he still needs these dark subordinates to enter the heavens.

Not to be in a natural state, after all, it is a lot worse, it is difficult to cross the gap between heaven and earth.

However, in this case, it is still cautious. The next time, you may not be able to avoid the search of the dark genus.

"Let's go, I think Shilin should be not far away," Xiaohuadao.

The two men went on the road again, and the place of exile was as before, there was a horrific natural disaster, and even if one direction was determined, it would not be able to rush.

In this way, it took nearly half a month to change the direction, and the picture in front of us finally changed a lot.

At the end of the sky, a stone pillar is skyrocketing, straight into the sky, looking from afar, it is like a stone forest.

This is the stone forest in the small flower mouth!

"I finally found it. When I arrived here, I knew that we were in the place of exile." The small flower spit out a sigh of relief, and it was a little easier.

“Is this place safe?” Qin Qi asked.

“Where is there a safe place for exile?” Xiaohua shook his head. “But inside the stone forest, it should be relatively safe.”

Qin Qi nodded.

The two did not delay, and rushed to Shilin, the stone forest at the end of the sky, quickly zoomed in on the eyes, and when I actually arrived, my heart could not help but marvel.

Every stone pillar in this place is full of wind and frost, and it is full of traces of the years.

However, it is still faintly recognizable. There are many patterns on the stone pillars. What should be drawn, but the age is too long, and it is almost weathered.

Walking into Shilin, the sense of danger everywhere in the exile land, it really reduced a few points. It seems that this stone forest is indeed the safe place for exile.

“How did the predecessors know this place?” Qin Qi asked while looking around.

"Although the land of exile is incomparably mysterious and dangerous, there will always be people who are curious about what is inside. So in this long history, there will always be strong people who voluntarily enter the exile and explore!"

"The existence of the dark genus, although only a small part of the information, but also those who came back."

"And this stone forest is an intermediate stronghold where those people explore the depths of exile. They are not the same as the rocker and go deeper."

"Only after further exploration, there is very little news. It is about to die. Of course, some of the information has been brought back, but it is very pitiful. It can only make people feel deeper. There is a broad cognition", Xiaohuadao.

"The direction we should come when it should be the periphery of the exile." Qin Qi looked a move, said.

Xiaohua nodded, thinking about it, it was reaching out, a band of light appeared, and the volley outlined a picture.

"This is the general form of the known place of exile", Xiaohuadao.

Even if she does not understand the whole picture of the place of exile, or even the entire road, no one knows.

Even so, Xiaohua knows more than Qin Qi.

Qin Qi looked at the picture and kept all the details in mind.

From the point of view of the map, the place of exile is not a vast and boundless world, but rather irregular. It seems that it is somewhat similar to the iron rope.

From the position of the border between the road and the place of exile, there are two passages to go, but it is not straight, but a rectangle, like a grommet.

The location where Shilin is located is the part where the first grommet intersects the second grommet.

The world of two grommet is vertical with each other!

This is a very strange picture of the world. Qin Qi has never seen this kind of world before.

Of course, it is said that the passage world is shaped like a grommet, and even compares the entire exile area to a wire rope, but in fact it is so huge that it can not be separated from the part of the grommet.

Whether it is a straight part or a curved part, you need to refer to it.

Shilin is such a reference.

The stone forest is the intersection of the two "rings". On the macro level, this place is connected to the world in four directions, two directions leading to the road, and two directions leading to the depths of the exile.

As for the rear ring, the grommets continue to extend and continue the shape of the wire rope.

Maybe there will be a third "ring" later, but the existing information has not found such a place.

It is possible that the part after the stone forest is symmetrical with the previous part, and where it reconverges, it is the world in which the dark scorpion lives.

It can be understood that the enclave is opposite to the world, and the exile is the channel connecting the two. Of course, this is only Qin Qi's guess. After all, in the second half of the exile, no one knows what it is, or even if it is together with another world.

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