God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2302: Arrived

At this moment of Qin Qi, the Qiqi sublimation of the killing of Jiandao and the Emperor Tianlong Road has even condensed the avenue particles!

The avenue particles provided by Yi Kunlun are samples, and Qin Qi has evolved its own avenue particles, which is not an external force.

It is his own.

After the dance, the small flowers gasped, all of them were exhausted, but they felt very hearty!

"I didn't expect to lose everything in the past. Instead, I jumped out of this dance again. Little guy, you can be lucky. See me as a solo dance. The benefits are not small!" The small flowers wiped the sweat from the cheeks, and the eyes were clear and clear, looking at Qin Qi.

She naturally knows what the dance is.

That is her unique ability. It is difficult for anyone in the world to dance again.

The dance of the past, shaking the world, let the audience have some insights, and even directly through the barriers, successfully promoted.

Nowadays, Qin Qi alone appreciates this dance, and the benefits are naturally unimaginable.

"Oh?" Xiaohua looked at Qin Qi. He felt that Qin Qi’s talents would have a big gain, but he did not expect more than she had imagined.

Avenue particles!

During the heyday of Xiaohua, it was impossible to even condense the avenue particles.

Qin Qi, actually succeeded.

"This guy..." The little flower is speechless.

Then she looked at her sister again. At the moment, there were dark particles flying with the avenue particles, and if the fireflies were like, they slowly circulated around her.

And herself, it seems that there is no special feeling, just feels interesting, screaming, white little hands to catch, but can not catch.

The little flower shook his head.

This little girl can be more abnormal than Qin Qi. So young, I have mastered these forces.

Even if the dark particles are, she is dark, but this avenue is the power of the world pedigree.

Hey, but relying on the Heavenly Stone, it is also integrated into the body, and can be controlled.

If you want to come and change to other dark genus, you may not be able to do this.

Now, watching the dance of the sky, the little girl is also gaining something. The avenue particles have grown a lot, and the future is probably more limitless.

"Compared with these two guys, I am really a mortal." Xiaohua shook his head and screamed uncomfortably.

"Hey, wake up, sweat so much, my sister wants to take a shower!" Xiaohua called.

Qin Qi opened his eyes and his own light was looming in the hustle and bustle. The benefits of this time were even larger than he expected.

Avenue particles!

Qin Qi raised his hand and had a little gleam of condensation. That was the avenue particles, enough to compete with the dark particles.

It can even be said that the avenue particles are the original origin of the entire world pedigree headed by the Tao.

It is really unexpected to be able to take the opportunity to get this power.

If there is no such dance and different Kunlun, Qin Qi may master this power in the future, but it will never be so fast, so smooth.

"Predecessors, you are really incredible!" Qin Qi could not help but admire.

Even a mortal can still jump out of such a dance, and it is hard to find a second person in the world.

"That is of course!" Xiaohua proudly, immediately urged: "Get out of a bathhouse, my sister is sweaty, take a shower."

"This is too much trouble, or don't waste time." Qin Qi smiled and waved his hand. The small flower body recovered and refreshed.

The eyes of the small flowers shook a few times, and they were dissatisfied with Qin Qi.

Qin Qi is very accepting, not much to say.

After the florets became mortals, they changed a lot and were more energetic than before. Compared to pure femininity, the florets at this time are even more irresistible.

Wearing a strip skirt is a huge test for Qin Qi. If I take another bath, I really don't know what will happen.

It is better to break the small flower directly.

"Time has been delayed a lot, let's just leave here." Qin Qidao.

"Cut, go and go", the small flowers screamed twice, and opened the hands to Qin Qi.

"What is this?"

"You want me to let a mortal go, of course, you want to hold it," Xiaohua rolled his eyes, and then he smiled and said: "Do not worry, you will not play in the middle."

Qin Qi scratched his head and can only do so now.

The small flowers are swayed up, and they are not fat, but they are very rich, just like holding marshmallows, which gives people a very comfortable feeling.

Qin Qi sighed, removed unnecessary distractions, and vacated, and quickly went away.

Xiaohua, as she said, did not take the opportunity to play Qin Qi, but fell asleep in Qin Qihuai.

Obviously, the solitary solo dance has exhausted her strength.

After the road, it is still dangerous. Although Qin Qi said that he was promoted to the beginning of the world and mastered the avenue particles, it does not mean that he can go sideways here.

The place of exile, in addition to the opening of the heavens can be rampant, it is a high level of heaven, there will be times when there is a fatal danger.

However, Qin Qi’s luck was good. After the trip, although it was also dangerous, it was not trapped, but it was delayed for some time.

Of course, because Xiaohua is already a mortal, Qin Qi has to take more experience to take care of her, so it has slowed down some speed.

But even then, after a month's time, Qin Qi is finally close to the location where the exile is bordering the Tao.

"It should be coming soon", Qin Qi is hard to calm down.

He finally wants to return to Zhongzhou.

Many years ago, he personally executed the end point plan and escorted Zhongzhou to leave.

Since then, he has separated from his family and friends, and this is the time to come.

Over the years, Qin Qi has been working hard, and has become more and more powerful, just to meet family members again.

On this day, he waited for too long, and now, finally, it has to be realized.

There is nothing in the place of exile.

Being bullied is not important.

As long as they are all alive, it is enough.

As for everything else, he is handed over to him who is irresponsible.

He will take Zhongzhou out of the exile.

He will apply everything in the past to the state, the pain exerted on his family, ten times a hundred times to come back!

So, be sure to be good, waiting for me.

Qin Qi unconsciously speeds up, breaks the void, and flies all the way. Even if the world of this passage is big, the speed of Qin Qi is enough to search for a round trip.

As long as Zhongzhou is here, he can find it.

at last.

Qin Qi flew a mountain, and the familiar scenery began to appear in front of him.

This is a landscape that is different from the desolate image of the exile. It is like the place where the black locks before the city that did not fall are all transferred to the exile.

It is a different style, but it is distinct from the other world.

This is Zhongzhou!

From the Tianyuan world, the Emperor was born by the supreme means from the innocent universe and brought into the Taoist Central People's State. "Finally caught up, Zhongzhou is still!" Qin Qi excitedly called, difficult to himself.

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