God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2303: Arrived in Zhongzhou

Crossing the Milky Way and stepping through the world, you can finally get together again.

At this moment, Qin Qi’s mood, don’t mention how excited.

However, it has not lost the judgment.

Zhongzhou is indeed in sight.

But on the edge of Zhongzhou, it is already somewhat unrecognizable.

Moreover, from the perspective of the remnants, I am afraid that Zhongzhou has a large peripheral territory that has been eroded and destroyed by the exile.

However, this situation has now stabilized.

Zhongzhou is no longer a weak state that can be easily destroyed by exile.

If you look carefully, you can find that there is a film covering the outside of Zhongzhou. It is like an eggshell, and the whole state is covered.

Is this layer of shield helping the state to withstand the threat from the exile?


I have to say that this means is already through the sky.

Compared with the various domains of the Taoist circles, Zhongzhou is not too big, but it is also extremely vast. It is extremely difficult to create such a shield and protect the entire Zhongzhou.

Qin Qi believes that even if he is now, he can't do it.

It may take a lot of time to use the science of the circuit to achieve a considerable effect, but it must also cost enough Tianbao.

And here is the place of exile, it is extremely difficult to maintain this shield to continue to operate.

Zhongzhou can keep it, it is a miracle in general, the Emperor of the Emperor, it really is the generation of Jiejie!

Zhongzhou is in front of us. Although it is damaged, it has not hurt the roots. The people inside should be innocent. The heart of Qin Qi’s heart is also put down a little.

But now is not the time to be at ease, to see Mo Ziqi, they can really breathe a sigh of relief.

"This hand is really good, it seems that the guy is better than the imagination," Xiaohua laughed.

She can't perceive the existence of the shield, but she can guess it, and the guardian of Zhongzhou is always the emperor. I want to come. This is also the hand of the emperor.

"Yes, the Emperor's big battle!" Before Qin Qi went to the shield, he discovered the true and false of the shield. With his understanding of the road, it can be seen that under the shield, it is a huge array of the entire Zhongzhou.

The Emperor's big array!

Moreover, I am afraid that it is the result of a shocking artifact that can achieve the present.

"Can you get in?" asked Xiaohua.

"It takes a little effort, but I can't help me." Qin Qidao began to break through and wanted to open a mouth.

Of course, in order not to leave a flaw in the People's Empire, Qin Qi needs to be more careful, but it only takes a little more effort.

After an hour, Qin Qi passed the Great Emperor and entered the Zhongzhou boundary.

On the big array, there are no shortcomings left.

"Here, it should be the south of Zhongzhou, that is not far from the city of the era." Qin Qi is difficult to calm, and the voice is trembling with low voice.

He floated up and went straight to the void.

This scale of Zhongzhou, in the current level of Qin Qi, is a moment to come to any place you want to go.

The next second, Qin Qi has come to the sky outside the city of the era.

Still the city.

A familiar scene flows through my mind. In this city, there are people he is familiar with, wives, children, brothers, and friends.

"I am finally back!" Qin Qi exclaimed excitedly, stepping out, has come to the city of the era.

See the familiar scenery, such as the world.

This era of the city is no different from the past. Seeing the magnificent giant city of the heavens and the world, this is a city in the Tianyuan world, and it seems to be somewhat inadequate.

But this is also normal.

After entering the exile, all the resources are probably used to maintain the imperial family.

There is no opportunity to expand the city at all.

Of course, these are not important.

Now that Qin Qi is back, he will surely take everyone out of the exile, and will surely make the city of the era and the city of chaos the most powerful city in the world.

Everything has just begun.

Qin Qi perceived it and soon discovered the breath of Situ Jing.

She is still sitting in the city of the era.

Qin Qi’s eyes lit up and flashed in the air. After the flowers were put down, they rushed into the room where Situ Jing was.

"Your uncle, I just left me like this!" Xiaohua was annoyed.

However, when I was in Qin Qi, I was reunited with my wife for a long time.

This kind of mouth, it is better not to add chaos.

Xiaohua looked around and was very interested.

When the Emperor took over Zhongzhou, he was quickly taken over by the imperial powers and was forced into the exile.

The little flower just heard it, but never set foot in Zhongzhou.

"Is this the place where the kid lived in the past?" Xiaohua whispered.

Tianyuan World, a world that has never heard of it, but it is really surprising to be able to train people like Qin Qi.

Moreover, the Emperor is also from that world.

"Strange, how is it a bit strange?" Xiaohua looked, but the eyebrows were slightly stunned.

There is a sense of disobedience in her heart, but it is impossible to know what it is, just an induction that is similar to intuition.

It's hard to tell.

Not to mention that with her current realm, nothing can be studied at all.

Xiaohua frowned, looking at Qin Qi, who was excited to run into the yard, sighed slightly.

Perhaps, the long-awaited reunion is not the moment.

Qin Qi came to the yard, and in the room in front of him, it was the breath of Situ Jing, she was inside.

When he left, Situ Jing was pregnant.

I don't know if it has already been born.

For so many years, it should be born.

Where is the little guy now?

Is it a boy or a girl?

There is also Su, she and Situ Jing are pregnant together, they should have given birth to children, where are they now?

Qin Qi's heart beats violently.

He stood in the courtyard, his mind was blank, and he didn't know what to see Situ Jing later.

Even, there are some fears.

Close hometown.

That's about it.

However, Qin Qi could not bear it. He looked forward to the day for too long.

He stepped forward and pushed the door open.

"Xiao Jing!" Qin Qi pushed the door open and exclaimed excitedly.

The furnishings in the house are not much different from the previous ones, and a shadow of the shadows is leaning against the soft collapse, which seems to be undermining.

It is Situ Jing.

The years did not leave much engraving on her, as in the past, the woman who was waiting for him, from the girl to the woman.

Qin Qi’s body could not help but tremble.

As the ally of the Chaos Era Alliance, Situ Jing has to deal with many matters every day and it takes a lot of energy.

In the past, she used to do the same thing. After dealing with the mountains of affairs, she lay down for a moment.

Nowadays, Zhongzhou has entered the exile area. Although it has stabilized, the situation is bound to be extremely incomparable. There are more things to be dealt with than before.

To stabilize the people in despair, how much energy is needed, Qin Qi does not know.

He was so distressed that his eyes were foggy. He stepped forward and wanted to touch Situ Jing's face. He wanted to embrace the woman who had been standing behind him and supported him.

However, Qin Qi’s hand suddenly froze.

Qin Qi suddenly exudes coldness, from the heart to the body, cold to the extreme.

He stood still, his pupils contracted sharply, staring at his own hand.

It passed through Situ Jing’s cheek. The people in front of us don’t exist at all!

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