"French, you are back!" Situ Jing was awakened by Qin Qi, opened his eyes, and the beautiful nephew reflected the shadow of Qin Qi, so true.

She suddenly showed the color of surprise, jumped from the soft palate, and the whole person threw herself into Qin Qi's arms.

This is also true.

"I know, I know you will come back, you are finally back, great!" Situ Jing cried, tears rolling down, falling on Qin Qi's neck, is also warm.

This **** a living person.


Qin Qi closed his eyes in pain.

He held Situ Jing tight, but his body was cold.

He can feel the temperature of Situ Jing, then the familiar atmosphere, everything tells him that this is Situ Jing, the goods are genuine.

However, he also knows that this is not Situ Jing.

Qin Qi looked at the hand that stretched out to himself, above the finger, a little bit of avenue particles floating in the air.

This is the avenue particle that Qin Qi did not consciously inspire. He has just mastered this power after all, and it is still very unskillful to use.

However, after all, it is not used for combat, so Qin Qi is not worried about what will happen to Situ Jing when he touches the avenue particles.

Just did not expect that it would directly penetrate Situ Jing's body.

A person who is alive and well, temperature, breath and everything else is exactly the same as Situ Jing. If there is no avenue particle, Qin Qi will not think that she is not Situ Jing.

I thought I finally reunited, but I didn't expect to become such a scene.

Everything in front of us is false, but it looks, but it is no different from reality.

This is Situ Jing, who has consciousness, has feelings, and has a longing for Qin Qi.

In the end what happened!

"What's wrong with you, staying?" Situ Jing looked at Qin Qi, and then he cried and laughed. He saw Qin Qi feel bad.

"I'm fine, just too happy." Qin Qi knows that Situ Jing is not real, but looking at her, she can't help but be gentle.

"Sorry, I am coming back now, so that you have suffered so much."

"No, I know that your situation must be very harder. You must have come through this road more dangerously than we have!" Situ Jing shook his head again and again.

Qin Qi didn't know how to face it. He finally said: "What are you doing with color, where are you now, are they... okay?"

Even if he knew it was false, Qin Qi couldn't help but ask.

"They are all very good. Now in the city of Chaos, I will take you there!" Situ Jing said happily. "I know everyone will be happy when you come back!"

"And ah, there are surprises for you!" Situ Jing haha ​​laughed, and the eyebrows flowed out of a smug color.

Is this really fake?

Qin Qi is somewhat confused. If there is no original avenue particle, he really can't detect it is false.

"Fr., what's wrong with you?" Situ Jing looked at Qin Qi with wide eyes.

"I'm fine," Qin Qi shook his head. "What is the surprise you said?"

Situ Jing, Yan Yixiao, put a finger in front of his mouth and smiled: "You will know when you arrive!"

Qin Qi is silent.

He can guess what.

Perhaps it will be Situ Jing and the fetus in Su’s belly.

Did the little guys be born smoothly, what did they look like, and would you feel close when you saw him who had never met?

"Go, why are you doing, everyone is waiting for you!" Situ Jing took Qin Qi's hand and wondered.

"Good", Qin Qi nodded, some lost, but could not refuse, followed Situ Jing to go outside.

"Hey, this way, is it really good?" It was a small flower, and suddenly it was called.

Qin Qi’s chaotic heart suddenly shocked, such as drinking.

"I, I just want to see..." Qin Qi looked free and was looking for an excuse for herself.

"Here, I feel a little uneasy, there is a strange sense of violation, your words, you should feel more acute, you really do not realize there is a problem here?" Xiaohua frown.

She can't say what it is, but Qin Qi's intuition should be stronger than her. How can she not be aware of it?

Was it stunned by other reunions?

The thoughts that have been suppressed for too long have already made Qin Qi start to escape from reality?

Qin Qi just wants to take a look.

But Xiaohua knows that once a compromise is made, then there will be more compromises, and Qin Qi will be lost here.

Of course, if Xiaohua knows that Qin Qi has clearly and unequivocally seen the illusion, I am afraid it will be even more surprising.

She completely underestimated the hardships of Qin Qi's road, and did not understand Qin Qi's embarrassment and self-blame to his family.

However, this should not be the reason for stopping. Even if you are tired and want to stop and rest, you can't stop here.

"Who is this girl?" Situ Jing wondered.

"She is a friend of mine, thanks to her, I can come here," Qin Qidao.

"But her, why don't you let me go?"

"she was……"

"Then, do you go with me, or listen to her, don't want to see them?"


"You are hesitating. Have you changed your heart in these years, because she?" Situ Jing sighed and grabbed Qin Qi's hand and lowered his head.

"Yes, she is more beautiful than us, and she can certainly give you more help..." Situ Jing said sadly.

"you misunderstood!"

"This, is your child?" Situ Jing saw the nephew in his arms and smiled. "No wonder you don't want to go with me. If so, what are you going back to?"

"Not like this, you listen to me!" Qin Qi hurriedly shouted, he could not face the eyes of Situ Jing, the heart seemed to be caught.

Xiaohua frown.

She can see Qin Qi's hesitation.

Obviously, Qin Qi is not unaware.

In this case, it is even more difficult for Qin Qi to be trapped here.

Sometimes people are trapped, they use cages, they use illusions, but sometimes they use "real", real emotions, real desires!

"Hey, you calm down, you..." Xiaohua hurried.

"Enough!" Qin Qi sighed low.

A small flower stagnation, can only sigh, back a few steps.

"I don't want to hear you explain, you only tell me, do you want to go with me, go home with me!" Situ Jing bite the word.

She shed tears, her eyes complex, her wings, disappointment, pain, and decisiveness.

As true as her.

How can you kneel down and refuse?

Qin Qi closed his eyes in a difficult way and silently snorted.

He looked at Situ Jing, and his eyes were soft.

"Xiao Jing, no matter where you are, I will definitely find you. At that time, I will not go, I will be able to keep this home!"

Qin Qi stepped forward and took Situ Jing into his arms.

"What are you talking about?" Situ Jing wondered.

"So, forgive me," Qin Qi hoarsely, the body of the avenue particles constantly rushing out, covering the whole body.

The expression of Situ Jing suddenly settled, as if the image of the signal was lost, began to distort, and then disillusioned like a bubble.

Situ Jing disappeared in front of his eyes.

Immediately, with Qin Qi as the center, this piece of heaven and earth began to gradually disintegrate. Everything that is "real" is illusory.

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