Xiaohua looked around in surprise, but she didn't expect it to be fake.

This is too horrible.

If it is a illusion, it is just deceiving the eyes or the soul. It is something that does not exist at all, but in front of it, it is all true.

This is much more brilliant than the general fantasy.

Can someone really create such an illusion?

Copy the entire state and build a real world?

Even the people inside have the original, independent thinking personality, rather than the established formula.

It’s terrible.

Xiaohua has never seen such a fantasy.

If Qin Qi’s inner heart is loose and begins to be confused, he will probably sink into it, and this subsidence can change the established cognition.

At that time, it was hard to say true and false.

Because everything here can be true.

That Situ Jing, can also be true, living, blood and flesh.

Qin Qi stayed in the same place, and couldn't stand it anymore.

He needs to vent, otherwise he feels that he has to explode.

Xiaohua sighed and did not stop Qin Qi. She looked around and was affected by the particles of Qin Qi Avenue. A large area had collapsed.

But more places, but still remain the same.

It seems that the influence of Qin Qi's avenue particles is still limited. This can only be said that Qin Qi's control over the avenue particles still stays at a very shallow level.

"Just, why build such a state?" Xiaohua whispered.

Some are difficult to understand.

However, since it is a painstaking effort to copy a Zhongzhou, it must be deceiving someone. It seems that the situation in the exile land is much more complicated than imagined.

Must be more vigilant.

Xiaohua looked into the distance, and some people have been alarmed by the movements here. They are coming over, I am afraid that they are the old people of Qin Qi.

Each of them is so real. If they are destroyed, I am afraid that there will be an illusion in my heart.

What if they are real?

Even if you are convinced in your heart, I am afraid that there will be confusion in the end.

Qin Qi can't continue to use the avenue particles. Otherwise, it will have a great impact on Qin Qi's heart.

"Qin Qi, let's leave here first!" Xiaohua Shen Sheng.

This is the first time she is called Qin Qi.

Qin Qi looked up and saw the people who came in the distance.

Mo Ziqi.

Qin Qi's face changed, and could not help but back a few steps.

He began to be a little confused and began to doubt himself.

What if it is not false?

Situ Jing disappeared into her arms. If she is not fake, how should she face herself?

Situ Jing is of course fake, but Qin Qi’s current state is difficult to judge accurately. Once he starts to doubt himself, it will become an avalanche, irreparable, and only get bigger.

"Hey!" Xiaohua gritted her teeth, but she has no power at present, and there is no way to help Qin Qi.

However, she did not expect Qin Qi to sink so deep, with Qin Qi's mind, when it would never be so right.

"It is obviously a fancy boy, but it is deep in love." Little flowers can't help.

It is also difficult for Qin Qi to change between extreme joy and disappointment.

Mo Ziqi and others are approaching quickly. They don't know what happened, and they are worried.

Qin Qi did not want to see their eyes, it was something he could not face.

I am willing to raise my hand to run the avenue particles and inspire them, but they are constantly retreating.

"If you go on like this, it will be terrible."

It seems that Qin Qi’s determination has been used almost when he dispelled Situ Jing.

I thought that Qin Qi would retreat, but the next moment, Xiaohua was a big change.

Not because of Qin Qi, but the surrounding picture actually began to collapse in all directions, not just around Qin Qi, it is the entire Zhongzhou!

The dark color is like a thunder, almost instantly, and it ravages the whole world.

The entire state of Zhongzhou, collapsed, no longer exists.

Qin Qi is also stunned, showing the color of shock.

But there are also a few decompositions.

The power of the dark color is derived from the dark particles. I am afraid that some darkness is a shot, and Qin Qi would like to thank him.

It was he who helped Qin Qi to cross this juncture.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Qi regained his calmness. He instantly moved to the side of Xiaohua and his nephew, and the power fluctuated to protect them.

Looking at the raging dark particles, the look is heavy.

This power is too strong, giving people a strong sense of suffocation, strong power, surpassing the darkness encountered before.

It’s not a matter of heaven.

The darkness of the heavenly level?

It’s hard to be done. In the Great Rift Valley that he encountered before, is he one of the initiators?

Qin Qi gritted his teeth and quit with a small flower, until he came to the hundreds of miles outside of Zhongzhou, the pressure is reduced.

And Zhongzhou, has completely disintegrated and disappeared without a trace.

But in the same place, there are no relics of Zhongzhou.

So what about Zhongzhou, where did Zhongzhou go?

The change of Qin Qi's look, as seen today, is too much beyond imagination.

In addition, after he discovered that Zhongzhou was a false one, the first reaction was to feel that someone had set up a bureau, even if it was not against him, but I am afraid it would not be good for him.

But now that I remembered it, I found that people who copied Zhongzhou might want to leave Qin Qi there.

But this should not be possible, and sooner or later it will be discovered by Qin Qi.

It is full of contradictions.

Obviously, people who copied Zhongzhou were hesitant and somewhat undecided.

"It will be... she?" Qin Qi whispered.

Such a contradictory psychology may only be her, but Qin Qi does not want the fact to be like that.

However, Qin Qi did not have time to think about it.

After the disintegration of Zhongzhou, a figure appeared suddenly in front of Qin Qi.

This is a man.

It is humanoid and does not seem to differ much from the human race.

But the breath of his body is no doubt a human race.

This is a real dark genus!

Is this darkness?

Both Qin Qi and Xiao Hua were shocked.

In fact, they were the first to see the dark genus. The former one, although sensing the breath of the other, did not witness it with the naked eye.

But that should only be close to the human form, with a similar erect form and limbs. It seems that I am afraid that it is very different from the human race.

It is also very different from this one.

This one, the body is very long, the face is like a crown jade, if it is starry sky, in the darkness, with the light, the body is wearing a black dress, I do not know what the material, but give a sense of darkness .

This is a very handsome man, with long hair spread out, carrying his hands, and his own world is at his feet.

Both Qin Qi and Xiaohua were sinking in their hearts, and they were suddenly soaked in cold sweat.

In the face of this kind of adversary, there is no possibility of escaping the birth of the day. The only thing I can expect is that the other party will not kill them.

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