God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2309: Nearly bug

This hive is similar to what it was seen before, but with more holes.

Of course, this also means that there are more dark subordinates living here.

When Qin Qi was killed, these dark subordinates did not even react. The speed of Qin Qi was too fast. They did not even notice the movement of the battle, but the terrible killing of Qin Qi.

The sharp humming sound finally sounded. Even Qin Qi, in this kind of honeycomb nest, can only choose one, it is impossible to hide.

However, there is nothing, Qin Qi's speed is still very fast.

“Hey!” After Qin Qi’s killing of several dark subordinates, a larger dark subordinate directly smashed the rock wall of the lair, and the claws were photographed toward Qin Qizhen.

It can be seen that a dark ring emerges between its claws, compressed to the ultimate dark particles, and condensed into sharp edges along the claws, and the Qin Qi is cut into several segments.

Such a sharp edge, extremely sharp, if it is really hit, it is the body of Qin Qi, can not resist.

Fortunately, Qin Qi could not be hit.

This subordinate warrior is extremely powerful, speed and strength are not to be underestimated, and the combat instinct is also a super-level.

If it is an ordinary situation, in the face of such an attack, it may feel very tricky, but in the **** eyes, even if it is only four out of ten, the action becomes very slow.

Qin Qi sideways avoided, **** looking for the angle, attached to the outer bones of the subordinates of the heavens, a sword pierced.

In the bloody, it is clear that it is where the weakness lies. This sword is unstoppable and goes deep into the flesh and blood of the subordinates.

Heavenly slaves suffer from pain and screams, but they are natural warriors, and their ability to withstand pain is incredibly amazing, and it has hardly been affected.

Just listening to the dark core behind it makes a strong whistling sound, more dark particles are quickly concentrated, turned into a circle of dark circles.

This time, the dark ring appeared in the waist of the subordinates of the heavens, and rapidly expanded, like a sword wheel. If it is being swept, I am afraid it will be broken.

This response can not be said to be ineffective, it is necessary to force Qin Qi to forcefully withdraw.

However, this natural subordination obviously still does not understand the power of blood stasis. Under the effect of Philip, this blow is fast, and it is also left to the time of Qin Qi reaction.

With Qin Qi's standard, if you can't do it and do it, then you don't have to play.

The dark ring, such as the sword wheel, sweeps directly over and is submerged in the surrounding rock wall. If it is carefully seen, a slight trace has been left on the rock wall, but it has been cut off.

Even the dark subordinates of many other caves were swept into this and directly became two paragraphs.

A shot hit, the atmosphere of the subordinates suddenly fell back, obviously this shot has no momentum, but the consumption is huge.

"It's over!" But Qin Qi, whispered, **** squatting directly against the dark core, killing the blood and framing in the sword light, is the power of one blow.

"嗤", the **** blade from the heavens and the subordinates of the chest and abdomen, is the defensive bones of the defense, but also can not withstand the sharp edge of this sword.

The sword that can already provoke the power of the sword spirit is that the grade is not high, but the power is also extremely terrible.

With a hit, the second star of Qin Qi’s natural environment was also brighter. He did not stop, went on, and harvested the darkness.

This is almost a one-sided battle.

Although this is a dark lair, it is the home of the dark subordinates. They are more crowded, but under the **** blood of almost BUG, ​​they can only be slaughtered.

Of course, if it is not Qin Qi, the average person will use blood, I am afraid that it can only support for a minute or two, and then it will be exhausted by blood.

Only Qin Qi, occupying the convenience of the flesh, can open **** and fight for a long time.

Therefore, it cannot be said that the dark subordinates are not strong. It is really the blood of Qin Qi, too strong.

Because of the speedy decision, Qin Qi did not slow down all the way until the last darkness was subordinated to kill, it was Qin Qi, and some could not support it, his face was already pale.

In front of you, there is also a female worm.

This female worm is not the same as the one encountered before, and the realm is higher, and it has reached the level of the beginning of the heavens.

But I don't know if the mother worm has no fighting power. The female worm in front of her eyes did not choose to shoot.

To know that now is the best opportunity, Qin Qi is not a small consumer, but it is the best desperate opportunity, although it can not kill Qin Qi.

"It seems that the power of the female worms is all used to lay eggs, the combat power is not high, and the protection of the subordinate warriors is required." Qin Qi whispered.

And now all the dark subordinates have been killed by Qin Qi, this female worm, naturally there is no possibility of living a little bit of life.

Quickly, you can't waste time.

When Qin Qi is stunned, he will kill him.

But at this moment, the mother worm suddenly made a sharp scream, and then, under it, in the spawning pool, all the eggs that had not hatched exploded.

At the same time, the soft exoskeleton of the female worm screamed, and there were countless holes, and a large number of dark particles were released.

Almost instantaneously, the rich dark particles enveloped the entire cave. In such an environment, it would be extremely unfavorable for Qin Qi.

Sure enough, still not planning to give up?

At this moment, the dark particle concentration is indeed very high, Qin Qi does not dare to look down, but can not look at it like this, when the dark particles spread, he has already pulled out a sword.

"Is it empty?" Qin Qi slightly frowned.

It is not that this sword failed to hit the female worm, but did not hit the key, and such an injury is nothing to the dark subordinates.

However, there is no chance for a second sword. The dark particles are full of four weeks, even if it is bloody, it is also greatly disturbed.

Qin Qi can't grasp the specific location of the female.

The dark particles are still strong, and they are innately elevated. Although Qin Qi is not afraid, it does not ignore this gap.

It must be said that the selection of this female worm is indeed good.

After avoiding the fatal blow, Qin Qi was severely restricted and it was difficult to continue to pursue it. As a human being, Qin Qi could not stay in this environment for too long.

As long as this time is passed, the mother can survive naturally.

Unfortunately, it did not pay attention to the little baby riding on the neck of Qin Qi.

There are children, Qin Qi does not need to worry about the rich dark particles around.

In addition, Qin Qi is not the specific location where the mother can not be found. In Qin Qi's body, there are avenue particles, although the number is not much, but Qin Qi is not intended to be used for combat, but on the blood.

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