God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2310: Deaf children come out

The **** scorpion gets the blessing of the avenue particles, and the force adds another change. Even the dark particles can't be a hindrance.

In the **** field of vision, Qin Qi re-locked the position of the female worm, and its key points were also exposed to Qin Qi's vision.

Qin Qi naturally will not let go of such an opportunity, and as soon as possible, blood will stand down.

He is still at a relatively junior level in the use of avenue particles. It will not last long, and there can be no more mistakes.

The sword came out too fast and too embarrassed. The mother insect had no time to react, and was pierced by Qin Qi and a sword.

This sword, accurately penetrated the mother's defense weakness, hit its key, but the force from the blade back, but Qin Qi brow wrinkled.

The defense is getting stronger!

The sword was a little shallower and failed to kill the mother.

Of course, this is not important. With this sword, the female worm has no resistance, and the next sword will die.

The female worm was severely wounded. Although she broke free, she knew that she was unable to return to the sky. After a few screams, she spoke out, "Human, you will be enslaved by my family!"

"Who knows it?" Qin Qi said lightly.

The dark particles around have faded, and almost all of them have been absorbed by the nephews. The little girl is very strong at the moment, and the screaming is not stop.

Qin Qi can also see the mother worm, not through the **** power.

At this moment, the size of the female worm is reduced by several times. Only the size of the ordinary dark subordinates is left, and the soft exoskeleton of the body is also contracted together. It is no wonder that the defensive power is higher than before.

With this, it was not stabbed to death by Qin Qi.

"This is the case!" The mother worm fell to the ground, and several pairs of compound eyes continued to turn. It was impossible to believe that this was a reality. It was even more shocking than Qin Qi’s smashing the entire nest.

This little human baby has swallowed up dark particles, which is incredible!

Because of this, can Qin Qi move freely in these dark particles of concentration?

Who can think of this.

Qin Qi ignored the shock of it, and he planned to knot it, then quickly left and returned to the state.

However, the nephew suddenly struggled to jump from Qin Qi, took a small short leg, and ran to the front of the mother.

Qin Qi was shocked in his heart. Although the child is special, it is only a small baby. In front of this female insect, it will be very dangerous.

The motherbug was equally astonished. I didn't expect this little baby to run over and I was planning to shoot.

However, Qin Qi obviously will not give it a chance, **** blood above the blood, like a **** flame, the horrible murderous cage of the mother, these dark side of the creatures, and some can not stand.

The female worm did not dare to take the shot, and Qin Qi was hesitant. He planned to see what the babies wanted to do and stalemate with the female worm for a time.

But no matter who wants to shoot, I am afraid it is a thunder!

The nephew was not aware of the violent storm. She stopped in front of the mother worm and her body trembled. The roots were not stable.

However, the small face is a serious one, quite a bit like a small adult.

I saw the nephew picking up the sleeves, revealing the white tender and tender fat arm, constantly stroking, and the mouth is "Oh, ah", and I heard Qin Qi squatting.

Although he could not understand, it is very clear that the nephew is communicating with the mother.

And the mother insect, more vibrating than Qin Qi, is also a worry.

"Oh, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!" The child said earnestly, the little hand kept looking.

The female worm seems to understand, the mouthpiece trembles slightly, and makes some difficult syllables, probably the language of their family.

"Oh!" Hearing, the little hand slammed the ground and pointed at the motherbug and called several times.

This is what I am talking about.

Qin Qi had a slap in the face and did not know what to do.

However, the nephew came with a temper, two small hands akimbo, oh yeah, feeling that it was pointing at the mother's nose.

what's the situation.

Only such a big little girl, there has been the potential to become a shrew, these days with the small flowers mixed, what have you learned in the end?

Qin Qi has some urge to help the amount, but still hold back, after all, to guard against the mother insect shot.

The female worm has been completely stunned, and it has been screamed by small flowers. Qin Qi can even feel that the dark particles that converge on it are scatter.

"Oh, oh yeah!"

Finally, the nephew carrying his hands, hammering the sound, looking at the look, don't mention more, the chin is going to the sky.

Feeling that if this girl grows up, she is afraid that she is also a disobedient master.

"Hey, what are you doing, come back soon," Qin Qi screamed.

Although the child said that he could not speak the language of mankind, he still understood it. He heard the words and ran back and forth, like a monkey, and climbed back to Qin Qi’s shoulder.

"Oh, oh!" The child shouted at Qin Qi’s milk, as if he was asking for a job.

Qin Qilian rolled his eyes, and the ghost knew what the child was talking about.

"She...who is she?" The mother insect opened her mouth and asked Qin Qi.

"My daughter", Qin Qi said directly, there is no intention to explain with the mother.

The mother insect stumbled, although she did not believe it, but she also knew that Qin Qi could not tell it the truth.

"She let me surrender to you," the mother insect continued.

"Oh?" Qin Qi was really an accident.

The six pairs of female insects staring at the nephew, very complicated, she does not know how the deaf children exist.

But she can feel the power of her blood, which is completely above it, even if the child is just a small baby, it is enough to let it choose to surrender.

Even in the dark side of the living, the blood is also divided, the blood of the dark genus is far more than the subordinates of darkness, and in the subordinates of darkness, the female worms must surpass the subordinate warriors.

From the point of view of the female worm, the blood of the deaf children is probably among the noble ones.

So even if it is a baby, there is enough qualification for it to choose to surrender and return.

What the deaf children just said is this, let the mother insects return to Qin Qi.

"Here, why is there such a young body?" The mother is incomprehensible.

The exile of the land is not without the strong darkness of the blood, the former Yuanshen show is one of them, but only these strong.

It is impossible for a young body with a strong blood to appear in the land of exile. After all, the darkness is in the dark, and it has a powerful power, but the price is a very low fertility rate.

Every child is precious, how can it be sent to such a dangerous environment?

Not to mention, mixed with a human being.

"So what is your decision?" Qin Qi simply asked, he did not want to talk nonsense with this mother.

To be honest, he did not expect that the child still has this hand, but it is not the case that it is not possible to consider it. If you have a female worm, you may have a dark subordinate army!

The mother swayed her head and said: "With the blood of this adult, it is not a problem to let me go, but there is a mark in my soul. If it cannot be removed, it will be meaningless even if it is returned!"

"The eggs that I gave birth will still hatch the previous soldiers, and the previous orders will not be used for you." The female worm is direct and tells the key points.

However, it did not exclude the return of human beings, but it was surprising, and Qin Qi also knew some rules of the dark side.

"Oh oh!" The child stalked. "Well, if it is, then I can't refuse it." The mother insect squatted on the ground.

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