God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2316: Either crazy

Now the geniuses of the heavens and the world come to the Tao, and they all look like a heroic, fast-growing, and will make a difference.

This is not bad.

But when they get to heaven, they will start to feel painful, and the hidden dangers of different cultivation systems will also appear.

And to solve this, it will be extremely difficult.

At this point, Qin Qi’s advantage can be said to be enormous.

I have to admire the genius of the female emperor, and I was able to create a path of growth like the emperor's road. It is simply unprecedented.

Not to mention the Tianyuan world, it is the Taoist world, and I don’t know if there is a road to it.

With such a means, Qin Qi naturally wants to peek into the cultivation system on the dark side. If he can, he still wants to study.

Even, the system on the dark side was introduced into the system as the direction behind the emperor.

"The breath has begun to change. It is afraid to abandon the subordinates and turn them into genus!" Qin Qi’s perception is constantly magnifying, and all the details are in the heart.

And the different Kunlun, is also helping to analyze, trying to acquire the cultivation system on the dark side.

But for the time being it is obviously too reluctant.

The female worm only swallowed a similar female worm. This part of the energy can only serve as the beginning of evolution and cannot support it to complete the evolution.

Soon, the changes in the mother's body stopped, and the "shell" of its body surface gradually peeled off, revealing what it is now.

Formally, it is a little thinner than before, but it is still bigger than human beings.

The exoskeleton of the body surface should be strengthened, and the breath is also enhanced. This can be clearly felt.

If you substitute the system of the Tao, it has already taken a step towards the heavens.

"This efficiency..." Qin Qi is speechless.

He killed so many dark subordinates, and he was not promoted to the heavens, and the mother insects only swallowed a similar kind, and there was a significant change.

This conversion rate, the gap is indeed a bit large.

Of course, this is also related to Qin Qi's inability to devour the dark-dependent corpses. Otherwise, he should have achieved perfection in the world.

Perhaps, after getting the cultivation system on the dark side, Qin Qi can be swallowed up and maybe.

“How do you feel?” Qin Qi asked.

"It’s very strange feeling, it’s like suddenly there is a strong direction, but there is no way to say it clearly,” the motherworm has some hesitation.

"If you continue to swallow, you should be clear," Qin Qidao said.

"Yes," the female worm suddenly got excited.

It comes from instinctive desires, eager to be stronger!

"Do it, give you this opportunity", Qin Qidao.

"Thank you, I will definitely realize my value, I will not let the adults regret it!" The mother insects squatted down. The former adult refers to Qin Qi, and the latter one refers to the nephew.

My nephew said it was worth it.

Then it is going to do everything and not let the children regret it.

"Another dark nest is not too far from here, so this stronghold can continue to be used, and it will not be replaced for the time being." Qin Qi turned his head and turned to Xiaohuadao.

The little flower squatted on the edge of the tub, looking at Qin Qi with a look of resentment, swearing: "You are really good enough, my sister is so swollen, you can really stand it, can I not be as good as this bug?"

"In this case, come out soon!" Qin Qi did not feel good.

"Want to see the beauty out of the bath?" The little flower eyes bent slightly.

Then there was a burst of water, and it was indeed a beautiful bathing. It was beautiful.

"Hey, run so fast..." Xiaohua took the hand to help the amount. At this time, Qin Qi had left with the mother and the nephew.

It is even more urgent to use bloody.

The little flower shook his head, and slowly walked out of the tub, saying that it was so swollen, but in fact it was still a perfect figure.

Ice muscle jade bones, body posture.

"However, the more urgent it is, the more you show that you have lost confidence in yourself."

"This repressed environment always maintains a tight nerve, the news of Zhongzhou, the negative emotions that are constantly squeezed, and the constant killing."

"Although you are killing the sword, you don't have to worry about being swallowed up by killing, but how long will it last?"

"A strong person, as long as it is not without desire, no clean, six clean, it is the Buddha, will be emotional around, I am afraid if you can not find Zhongzhou, you will be crazy!" Xiaohua whispered to himself, frowning.

In addition, she still has a feeling.

As the owner of the group restaurant, she really knows the emotional emotions of people, so I understand the dangers of Qin Qi's search if there is no result.

But with Qin Qi’s mind, it should not be so fast.

“Is there any interference?” Xiaohua frowned, thinking about it, but there was no clue.

Then Xiaohua was worried. She said to herself: "But that thing can alleviate the backlog of emotions, but I am just a mortal. The guy is close to the realm of the physical universe. I am afraid I can't bear it. ......"

"Or, don't play with fire, maybe, Zhongzhou will find it soon..." Xiaohua said to himself, and then he no longer bothered, and he yawned and went to make up.

She is very comfortable.

On the other hand, Qin Qi can make up the top with the arbitrarily. After finding another dark lair, the blood is opened and then killed.

As before, the process went smoothly and there was no accident.

And the mother is stronger than before, and it speeds up the progress.

In the end, the female worm once again swallowed a similar female insect and continued her journey of evolution.

The days that followed were incomparably boring.

Until the fifth dark lair was annihilated, Qin Qi, they have also reached the junction of the second grommet and the third grommet.

Here, there is also a huge stone forest.

Perhaps it is because of the existence of a monument in the stone forest, even if the road monument is destroyed today, the dark subordinates are still unwilling to approach this place.

Therefore, among the stone forests, it is a relatively safe place.

In Shilin, Qin Qi chose a remote location, arranged the hidden means, and began to meditate.

The flower is on one side, this time she did not do any special moves, and even dressed very well.

She can feel that Qin Qi is almost at the limit.

The last time, it has been another two months, most of the time is trapped in the natural danger, can only move slowly.

For Qin Qi, there is no doubt that it is suffering.

Two months, that one is a **** show, can't be without gain?

Will it be late again?

The more I think about it, the more Qin Qi can't calm the heart, and the constant suppression will only make the rebound more fierce.

By now, Qin Qi has no extra energy to deal with the temptation from Xiaohua.

This is the first charming woman in the world. Tian Zun can't ignore her charm.

Fortunately, the little flowers are no longer in chaos, so Qin Qi is relieved.

On the other hand, after swallowing five similar females, the female worm finally began the final step.

This time, it will complete the evolution.

Qin Qi is concerned that he expects the cultivation system on the dark side to provide new ideas for the current dilemma. Otherwise, it’s either crazy or...

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