God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2317: Half man and half insect

"This time, the shackles are to be thicker. It seems that this time, the evolution will be truly realized, and it will become a dark genus." Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

The nephew is undoubtedly a dark genus. Unfortunately, Qin Qi does not feel anything special about her. It is estimated that her blood is strong and there is no reference for Qin Qi.

Instead, it is the evolution of the female worm, which allows Qin Qi to glimpse the power of the dark genus and learn about the cultivation system on the dark side.

Previously, the mother insects have changed many times, and Qin Qi has already made some gains. Now, the final evolution of the female insects is believed to expose more cultivation systems.

As time passed, the changes in the female worm began to accelerate, the sound of “咔咔咔” continued to ring, the “蛹” of the surface gradually increased, and the inside became hollow.

In this case, I am afraid that the exoskeleton of the female worm has completely peeled off from the body surface.

However, you may not know how to fall off, but merge inward.

Regardless of this, after all, Qin Qi did not care about the shape change of the female worm. He only wanted to know how the source of the female worm would change.

"The structure of the dark core has also changed?" Qin Qi whispers, the core of the honeycomb, is the source of strength of the dark subordinates, and can be concentrated in high intensity, making the dark particles mastered stronger.

Similar to the power booster.

This is also one of the innate advantages of the subordinates of darkness. After all, human beings or aliens, the source of power in the body is only used to generate power. As for the increase and use of power, it relies on the mysterious secret.

But the darkness is subordinate, but it already has this role in the body structure.

This is without a doubt a big advantage.

But now, the core of the mother's body is changing, the sides of the honeycomb begin to sag inward, slowly retract from the center, and finally touch together, and back pressure in all directions.

Almost, from a sphere to a ring shape.

This ring is not desperate. If you look carefully, you can find that the ring has dense pipes like hair, which are extruded from the honeycomb holes.

But it is much more than before.

However, these pipes are not in one position, but are divided into upper and lower layers, but in two symmetrical positions, there are two "X"-shaped intersections, and the two-layer pipes will also exchange positions.

This is for further concentration and release of the upper and lower pipes.

Inside these pipes, dark particles flow, because of this special structure, the dark particles flow out of it, which is a process of compression.

The more pipes inside, the better the compression!

"Is this the core of the power of the dark genus? The difference in structure is so big!" Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

Compared to the previous honeycomb cavity, the number of pipes in this ring is too much, not an order of magnitude.

It seems that the subordinates of darkness are only war weapons, but consumables, which have too many disadvantages compared to the real family.

But think about it too, the dark subordination is just a mass production warrior. It is good to be able to do this. If it is stronger, it will be too much against the sky.

The change in the core of power is the foundation of the evolution of the female worm, but it is by no means all.

The rest is also enhanced by all sides, but those who don't help Qin Qi can ignore it.

The entire evolution process of the mother's power core is recorded, and analyzed by Yi Kunlun. Qin Qi intends to use this as a basis to apply the avenue particles.

His use of the avenue particles is really superficial. It can be said that there is no clue at all, just use it casually, and it is all attached to the BUFF.

This is naturally a bit of a violent thing.

Since the method of the alien world is used to manage dark particles, the avenue particles can also be cultivated with this model.

This is certainly not a simple matter. Even if Qin Qi saw the whole process and knew the core structure of the dark genus, it was just a toddler.

After all, this may only apply to the shape of dark particles, is a proprietary structure, everything, or to wait for the analysis of different Kunlun.

Of course, Qin Qi’s own understanding is also very important.

In this way, Qin Qi will put all his heart into it, but it will temporarily stabilize the instigating heart and suppress all negative emotions.

The female worm is still evolving.

Only small flowers and nephews, nothing to do, feel boring.

In this way, the mother insect has finally evolved in three days.

When the cockroaches outside the mother worm were crushed, Qin Qi and others were paying attention to the past and faintly expecting.

"You said, will it be like a **** show and a nephew, become a human figure?" Xiaohua could not help but ask, "If you are a beautiful woman, you will be cool!"

"Oh, oh!" The nephew said, but no one knows what she is saying.

"As long as it is useful," Qin Qi said lightly.

In the early days, he also paid little attention to the morphological changes of the female worm, but later he devoted himself to the deduction of the core structure, and did not go to the evolution of the female worm.

So the mother insect is now what it is, and Qin Qi does not know.


The smashed open, and something broke out of the shell.

It is a hand!

Although it is not as white as sheep, it is indeed the human arm.

Really become a human form?

Both Qin Qi and Xiaohua blinked and continued to wait, and the female worm apparently did not want to stay in the darkness of the day, and immediately increased the strength and constantly drilled out.

"It's really a woman!" Xiaohua's eyes lit up, and some funny words.

It’s really a woman who is drilled out of the shackles. Maybe the woman is not appropriate, but it is indeed the shape of a human woman.

A very special face, with Qin Qi's aesthetic, also feels that this mother is very beautiful, and has some spiritual temperament, with an exotic style.

There is a taste of a sudden change from a Chinese woman to a European and American.

"Hey, this face, hey, this thin waist, hey, this big wave, if you bring back to the group of Fangfang, think about it is exciting!" Xiaohua laughed.

Qin Qi was speechless, but soon, the corners of his eyes were shaking, and the smile of Xiaohua was fiercely stiff.

"I am going, why is the lower body still a bug, hasn't it evolved completely?" Xiaohua looked horrified.

After the female worm came out of the scorpion, it did give people a sense of shock. The upper body was a human figure, but the lower body remained in the form of a female worm.

"Adult", after the motherbug came out, there was no more words, just a respectful salute.

However, her heart is extremely hot. She has completed her evolution and gained more strength. Now she is already dark and true!

"Are you successful or failed?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

"For this evolution, it has been successful, and it is more perfect than expected!" The mother's red lips are closed, slightly excited. I have to say that it doesn't have to look at the split mouthparts and the number of teeth to open and close, which gives people a lot of feeling.

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