God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2318: Dragon ring

"If you continue to evolve, will you become a complete human form?" Qin Qi asked.

"It is true", the female worm nodded.

"Don't you be dark, and when you finally evolved into a human form?" Qin Qi looked slightly.

"Not so." The motherworm silenced for a moment, sorted out what she knew, and continued: "Even if it is dark, there are many different races, and in our family, human form is indeed the direction of evolution."

"And in the later stages of evolution, we will also have wings, so if adults encounter dark scorpions with wings, they must be extremely careful!"


Qin Qi’s heart was moving, but the darkness he encountered was only three in the Communist Party, but there were no wings.

When the mother worm sees Qin Qi, she runs the power and gathers the shape of the wings behind her. It looks like a butterfly's wings.

"It’s really a bug," Qin Qi thought.

"Of course, a strong person with wings does not necessarily show it, so it needs to be carefully identified," the mother insect added.

Qin Qi nodded, these are not the most important things, Qin Qi at the moment is the dark core of her body.

"This thing is called the black ring vortex, it is the symbol of the dark genus, and the most basic form." The mother worm explained, and informed Qin Qi of all the characteristics it knew.

This will definitely help Qin Qi, and the different Kunlun will naturally put it into the model and continue to carry out the deduction.

"You seem to know more than before." Qin Qi accidentally looked at the female worm.

This knowledge, the mother must have been ignorant before.

"Our knowledge comes from the blood, even if it is me, the past is a dark subordinate, just a war weapon made, but the body still has dark blood flowing, but it is extremely thin."

"And this time I successfully evolved into a dark genus, and my blood strength is enhanced, so I can get more knowledge from the blood!" The mother worm explained.

This is convenient, but also allows Qin Qi to understand the power of the dark genus more comprehensively.

For them, as long as they continue to evolve, knowledge can naturally be obtained from the blood, without worrying about the low status, and nowhere to find the embarrassment of the path of evolution.

This point, the Terran can not do.

After talking with the motherworm, Qin Qi let her familiarize herself with her new strength.

Completing the evolution of the female worm, the strength directly came to the level of the heavens, but the realm is still unstable, it takes time and battle to accumulate.

With the strength of Qin Qi, it is enough to completely suppress it.

After that, Qin Qi and Mu Kunlun confirmed each other's cultivation models, and the details provided by the female insects finally set a tone.

Through a large number of analytical comparisons, different Kunluns have deduced a dozen core structures that can be used to cultivate avenue particles.

However, Qin Qi did not choose any of them.

Through his own feelings these days, he gave a new idea to different Kunlun.

Combined with Kunlun!

"Black ring vortex..." Yi Kunlun was silent for a moment, then said: "Are you planning to build a dragon ring vortex?"

"Almost, although we don't know about the cultivation system on the dark side, but the power of Kunlun to the dragon, I think it can't be stripped out of the system!" Qin Qidao.

Although the system on the dark side is strong, but the power of Kunlun, Qin Qi does not think it will be weak.

In fact, Qin Qi has been practicing all the way to the present, and the power involved is extremely broad. No matter what attributes or rules, there are achievements.

But this is not necessarily a good thing.

Although Qin Qi has not been tired of it so far, even with a lot of power, once dominated, but in the future, reaching a higher level, but it may hinder the pace of progress.

At this point, Qin Qi has already considered, after trying to reach a certain level, streamline the power he has mastered.

The only force that can't be abandoned is the Kunlun to the Dragon and the Killing Kendo!

This is the root of Qin Qi.

Nowadays, the killing of kendo is a smooth practice. Even killing the **** singer has already recognized him. He does not need to worry about anything. Instead, Kunlun to the dragon must plan the direction in the future.

The Kunlun-Dragon system is constructed in addition to Qin Qi's perception of the anti-Kunlun. The hardware is constructed by the Kunlun heart, the dragon chain and the dragon vein.

I don’t want to say it in my heart, but on the hardware, Qin Qi hopes to combine with the black ring vortex.

The condensed dragon road chain becomes the dragon ring, and then the Kunlun heart is used as one of the "X"-shaped intersections. Another "X"-shaped intersection point, Qin Qi simply substitutes Dantian source as a substitute!

This is even more different. Although it is still based on the cultivation system on the dark side, it is structurally changed.

To put it another way, this is almost a combination of the two systems.

For a long time, Dan Tian and Kunlun Heart are two independent systems. Although Qin Qi can integrate them together, most of them are made up for the day after tomorrow, rather than innate unity.

This time, Qin Qi is going to make it simple and simple, and integrate all the forces together!

This is undoubtedly an adventure, but it is unprecedented before the creation, it is estimated that it is also a move after the end, even if different Kunlun can really deduct a feasible solution, but the possibility of failure is still very large.

Different Kunlun reminded Qin Qi of the risk of doing so, but since Qin Qi insisted, then it only tried its best to help Qin Qi complete this idea.

After countless deductions, Yi Kunlun successfully proved the feasibility of this model, and with this as the basis, Qin Qi can begin to practice on the dark side.

Qin Qi did not dare to neglect, and now the construction of the dragon ring vortex began.

This is not a simple matter. Even if the different Kunlun provides a theoretical basis, it is extremely difficult to create something that has never happened before.

It is Qin Qi, and I dare not say that it will succeed.

Fortunately, now he has the immortality and the unbreakable!

Even if you have to play with yourself, there are opportunities to recover.

In the following days, Qin Qi did not go out to hunt the dark subordinates, and built a new dragon ring vortex, but the process was very twists and turns.

On several occasions, Qin Qi almost ruined himself. All of them could not be killed or destroyed, and they could finally recover the situation. They did not really destroy themselves.

Otherwise, a cool one will be given to yourself.

"It’s been a ghost for this goods. It’s been ten days. Is there a lot of negative emotions in my heart? Is it really crazy, ready to kill myself?” Xiaohua looked at Qin Qi with a depressed face.

She is really bored and broken.

And Qin Qi is in this state, she can't help but worry, she can't rest well.

Although the realm of small flowers is no longer, but the eyes are still there, about guessing Qin Qi's mind, but she is not optimistic about Qin Qi.

Qin Qi’s almost self-destruction also proved her opinion.

If there is no immortality and no break, Qin Qi has been abolished, but even these two forces can not always **** Qin Qi.

It will eventually lose its effectiveness.

Especially if it doesn't break, it's not the ability to trigger.

"If you can't do it, there is no way to go. There is no need to force it. If you die, your sister can't live alone!" Xiaohua shouted, very worried.

Of course, she does not intend to be lyrical for Qin Qi, but in this case, it is difficult to think about it.

It was just at this moment that the world was suddenly shocked. Xiaohua’s face changed a lot, couldn’t help but hit her mouth and shouted: “The crow’s mouth!”

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