God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2337: Bright group

"What is the relationship between the bright road and our current world pedigree?" Qin Qi asked quietly.

"Our world pedigree, the heavens and the world, can be called the Guangming community, but it is the hotbed of the fire in the Guangming Dao, and it is the last hope of the Guangdao."

"Unfortunately, it was finally discovered by the dark heavens. Those dark scorpions were naturally unwilling to see the opportunity of the resurgence of the bright roads, and they launched a crackdown on the Guangming community."

"What happened afterwards, I don't know, but now, there should be a large number of ancient survivors at that time, but then it has fallen clean."

"Maybe they have tried their best to save the bright circles and completely isolate the two circles."

"However, although the darkness of heaven is forced to retreat, and the two circles are isolated, but there are also people in the darkness of the genus, or a chain of sacrificial offerings, which locks us and does not allow us to get out of it," the taboo female sighs.

Qin Qi did not speak, he needed to digest this information.

This is also amazing, and it is more shocking than knowing the existence of the outside world.

"The remnants of the war here were left at that time?" After a while, Qin Qi shouted.

"Nature is not, otherwise, how can the heavens and the earth here carry that kind of place?" The taboo female emperor shook her head.

"In fact, the relics of war here are formed in later generations."

"At that time, the seals of the two worlds were loose. It was estimated that it was on the dark side of the heavens. It took a lot of energy and finally it was done. I want to make a comeback."

"When the strong people of the Guangming Group, they shot out, blocking the invasion of the dark genus, and eventually caused a great battle, which formed a battlefield here."

"Of course, the reason why I was able to hold it was that there were some surviving ancient relics in the Guangming community, and the seal of the two worlds was only loose. Otherwise, it would be impossible to block the darkness of heaven."

"It turned out to be like this." Qin Qi whispered, and then his look changed. He said: "Now the darkness is a frequent change, is the seal loose again?"

"Maybe, unfortunately, I have no ability and no time to explore this," the taboo female emperor shook her head.

"But you don't have to worry too much. On our side, there is no master. Some guys are more powerful than the ancients!" The taboo female emperor laughed, and she turned back slightly and looked at the direction of the road.

Qin Qi is silent, but if the seal is really loose, I am afraid it is not so easy to resist.

If Zhongzhou is stationed here, it is the first to bear the brunt!

"In fact, many things, I am also somewhat uncertain. According to the records left by the strong, the Guangming community is to preserve the fire of the bright road."

"But I personally think that it doesn't seem to be, it's just a coincidence that it has become like this now," the taboo female emperor screamed.

In this regard, Qin Qi naturally can't say anything.

However, he is really curious, do not understand how the taboo female emperor will know so much.

Even if the taboo female emperor once went deep into the battlefield relics, he got a lot of things left by the ancient strong, and there are many secret records on it.

However, it is still somewhat unbelievable.

Moreover, not to mention that the taboo female emperor knows so many things, is the taboo of the female emperor's strength realm, but also makes Qin Qi difficult to understand.

Although the taboo female emperor did anything, Qin Qi would not feel how surprised it was. After all, she was a miracle herself, but she could not help but wonder.

"Look at your appearance, my curiosity, is it bigger than these things?" The taboo female emperor smiled.

"Then can you confuse me?" Qin Qidao, although he was seen through his mind, but there is no doubt.

The taboo female emperor chuckled and said: "Alright, the next step is almost mentioned. Let me tell you that there is nothing."

Qin Qi eyes brightened and waited for the following.

The taboo female emperor is looking at Qin Qi, which means that it is difficult to say: "Do you know what it will be like after you die?"

"Hey..." Qin Qi stayed.

How could he know that he had not died?

And if it is dead.

What else is there then?

Is it true that there is no reincarnation?

But then again, the female emperor in front of me is not the one who died once. She used the means of against the sky, laid down the cause and effect, and used the hands of Qin Qi to resurrect.

"After dying, you will enter a very mysterious state. Under this state, you can know a lot of things, such as what the world looks like." Taboo the female emperor, "and in this process, I will realize a lot." ""

"Like me, in the days of dying, I saw the world, saw the sage, saw the Tao, saw the land of exile, and even saw the darkness of heaven."

"My mood has also quietly changed, and my understanding of power has gradually deepened, so I can become stronger quickly, because the realm is just catching up with my inner steps."

The taboo female emperor smiled lightly, without boasting, but it made people feel a bit boring.

This Nima foul is okay, definitely BUG is there!

"Not convinced, or you can try to die", taboo the female emperor.

"No need to use it," Qin Qi repeatedly shook his head.

The taboo female emperor can kill himself and live again. Qin Qi does not feel that he has this strength.

The heavens and the world are not without people who are stronger than the taboo female emperor, but who is the taboo of the female emperor?

Not everyone has the courage to do this. The stronger it is, the less it dares to be, because it can control everything before death, but after death, it will not be so good.

If you don't come back, isn't it finished?

"Still say something else," Qin Qi exhaled a breath.

"The dark side of the world... You should remember this word?" Taboo the female emperor.

"The dark side of the world?" Qin Qi bowed.

This he naturally remembers.

Everything in the end plan is from the dark side of the world. If there is no first contact between the black **** and the strong alien, the heavenly world will not know the existence of the outer world.

Similarly, it will not be stared at the aliens who are keen on the battle of the heavens.

It can be said that it is the source of everything.

Afterwards, whether it is the first taboo, or the emperor, or the taboo female emperor, are preparing to prevent the invasion of the outside world, the end plan also came into being.

Instead, it was the black god, and it was blown up after the first contact.

Although he left his back in the Black Forest, it was not until Qin Qi went to the Black Forest that he was finally released, his will was born again, and he once again entered the dark side of the world.

Speaking of it, I have never met the Dark Gods since then.

At first Qin Qi thought that the black **** was going to the outside world, but now it seems that this is not the case.

One thought of this, Qin Qi could not help but think of the female emperor, the taboo female emperor after the cause and effect, the Tianjiao transformed by her little finger.

It is also the master of the Temple of the Devil after the great destruction.

She also left Tianyuan World through the Black Forest.

Obviously, I have not traveled to the outside world and I don’t know where it is now. Many thoughts flowed in Qin Qi's mind, but in fact it was only a moment. Qin Qi thought about it and asked: "Is the dark heaven, in fact, the dark side of the bright road?"

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