God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2338: World dark side

"There is this possibility", the taboo female emperor nodded.

According to her, after she died, she entered the mysterious state and saw the essence of many worlds.

Among them, there is something like the dark side of the world.

Every world has a dark side.

She therefore suspects that the darkness of heaven is the dark side of the bright road, and it is also based on the nature of the world she sees, but it is not certain.

After all, the darkness of the heavens is too strong, and it is not the dark side that can be explained.

To know that history has given the result, the war between the bright road and the dark heaven is the victory of the dark heavens and the direct destruction of the bright circles.

The world's dark side against the world?

In this case, it is hard to imagine that it will happen.

However, this conjecture cannot be denied, at least if it is true, there will be an advantage.

"What advantage?" Qin Qi asked quickly.

Now he knows the Guangming community, but it is the lingering glory of the bright roads. It is impossible to be the opponent of the Dark Heaven.

In this case, what are the advantages?

"The structure of the world and the dark side is very special. The first time it is opened, it can only be the world side. The dark side cannot open the interface of the two worlds first."

Qin Qi heard the words, the eyes suddenly brightened.

"So, if the darkness of the heavens is really the dark side of the bright road, then in addition to the exile, you can enter the darkness by opening the dark side."

"In addition, in this endless years, the dark scorpions are doing everything possible, and they want to enter the Guangming community through exile. This shows that after they destroyed the bright world, the two interfaces have been reset."

"Now, if we have the initiative, we can try to enter the dark side of the entire Guangming group to enter the dark heavens, but the dark heavens can only use the land of exile."

"Or, after we have entered the dark side of the world, we will find our way, but compared to the infinite vastness of the dark heavens, we want to find such a gap, like the sky!" The taboo female emperor slowly.

This is definitely an amazing conjecture. If the taboo of the female emperor is not false, then many things may change.

"Can you do it?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

"I am not sure, after all, I want to enter the dark side of the entire bright group, not the dark side of a certain world."

Entering the dark side of the world, of course, this is not something that anyone can do, and it is not determined by power.

Just like the Tianyuan world, in the long rivers of the long years, only the black gods entered the dark side of the world. Apart from him, even if someone enters, it will follow his footsteps.

It is Qin Qi, let him enter the dark side of the world out of thin air, and can't do it at all. It is impossible to lock the position of the dark side of the world, let alone enter.

However, since the death of the female emperor, since the death of the goddess is too imaginary, and spy on the essence of the world, perhaps it can be done.

"You said, the black god, is it possible to enter the dark world?" Qin Qi asked.

"He", the taboo female emperor flashed.

She naturally knows all the backs of the Dark God, knowing that he will return at some point in the future. After all, he never really died.

"In the alien world, is there no trace of his left?" The taboo female enquired.

The black gods returned to the dark side of the world at that time. The nature that may eventually go is the outside world. This taboo is not forbidden by the female emperor.

"No", Qin Qi shook his head.

He has a large amount of intelligence in the outside world, and there has never been a black god.

"According to your statement, once you die, should it become very strong?" Qin Qi laughed.

The taboo female emperor thought for a moment and said: "Although he said that he was resurrected, in fact, he did not die. It is fundamentally different from me. I am afraid that I can’t do too much."

In fact, most of the so-called resurrection, this is the case, will leave some of the power to carry life, can be said to be completely different from the way of taboo female emperor.

As far as Qin Qi himself is concerned, such as the black gods, such as the crows and even Alice, they also have some memories of their lives, but these are resurrections, and I am afraid that they are not qualified to travel too much.

"Moreover, it is not that God is too imaginary to enhance the realm. It is not that I boast, that the Taoist heavens, the sect of the gods, such power is rare, and the gods are too imaginary, just like this has great significance!" Taboo female emperor laughs Road.

The gods are too imaginary to glimpse the essence of the world, but it does coincide with the sect.

Qin Qi nodded and got a bit of comfort. After all, if anyone can do it, then they will all go to death.

But when it comes to this, Qin Qi can't help but ask, "Have you ever met someone else when you are too sacred?"

All the worlds, the ages of the world, I do not know how many heroes, there is always no taboo female emperor to arrange causality, returning from the sky.

In this case, there should still be people who are too vain to wait for the resurrection.

The taboo female emperor was silent and seemed hesitant. Finally, she said: "I am not sure, but I seem to have seen one."

"Really, where is he?" Qin Qi came to interest.

The taboo female emperor pointed above the finger.

"Just in the air of exile?" Qin Qi was shocked.

The taboo female emperor shook his head.


The taboo female emperor still shakes her head.

Seeing this in Qin Qi, the look is slightly changed. If it is above the Tao, it is boundless chaos.

There is the top of everything, and no one knows what is in the chaos, because no one has ever been there.

"In the chaotic sea?" Qin Qi exclaimed.

"Just a glimpse of a glimpse", the taboo female emperor is uncertain, there is something wrong with the look, but there is no meaning.

In this case, Qin Qi will not ask.

The taboo female emperor saw Qin Qi not asking, naturally he did not continue to say, but said: "As you said, since there is no trace of the black **** in the alien world, then he may follow the dark side of the heavenly world and enter a larger The dark side."

"It is very likely that it is the dark side of the Tao."

In the Taoist world, the heavens are the first in the world, and the dark side is naturally the greatest.

However, Qin Qi has no understanding of this.

"In fact, the dark side of the Tao is very special, not invisible. It can even be said that even if it is not a black god, it can enter at will."

"The difference is that the black **** can enter the core and cross some barriers." Taboo the female emperor, which is also the income of her sacredness.

"Where is the dark side of the road, why don't I know?" Qin Qiyi.

The taboo female emperor is smiling and pointing to the following.

Qin Qi can not say that this is the ground of exile. He thought about it and looked at the information of Yu Linglong. Then he was a little surprised: "Isn't it the endless darkness under the bright circles?" There!" The taboo female emperor nodded.

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