God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2344: parting

"Good!" Yuan Shenxiu has three good words.

The taboo female emperor is still largely unexpected.

But because of this, the more he excites him, the more he wants to conquer.

"I am waiting for you in the dark heavens." Yuan Shenxiu laughed and walked away. It seems that he will not stay in the exile area and will return to the dark heavens.

Qin Qi did not expect Yuan Shenxiu to go so far.

But it is also normal.

Whether he is still a taboo female emperor, he does not bother to make an ego for himself. Since the taboo female emperor said that he will go, he will definitely go.

Yuan Shenxiu left first, perhaps to intercept the taboo female emperor in the dark world.

"This is going, I don't know what year to see again." Qin Qi looked at the taboo female emperor, can do it, and only watched her leave.

The taboo female emperor nodded and was not prepared to say anything.

Immediately, she walked forward and was about to step through the portal.

Just suddenly, she stopped.

Qin Qi smashed, but saw the taboo female emperor suddenly turned around, one step came to Qin Qi, the red lips slightly open, and kissed Qin Qin mouth.

The lips are warm and tender, which is fascinating.

However, only for a moment.

The taboo female emperor quickly took a few steps back, and there was a bit of confusion in her eyes. Finally she shook her head: "That is not me."

Then, it’s about paying for it.

But even the taboo female emperor does not understand why this happens.

Qin Qi’s eyes were slightly moist, and nodded: “I understand, there will be a period!”

In this way, the taboo female emperor has no delay, turned and left, and this time, there is no change, until the portal is closed, the taboo of the female emperor, all disappeared without a trace.

At the top of the road monument, only Qin Qi is left, and the previous loneliness is reproduced.

Qin Qi slowly sat down, bowed his head, said nothing, body blood slowly surging, Longli flow, is recovering the flesh.

With the physical strength of Qin Qi, even if it is not deliberately urging, the recovery speed will not be too slow. After one day, the injury of Qin Qi will be restored to 50%.

At least it looked like this, there is no trace.

While a person is alone, Qin Qi has also packed his mind. He took a deep look at the other side of the exile, and then jumped down and returned to the ground from the monument.

He still has a lot of things to do.

There was not much time left for his sentimentality.

If you want to do that "there will be a period later", then you must become stronger!

Jumping from the top of the road, God's Wandao will come over the first time, and with his cultivation, he can feel something about it.

"Has your Majesty already left?"

Qin Qi nodded.

Although it was expected, the gods could not help but sigh.

Losing the taboo female emperor, Zhongzhou will be even harder.

But now Zhongzhou also greets Qin Qi, so, in the future, you still need to start to create to know.

"I want to return to the previous monument, what is the matter, contact in time", God did not say anything, use the power of the monument to open the portal.

"I know, go," Qin Qi smiled.

God's Wandao is at the peak of growth, and does not want to waste a little time. Since the overall situation has been mastered by Qin Qi, he has used all his strength to attack.

The taboo female emperor left, and the gods of Tao also returned to the previous monument to continue cultivation. For the time being, Qin Qi did not want to bother him, and now he returned to the city of the era.

When Qin Qi came back, Situ Jing and others naturally heard the news immediately, and after knowing it, it was difficult to hide sadness and worry.

"No wonder she is so eager, it has been such a pressure on her body for a long time." Gao Song shook his head, only helpless smile.

This matter, the taboo female emperor did not mention it, but it is clear that even if it is said, no one can share it.

"Yu, are they really not here yet, they, where are they now?" Su can't help but worry.

Their children are gone.

As a mother, I don't worry.

Especially her feathers and Situ Jing's shallow children are still young, although the talent is good and scary, but after all, it is only a child.

"She doesn't know, but the children have a deep air and should be able to save their lives, and even have a lot of gains," Qin Qi said with relief.

Hearing this, even if Su Shi and others are still worried, they can only calm their minds and pray that the children will not have anything.

As for the rest, they will not think too much, and it is even more impossible to blame the taboo female emperor.

"Xun Peng can already be alone, Fuer and Yuner have grown up, and they are there, there will be no things," Gao said.

"Also", Situ Jing nodded. "Because this place is dangerous, Zhongzhou is in a storm, they can leave early, it is a good thing!"

If you think about it, it is not wrong.

"Next, what are you going to do?" Gao Wei looked at Qin Qi.

"First, let me see the list of top materials, I need to heavier bloody," Qin Qidao.

The first step is to heal the blood.

This is not only to enhance Qin Qi's own strength, in order to play more power to kill the blood, but also to help the small flower liberation from the black lock.

Nowadays, in the place of exile, before Qin Qi did not find a way to leave, Xiaohua is a big force in Zhongzhou.

Once the realm of the glory of the sky is high, once restored, the help for Qin Qi will be enormous.

So this is the first priority.

As for the heavy forging of bloody, Qin Qi still has a lot of things to do, and different Kunlun has already generated dozens of kinds of schedules through calculations, all of which are full of shots.

"Good," Gao Hao nodded, and quickly took the list and handed it to Qin Qi.

These years here, operating for a long time, the excavation of many veins, and the scavenging of war remnants, the accumulation of heaven and earth in Zhongzhou is not a minority.

This grade of material is of little use to the current Zhongzhou, and no one can use it effectively.

In addition to the taboo female emperor used a part to enhance various arrays, the rest are sealed up, and now, can be used by Qin Qi.

"Three-day Tianjing, the moon's molybdenum, the raw flower stone..." Qin Qi swept down and the line of useful materials directly picked out, could not help but shine.

It must be said that the current world of heaven and earth, the reserves and types of Zhongzhou, I am afraid to be above the power of several giants, is extremely rich.

And each kind of appearance is very good.

With such resources, Qin Qi does not need any compromise, can use the best heavy forging program, push the **** to the altar!

However, Qin Qi did not have any urgency, and let Gao Song go to prepare for it. At the same time, he went to the relics of the war and found several places of cultivation that were divided by the taboo female emperor. The size of these areas is very large, far less than the degree of saturation. Qin Qi does not bother the people who are cultivating, but opens up the small world and let the white diamonds and others come out.

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