God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2345: Practice

In this heaven and earth protected by the Taoist monument, the small world is no longer suppressed by the exile, and it can be opened.

And Qin Qi naturally will not let the white diamonds and others stay in the small world.

Under such conditions, of course, they must not be forgotten, and with their talents, they will be able to grasp this opportunity and improve rapidly.

"Qin Qi, what's the situation, why didn't you appear for so long, I almost thought you had an accident!" The white diamond and other people came out, obviously it was difficult.

For a long time, Qin Qi has not entered the small world, and even opened it has never been opened, naturally let them worry.

Fortunately, Qin Qi finally opened the small world again. Otherwise, they really thought that Qin Qi had a big problem and could not open the small world.

"Qin brother, what is the place here, what happened during this time?" Zhao couldn't help but ask.

The surrounding environment is so special that it is difficult to care.

Qin Qi will also go through the simple one.

For this group of people from different circles, there is obviously not much concept about the place of exile, but also know that this place is dangerous and terrible.

At the same time, I understand where it is.

Zhongzhou in the world of Tianyuan.

Knowing this, I can't help it.

After all, when the Tianyuan world was in the opposite world, it was really nothing. It was one of the worlds that the outer world wanted to conquer.

A green drill can be kneaded at will.

Although these people did not participate in the plan for the Tianyuan world, they never looked at it.

Unexpectedly, to this day, even the site of Tianyuan Zhongzhou is really a bit of drama.

“All in all, there is a place where you can be called a holy place even if you are in the realm of the Tao, and you are going to let us enter the cultivation?” The drill of the bones is open, and there is some excitement in the eyes.

After she passed the inheritance of the Nether Ghost Emperor, she practiced in the depths of Huangquan. The progress can be said to be extremely fast, but recently it feels that it is about to touch the bottleneck.

It’s just that this cultivation of holy places can make her go further!

"This is the case," Qin Qi is not euphemistic. "The world is impermanent. Today, the things we have faced have changed too much!"

"In the realm of the Tao, there is a far greater power than ours. Now, there is a dark heaven on the other side of the exile, and it has a direct threat to us!"

"If you don't get stronger quickly, I'm afraid I can't catch up with the coming era." Qin Qi said lightly.

The dark world has been stunned.

The era of peace between the two worlds is probably over, and once the dark heavens are determined to invade the bright circles, then the next era will be unprecedentedly magnificent!

Maybe a wave will kill everyone who is present.

A sense of urgency, haunting my heart.

"We understand, rest assured, stronger opportunities, how can we not grasp well?" White Diamond smiled, then flirted with Qin Qi, "Little brother, give some benefits!"

Qin Qi is speechless, but he is prepared for this.

The Zhongzhou treasury is extremely rich, and the taboo female emperor can even use this to select the best exercises for Mo Ziqi, and Qin Qi naturally chooses them for the white diamonds.

"This is your own post-cultivation program. I believe that with your talents and the conditions for practicing the Holy Land, you will soon be able to master it!" Qin Qilian points and points a stream of light into their foreheads.

These are the different Kunlunluns based on the Zhongzhou treasury, which is the most suitable cultivation path for them.

Moreover, combined with the exercises that Qin Qi chose for them before the reunion, the transition will become very smooth, and there is no need to worry about accidents.

"Good guy, this is the ridiculous practice, Qin Qi, you are too powerful!" The white diamond is beautiful and bright.

This is a ridiculous practice, and it can be a perfect transition from the practice that she had previously done.

Although the white diamond is a stranger, but I don’t know the power of the ruling class. At this moment, I am excited. At least, she has stood at the top of the road.

Next, it is her own business.

"Do not worry, will not let you down!" White Diamond smiled.

She also has pride, how can she be willing to be behind?

"Thank you Qin Xiong!" Zhao said, he also got a strong practice.

"This is also helping me." Qin Qidao.

"Right, what about the call of the undead sorrow?"

Even if you are in exile, you can't ignore the existence of immortality.

That is Tianzun.

Even if their current cultivation conditions have reached the height of the peak of the Tao, it will not be possible to compete with Tianzun for a long time.

Tianzun is still high above, overlooking the world.

"The place of exile, he should not be able to manage it for the time being, but it does not rule out other possibilities." Qin Qi also frowned.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the undead to be exiled for them, and Qin Qi does not believe that the undead can penetrate the power and take them away.

It stands to reason that there should be little problem.

But this place of exile, but there are black locks and blood scabbards.

These two kinds of gods, since Solomon and the Lord of the Peak have a way to send it in, must also have means to take them away.

At that time, it is hard to say whether there will be strength in the undead.

A generation of Tianzun, absolutely can not be underestimated!

In addition, the taboo female emperor once mentioned that there may be an opportunity to leave the exile area, and that Qin Qi should be aware of it.

Perhaps this is what it is.

"These don't care for the moment, I will deal with it, you go ahead, you will stay with the bones," Qin Qidao.

"Okay, then we will go in," the white diamond nodded.

It is not too late to fight every second.

The white diamonds did not delay, entered the cultivation of holy places, and began to accelerate the journey of cultivation.

With them, Li Weier.

She has the power of the spirits, but it is a legacy of the ancients, and the potential is enormous.

And now, if Xuemei also got the power of the spirit, perhaps they can do some kind of cooperation, so that the power of the heavens and the earth can reproduce the world.

That would have been an extremely terrible force!

However, their realm is far from enough, and they must be upgraded as soon as possible.

The rest is the third king and the scorpio.

The third king girl has begun to practice the practice of the integration of the seven kingdoms, and is also ranked as a wasteland, enough for her future growth, no need to replace.

Moreover, this method of practice is somewhat special. It seems that there is still secret power hidden in it, and it may be excavated by the third king.

As for the Scorpio, cultivation is one of the secrets of the Immortal Heavenly Palace, and it is in the ranks of the Tao.

Of course, for these two people, the third king girl can not say, but the Scorpio is by no means Qin Qi.

However, Qin Qi has already decided how to deal with it.

He summoned the third king and gave her the place to enter the holy land.

At least in Qin Qi's view, she will not be an enemy.

The third king girl is also very simple, knowing that this place is the top of the cultivation of holy places, do not ask anything, go directly to practice.

After all, the pursuit of martial arts is the most important thing for her.

As for the Scorpio, first continue to be in the small world, after which Qin Qi has something to discuss with her.

"So, let me stay is what I want to do?" See Qin Qi closed the world of Huang Quan, looking at Qin Qi with doubts about the bones.

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