God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2358: Thick earth stars

The place of exile.

Among the sixth grommet.

Qin Qi and others followed Zhang Lang, all the way forward, although not too fast, but fortunately did not encounter any fatal threat, and successfully came to the tomb.

After all, this road lang has already passed by, carefully avoiding all dangers, not counting Jedi.

"This is where the tomb is?" Qin Qi looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was slightly surprised.

This is a very strange landform.

A huge crater hangs over the ground, and the mountains rise and fall, and it seems that it was not formed by war.

This is the natural appearance of the exile.

But in this regard, in fact, it has become somewhat extraordinary. After all, after entering the remnants of war, no place was destroyed by the terrorist forces.

Not to mention the sixth grommet of the War Center.

It is indeed a surprise that this crater can survive this level of war.

And this crater is also very different.

In the crater, there is a bottomless abyss, in which the stars are a little bit, and I don’t know what it is. It is like a starry sky.

"Those, are the suspended stones?" Qin Qi flashed a little, a little surprised.

He was on the outskirts of the crater, but did not feel any special power fluctuations, especially the spatial fluctuations. After careful investigation, it did not.

How are these stones suspended here?

It seems that this place is a state of weightlessness, just like in the universe, but if you want to explain it by force, Qin Qi finds that he can't do it at all.

“What are those?” Xiaohua asked, and she saw something on some of the stones.

"Those are graves, and some of the ancestors who died here should be buried," said Zhang Langdao.

He did not move these graves.

Although Zhang Lang is a tomb thief, the stolen tomb is the kind of grave that left a lot of creation, similar to the Qingshui grave, there is no need to steal.

Moreover, due to respect, it should not be disturbed.

This is a natural contradiction, but it must be thoroughly studied, but it is not without reason.

Those tombs, which may even have a counter-invasion, naturally cannot be buried forever, and there is a time to reproduce the day.

The dangers in the tomb are also trials, and the selection of new owners.

Many tombs, the tomb owners have similar minds.

Of course, there are some that are not. The tomb owner simply wants to take away these creations and does not want future generations to get them.

And such a tomb, Zhang Lang is more unambiguous.

In his view, the tomb owner is so selfish, it is even more difficult to let the pearls dust, you must steal the baby, how can you follow the tomb owner?

Is this shameless?

no doubt.

But Zhang Lang is like this. When it comes to shamelessness, it’s not too weak to Qin Qi. It’s no wonder that the relationship between the two is good, and the brother is a brother.

Qin Qi heard the words, and his heart also raised a few respects, and bowed to those lonely graves.

In the ancient war, what could not be done at all, but there is no doubt that this group of people resisted the darkness until they died.

If they are not, the road may have been broken by the dark world.

Although Qin Qi is not a person of the Tao, but it belongs to the Guangming Group, the heavens and the worlds do not have to be so clear.

As long as the dark heavens are in the pressure, everyone is a grasshopper on the rope.

Therefore, for these predecessors who used life to withstand the darkness of the genus, Qin Qi was still full of respect.

The floret also took a privilege.

She is naturally more deeply touched than Qin Qi.

After all, behind the land of exile, it is the Taoist world. If there is no such fierce battle, she will not appear in the world.

"The tomb is there," Zhang Lang pointed to the center of the crater.

There, there is an extremely large stone that is also suspended and in a state of weightlessness, but the scale is huge enough to accommodate a giant city.

"I don't know who built this tomb." Qin Qi whispered.

"I don't know this." Zhang Lang shook his head and couldn't help but admire. "But that person should be very deep in the way of fixing the hole. Otherwise, the tomb will not be built here."

"How to say?"

"The land here, in our tomb grave practitioners, has a professional name, called 'thick earth stars', is the world's supreme burial place!" Zhang Lang Shen Sheng.

He already knew about it, but now he mentioned it again and still can't help but be excited.

After all, for the robbery practitioners, such a burial place can be found, and it is coincident that such a burial place has been built into a tomb.

This is definitely the greatest happiness!

"The heavens and the earth supreme?" Qin Qi and Xiaohua are shocked.

Qin Qi knows that this place is bound to be extraordinary. Even if you don't understand the set of tomb thieves, just look at it, you feel that this place is very different, not ordinary people can be tempted.

However, what Zhang Lang said is too exaggerated. It feels like it is blowing to death.

"You still don't believe it," Zhang Lang rolled his eyes.

"This kind of burial place only exists in the legend. I have never seen it before. I bet that even if it is the heavens, there are not many such burial places!"

"And, most of them are not huge here!" Zhang Lang said.

"That is what you mean, the place where the tomb was buried is the former heaven and earth supreme?" The small flower still does not believe.

Since it is the supreme world, then it is not the ordinary Tianzun, the status is equivalent to the one on the Kunlun Mountain.

That is the person who is at the top of the heavens.

The rest of the Tianzun and so on, even the first Kunlun can not beat, let alone that one.

If you are so strong, you will be buried here?

It is really unbelievable.

After all, these characters, even if they are dead, are not buried by others.

"Oh, I can't be sure about this, I haven't walked to the center of the tomb." Zhang Lang scratched his head.

"But no matter what, such a burial place, the burial is not an ordinary person, this is definitely not wrong!" Zhang Lang said bluntly.

Thick earth and stars, such a top-level burial place, the average person can be blessed, even if forced to hide, I am afraid that will not rest, but will cause ominous.

Eventually the result of a collapse of the tomb.

This Qin Qi believes that since he can live in this burial place, the person who wants to bury is not the world, nor will he be there.

"How come?" Qin Qi asked.

For the time being, he has not felt the danger, but if it is chaotic, he will be in danger.

"Hey, this kind of burial place, I want to go inside and dream, I have already studied thoroughly. You follow me, don't go wrong in one step!" Zhang Lang proudly said.

And walking to the edge of the abyss, Zhang Lang put away the expression on his face and became dignified.

Immediately, I saw him stepping out, and even stood there volley, and did not fall! You must know that Zhang Lang does not have any spatial fluctuations at this moment, and he should not have the ability to float.

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