God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2359: Entering the tomb

"This place, the realm of ours, can never be strong, it is not quietly flying past. If you do this, you will endure the counterattack of the burial ground. Even if you don't die, you will never be able to get close to the tomb!" Road.

And to the past, either use the professional means of the tomb thief practitioner, or the person selected by the tomb.

Of course, it is not to say that there are no exceptions.

If the strength is really strong to a certain extent, you can ignore the counterattack of the funeral land, but it is also able to enter the tomb.

But at least it is the power of Tianzun, Qin Qi they do not have.

Zhang Lang walked very carefully step by step. This was a technique of stealing a tomb. He found some loopholes in the funeral ground and forced him to do so.

For the burial place, the current Qin Qi and others, I am afraid that it is not a human being, but a rock that floats with it.

This road is extremely slow, and any deviation can cause disasters. No one can care.

Fortunately, Zhang Lang was professional enough, and there was no deviation. He successfully brought Qin Qi to the huge stone.

The boulder is naturally formed and there are no artificial traces on the surface.

It seems that the tomb should be inside this boulder.

However, standing here, Qin Qi's look can not help but move.

He sinks into the system interface and looks at the model that was previously built by the different Kunlun. In the model, somewhere in the sixth grommet, there is a mark.

That was the position that was locked before the space resonance was sensed by the monument.

At the moment, it seems to overlap with this!

There is not even much error!

The resonance of the space that came out at that time came from this place?

If this is the case, Qin Qi’s embarrassment is even more imperative. Perhaps the road to the place of exile is in this tomb!

"Come with me, over there, I dug a pirate hole." Zhang Lang whispered, bowed his body, and walked over the boulders in small steps.

After a while, Qin Qi and other talents came to a vaguely visible groove above the boulder.

At the bottom of the groove, there is a small hole that can only pass one person.

This should be the thief in Zhang Lang’s mouth.

Qin Qi looked into the pirate hole, and there was no smoldering death. Instead, there was a sense of confrontation with the gods and devils.

"You don't underestimate such a small hole. It is a year of abolishing Laozi's time and exhaustion. This is a success!"

"Even if there is another ban on this tomb, I can't go in." Zhang Lang is not proud of it.

It is indeed amazing that he has opened a pirate hole outside this tomb with his strength.

"These heavens and the world, no one is your opponent in the tomb, and there is a chance in the future, let's go to the dark heaven tomb, can you still?" Qin Qi shook his head.

"That is still used to say that when we passed, we will steal all of their ancestors for the 18th generation!" Zhang Lang bite his teeth.

Not to talk nonsense, a few people into the pirate hole, the journey is not too long, and soon after a formal entry into the tomb.

Inside the tomb, there were finally traces of man-made, criss-crossing ramps, and several of them were empty, but they were all empty.

In addition, the air here is very clean, and there is no trace of death. It is hard to think of the tomb.

Instead, it is like a palace.

While walking in the martyrdom, Zhang Lang is still extremely careful. Although the ban has been opened by him along the way, he is still worried about accidents.

"The front is where the ghosts are." Turned around a corner, Zhang Lang pointed at a grave in front and smiled.

This tomb is relatively larger.

That fairy fruit, Zhang Lang they are found here.

"Hey, the ban has resumed!" Zhang Lang took Luoyang shovel and slowly moved forward, and then his face changed.

Sure enough, it was still not so easy, even if it was opened by the method of robbery, it actually healed again.

These prohibitions are really amazing.

"Boss, it seems that you have to shoot, if you change me, I am afraid it will take a few months." Zhang Lang helplessly spread his hand.

This heavy ban is particularly powerful, but it is still somewhat unexpected.

"Well, I try," Qin Qi nodded.

He also has a hand to break the ban, but he lacks the means to steal the tomb. It may not be how fast.

After a few attempts, the progress was not gratifying. In the case of different Kunlun's help calculations, it was still very strongly obstructed.

These prohibitions are indeed amazing.

However, Qin Qi is not an ordinary person. He does not say that the realm of strength in the body is listed at the peak of the Guangming community!

When Qin Qi began Qin Qi to run the dragon ring vortex, the avenue particles were inspired to break the ban.

Sure enough, this is effective.

After touching the avenue particles, the resistance of the banned upload was obviously weaker, and with Qin Qi's means, the opportunity was naturally grasped and broken.

Although it did not break the entire ban, it was enough.

Passing through the ban, the front burial chamber is unimpeded and completely presented in front of Qin Qi.

The size of the tomb is not small, but the layout is very ordinary, not like the tomb of this level.

On the surrounding walls, there are only a few patterns of threes, threes and two, which are engraved on it. It is only meaningful or useful, but it is not known.

Of course, the most conspicuous is not these.

It is a strange tree, crystal clear, like a jade, it is not like a tree.

In addition, it actually grows directly in the air, the roots must extend, do not know where to enter the space, where to extract nutrients.

However, it is alive, although the branches and leaves are not lush, but they are not lacking in vitality, and even the fairy light is lingering.

Standing near this jade tree, Qin Qi feels that the power in the body has become lively, which is very conducive to spiritual practice.

If the Bodhi tree can help enlighten.

Then this jade tree can help cultivate.

Although the effect is not as obvious as taking the fruit, the victory is long.

If you can move it back and arrange it in the cultivation of holy places, the effect will probably be more superficial!

Under this small tree, the ghosts are sitting on the plate, and the fairy light above the eucalyptus falls down, and the silky entanglement is on her.

At this moment, the life and death of the ghosts, the constant swaying, is steadily improving, and will sprint to the next peak.

Qin Qi looked at his eyes and knew the state of the ghost at the moment.

The distance should not be far from promotion.

The ninth life and death seal has been completely formed. The next step is to break through the realm of Xuan Zun and rush into the realm.

After getting the fairy fruit, the help is really huge, Qin Qi is naturally happy for ghosts!

"It should be faster, let's take a break here first." Qin Qidao, the ghost is about to succeed.

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Lang came to the tomb with Qin Qi and pointed to a pattern on the wall. "Boss, this thing is estimated to have any doorway. Unfortunately, I am stealing the tomb, but the insight is not enough."

This tomb has no exit except for the road that comes in.

Zhang Lang had been studying here for a long time, and finally guessed that this pattern is the key to the next layer of graves, but he really can't understand the meaning.

In this way, I returned to Zhongzhou and wanted to ask for reinforcements.

After all, this ability, the ancients and the talents, are estimated to be above him. "This is a devil... Buddha?" Xiaohua also came over and wondered.

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