God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2377: immortal

"This is also a helpless thing." Xiaohua shook his head, although it was a pity, but since the power is not enough, he can only give up.

Moreover, the tomb of the tomb, the harvest has been very large, even if you go back like this, it is considered to be full of rewards.

Qin Qi has nothing to say, since the tomb owner is waiting for someone, then he can't help but there is still a doubt in Qin Qi's heart.

After all, the original resonance of the space came from this area.

Qin Qi guessed it in this tomb.

But now, along the way, it has not appeared, I am afraid, there is still somewhere, Qin Qi they did not involve.

"Look again and see if there are other tombs," Qin Qidao.

Zhang Lang nodded, apparently not reconciled, holding a compass.

"Weird, how is this reaction, there is still no," Zhang Lang suspiciously, looking at the pointer on the compass, a burst of frown.

"Is it wrong?" Xiaohua laughed.

"This is the treasure of our tomb thief, how can it not work!" Zhang Lang quickly denied, but really can't see anything, can only say: "Feeling, there are indeed other places we have not set foot, but it is a little worse Meaning, can't find it."

"I will try it out", Qin Qidao, with his powerful perception, assists Zhang Lang.

"With!" Zhang Lang first was a hi, but immediately sighed and said: "It's still a little worse."

"But do you have a special feeling at the boss?" Zhang Lang asked.

Since the compass has responded, what should Qin Qi have to gain?

"It seems that it is related to my undead characteristics." Qin Qi screamed twice, but it was not certain.

This kind of induction is very embarrassing. Qin Qi also had such a guess by touching the nuances of the compass before and after.

"Is it not dead?" asked Xiaohua.

Qin Qi scratched his head. He said that he said that he is not dead, but it is essentially different from the normal undead body. It is also a ghost.

Their flesh can be equivalent to a certain heavy undead body, but it is less true than the undead body.

Just the characteristics of immortality are similar.

And to say the most orthodox undead body, there is only the undead palace.

"You are not hiding a chick, don't use it for use?" Xiaohua also had a guess, and now smiles and looks at Qin Qi.

"Boss, do you know what to do with this?" Zhang Lang squinted Qin Qi.

"Get out of the way!" Qin Qi rolled his eyes, but Xiaohua said it was good.

Scorpio may be helpful.

This woman is undoubtedly the young genius of the top of the world. Its high talents, even if it is the ancients and talents, do not dare to say victory.

In addition, what she inherits is the secret of the core of the undead heavenly palace - eternal undead.

This is the same as the practice of immortality.

As the oldest Tianzun in the Taoist world, the power of this set of exercises can be imagined.

Not only that, although Scorpio has practiced the immortal body, in fact, her physique is special, but it is difficult to detect.

During this time, Scorpio has been imprisoned by Qin Qi, and Qin Qi has observed her, only to discover the particularity of her physique.

She turned out to be the body of immortality!

It’s not the day after tomorrow, but the innate body!

It’s just that it’s not really awakened.

It is no wonder that Scorpio is known as the strongest descendant of the Undead Palace, and the next undead esteem, so it seems that it is not exaggerated.

Of course, there is actually a peerless genius in the Undead Palace.

That is the one of the four beautiful women, Ke closed the moon.

It’s just that the closure of the moon is not undead, so no one will think that she can inherit the undead palace.

In addition, her particularity, the outside world has many speculations, and it is not used as a legacy of power.

Now that the situation is unclear, Qin Qi can only hope that Tianzhu is an extraordinary place that can become a good person.

The exit of Huangquan was opened, and then Tianzhu came out.

"I rely on, is such a big beauty, boss, you are too much, go out and I will report you to the nephew!" Zhang Lang is not envious.

This beauty one by one, the gap between people, how is it so big?

"Is there anything I need to use me?"

"Take if you have this creation," Qin Qi

God brows.

She can see that this place is a tomb, and, I am afraid it is a terrible tomb, and the person who is buried will not be weaker than Tianzun at least.

After all, the person who is not far away, gives her the feeling that it is like the sky, so she can't breathe.

“What do you want me to do?” Tian Hao asked, and there was an expectation in the eye.

"It is the strongest passer of the undead palace, and it calms down." Qin Qi smiled, and the heart of this day is indeed good.

"Hey, let her cooperate with you to see if there will be changes," Qin Qidao said.

"Your grandfather, don't call me!" Zhang Lang screamed, but even as it was colored, he joined forces with Scorpio and went all out.

Scorpio is highly qualified and immediately understands what needs to be done. There is no refusal at the moment. Instead, he does his best to assist Zhang Lang in detecting.

At a certain moment, the eyes closed by Scorpio suddenly opened, and her body, autonomously awakened, began to diverge outward.

"This is..." Scorpio looked at himself with astonishment and his face changed.

She did not expect that such a change would happen.

The strength of her body was actually dragged by a certain air machine, and the undead power began to rise and rise, and directly guided the physical recovery.

Her immortal body is not completely awakened, not wanting, but not.

For a long time, even if it is the resources of the undead palace, there is no way to help her solve it. The undead **** also asserts that her undead body can only be activated half.

However, even if it is only half, Scorpio is still the most powerful genius of the younger generation.

But after that, she did not expect it, and the undead body could be completely awakened.

But now, this face is not dead, the gods have asserted that only half of the undead body has begun to wake up.


Scorpio's heart is shaking and it is difficult to maintain calm. However, she is even less likely to let go of such an opportunity. She immediately stabilizes her mind and strives to completely awaken her physique without leaving regret.

The opportunity may only be this time, missed it, and it will never be there again.

"This is really surprising." Qin Qi couldn't help but marvel, naturally knowing what happened to Tianzhu.

Judging from this, perhaps there is a real undead body in the tomb.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Scorpio to start awakening directly.

With the awakening of the undead body, the compass in the hands of Zhang Lang suddenly became clear. Zhang Lang’s eyes lit up and could not help but exclaimed excitedly: “Come, the boss and the flower girl help me together!”

Qin Qi and Xiao Hua did not say anything, and fully supported Zhang Lang.

And Zhang Lang, the blue Xiang Luoyang shovel in the hand slammed a stroke, then, a tomb door appeared in the air, and the hole opened.

"Come on!" Qin Qi was overjoyed, and looking into the tomb, the pupil was shrinking.

Immortal care? How is this thing here!

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