God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2378: Cooperation

Immortal protection.

It is one of the prototypes of the two major banters that Solomon colluded with the Temple of God and revived together. How did it appear here?

"This..." The little flower lingered for a long time, then laughed happily. "The blood scabbard is in your hand, and you have received this immortal protection. They didn't even get it!"

"They are completely busy with a job, so much investment, paying for it, hey, I feel bad for them!" Xiaohuadao, said it was distressed, but don't mention how happy.

Obviously, Xiaohua is worried about being hurt by the black lock. Now I see that the two losses are huge, and my heart is of course very happy.

Qin Qi is also a little gloating.

He thought that only the blood scabbard was obtained by him, but now he found that the two of them were actually taking a basket of water and not getting anything.

What a terrible word.

However, they are miserable, how Qin Qi may be sympathetic, and this immortal care is in front of him, and there is no reason to let it go.

This is the prototype of the banned dampers. As long as enough investment is given, it will be a banned weapon in the future.

So baby, say what you have to get in your hands.

"Imperial protection!" Scorpio is also surprised.

"Boss, late is changed, take it first!" Zhang Lang quickly said.

Qin Qi nodded and immediately ran the power to take over the immortal.

However, his power was blocked, and there were two palms in the void, which were close together, but they were not combined.

Immortal care is between these two hands.

The power of Qin Qi was directly smashed and could not be close to the protection of immortality.

"What situation, has the corpse changed?" Zhang Lang’s heart suddenly broke.

In this tomb, there is still a living existence?

Judging from what happened in Tianzhu, the burial in this tomb is bound to be a great successor.

It is even possible, like Scorpio, to have a natural immortal body.

Such a person, although in this tomb, does not seem impossible without saying that he is not dead.

Of course, it is just a very ethereal possibility.

Qin Qi and others are watching and not too easy to offend. After all, this power is only to protect the immortal protection.

If they are hostile to them, then they will be finished.

"Calling me!" Scorpio's eyes were a little confused, and suddenly they couldn't help but get excited.

This is her creation.

She is the founder of this creation!

She couldn't help but go forward, naturally unable to resist the temptation, but just took a step, but suddenly stopped, forced to endure that call, and turned to Qin Qi.

Obviously, she is asking for advice from Qin Qi.

It seems that she has not been stunned by this series of surprises, and she is very clear about her current situation.

She is a prisoner of Qin Qi, and she can't make much decisions. Only Qin Qi can judge whether she can accept this creation.

Qin Qi is also somewhat guilty.

The creation is too big, so I will give it to the Scorpio, and I can’t say it.

If you change to Su Qingqing, etc., Qin Qi will not talk about it naturally, and will do his best to help.

But Scorpio is not his person.

Even if you choose to surrender now, it is forced by the situation, not a heart.

"I said it before, then you quickly push it, and when you get bigger, you will naturally listen to you." Xiaohua gloating.

"Which is so easy," Qin Qi said.

The florets are naturally only a few words, but the current troubles cannot be changed. Do you want to let Tianzhu get this creation?

In the current situation, only Scorpio can be recognized. What Qin Qi can do is to prevent the Scorpio from being made.

It cannot be replaced.

"You should know my concerns, then what can you say to make me clear my concerns?" Qin Qi asked.

The sky flashed and said: "I will never be against you and you!"

"Not enough!" Qin Qi shook his head.

Scorpio bites her teeth, she looks at the rich undead atmosphere in the tomb, and the desire in her eyes becomes more and more intense.

"That would be like the owner of the sink, my person can be yours!"

"Haha, I am conscious, I like it!" Xiaohua laughed and said, "Come let me take it to the group restaurant, it is definitely the new squad!"

Qin Qi directly ignored the proposal of Xiaohua and shook his head: "This is not tempting for me."

"Then how do you want to send me this, that is, I am optimistic about the future after the powerful, what can I do for you?" Tian Hao said.

There is no change in the look of Qin Qi’s answer.

Scorpio said it was good.

Promising her to accept this creation is to be optimistic about her future.

"If I leave this exile, I am afraid that I will ask for someone, I can of course let you go back, but you have to be a spy," Qin Qidao said.

"Do you betray the teacher?"

"Almost," Qin Qi has no denial.

"Well, if I go back, I will give you the key information." Tian Hao promised to come down and immediately laughed at himself. "If I really got this creation, maybe the ancestors can't let me."

"This is the second point I want to say. From the current trend, there should be a battle with the undead and me," Qin Qidao said.

"You want me to help you defeat the founder?"

"No, after I kill the undead, you inherit the undead palace, and then return to me," Qin Qi said lightly.

Scorpio suddenly stayed and almost thought that he had got it wrong.

Although Qin Qi is indeed very powerful, Scorpio is not as good as it is, but to kill the undead, it is too tender.

It’s just a big deal.

"You are too young to look at Tianzun, and the founder is one of the longest living gods. His strength is far stronger than you think!" Tianzhu said.

"This is not necessary for you to worry about, just do it." Qin Qi is not interested in saying anything more.

Tianzhuo did not think much, nodded and said: "Okay, a word is fixed!"

"This is the sub-nucleus of my undead core. If you give it to you, you should be able to feel at ease." Tianzhu handed over the sub-nucleus in the body to Qin Qi.

This is the core of her body's strength, and it is in the hands of the hands, which is equivalent to Qin Qi to control the Scorpio.

This is an insurance initiative.

Although it is only a threat to death, it is not a perfect solution for Scorpio. After all, this woman is not a dead person.

But there is always a layer of concern, and Qin Qi can be assured.

"Although it didn't make much sense, but I accepted it," Qin Qi put the sub-nuclear away and put it into the body.

In this way, Scorpio turned back and walked toward the tomb, and the pair of palms in the tomb did not refuse her, but shrouded her.

Then, the undead breath filled out and shrouded everything.

In the vagueness, Qin Qi saw a figure standing in the undead atmosphere, which may be the fallen and undead strong.

But obviously, it is already dead. Known as immortal, can not escape death.

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