God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2380: Abyss blessing

"The loser, still want to get a good sleep, is simply a joke, I will all of you will be frustrated today!"

In his eyes, he simply looked down on the bright circles and felt that these people were just lingering.

Unexpectedly, I even ate it, and I have been hurt by it all the way. This is naturally unbearable for him who has always been proud.

It’s too shameful to suffer from a group of losers. It feels like being beaten.

Therefore, the comet will definitely ruin the tomb, and the corpses will be smashed to make him feel better.

At the moment, the meteor star, the weather is stunned, the red aria in the hand is constantly emitting red awns, and the dark particles like the volcanic eruption form a red-black color.

His breath is so fierce that it is obviously going to destroy everything.

He strode into the main burial chamber, squinting his head and staring at everything, no matter who was buried there, all glory belonged to the past.

Now, only the smash is in front of him.

Just seeing the scene in the tomb, the comet suddenly slammed his head, and the heart missed a few shots.

He saw a man who had seen it in a portrait of a family castle.

It was an ancestor of the famous singer and black lotus singer. His strength was extremely strong. Not only did he get out of the master craftsmanship, but he also became one of the few master craftsmen in history!

For the black lotus singer, this existence has always been glory.

It is a pity that he fell into the battle between the ancient times and the bright circles, and even the body was not found.

Unexpectedly, it will appear here.

Moreover, still in a squatting posture!

The star of the comet’s head blew up almost, and his face turned red.

What a shame this is, is humiliating them all over the name of the black lotus singer, and even humiliating all the dark genus!

The losers in the district, a group of wastes abandoned by history, have been left behind by garbage.

Actually, I dared to let the great and noble black lotus singers lie in their graves!


It is unforgivable.

In the heart of the comet, the anger of the nine heavens, he can not stand such humiliation, the famous black lotus singer, why have you been treated like this?

In particular, this one is still a ancestor of the family.

"Inferior ethnic groups, descendants of the losers, you wait, waiting for me to come to your world, enslaving you!"

"As for you!"

The comet stared at the stone sarcophagus, and said coldly: "With a despicable means, the ancestors who died in my family were so placed, do you think that you can turn defeat into victory?"

"It’s a despicable and low-lying group, and it can only be a loser forever."

In his view, his ancestors were jointly counted by these losers. They were killed by despicable means and died with glory.

These humble bugs placed the ancestors of the glorious war dead here, and even used awkward postures.

In this way, to comfort the facts of their own weakness, I think that this is stronger than the dark world.

How ignorant and shameless.

"The ancestor, I will invite you to the Huizhong Fortress, you can rest assured, your shame, I will help you clean up!" Comet Shen Shen.

He shot, a large number of high-quality dark particles emerged, wrapped the ancestor and wanted to remove him.

He does not allow the ancestors to continue to be here.

Only, the next moment, his look is a change.

He did not even remove the ancestors.

A huge amount of pressure suddenly struck, almost letting his dark particles scatter directly.

"What!" In the heart of the comet, this force is extremely powerful, and he feels the threat.

The look of the comet changed, and then a cold cry, said: "Although the use of despicable means, but the ability to consume my ancestors, it is a bit of a skill."

"I admit, you can't be a weak person, but unfortunately, you can only be a loser!"

"And the dead losers are not qualified to be murderous in front of me!"

The comet snorted.

Immediately, he began to read words.

"The great abyss, you gave birth to my family, the black lotus, deeply planted in our blood, and dedicated to your devout people, I would like to ask you to give me strength, so that my black lotus blooms more glory!"

Blessing in the abyss!

The dark heavens and the abyss are the beliefs of all the dark people, especially the famous, the power flowing in the blood, which originated from the abyss.

For example, a black lotus born in the abyss.

For example, a black river flowing in the abyss.

Another example is a round of black days rising in the abyss.

The abyss gave them everything, life and strength, and they all became enlightened believers in the abyss, serving everything to the abyss.

In this regard, the abyss will lower the blessing and make them stronger.

Qin Qi, in the other burial chamber, saw all of this, even if it was through the void, completely cut off the breath.

But when you see the abyss rising behind the comet, it is infinitely deep, and the darkness that almost absorbs the soul of the human being is still shining in the heart, and there is an impulse to surrender.

After the blessing of the abyss, the comet became more powerful, and the dark particles on the body almost turned into a storm, sweeping around.

Qin Qi has a sudden heart.

He does not know how strong the comet is now and whether he has the ability to counter the sarcophagus.

But there is a great possibility that they will not be able to continue to hide.

This power can also feel terrible across the void, just like the abyss, which is completely bottomless. It can be seen that the dark particles of the comet have changed.

It seems that you have to go to the next higher level in general.

I am afraid that they will no longer be safe.

The comet is suspended in midair, and the butterfly wings are constantly fanning behind it. The color above is more gorgeous than the nephew.

At this moment, the face of the comet is arrogant.

Under the blessing of the abyss, he will be unstoppable!

"Humble pets, said that you will be frustrated, you will not eat!" The star chills, he lifted the red sigh, a huge black lotus appeared.

Immediately, the black lotus was pressed down, heavy and boundless, everywhere was the sound of "the squatting", the void was cracked, and the tomb was constantly shaking.

This is the power of the stone and the comet colliding in madness.

Soon, the face of the comet changed a little, and he strengthened the power he exerted, and the strength of the stone against it would be stronger.

It seems that there is no end to it.

How can this be.

If it was before this life, perhaps it did have this kind of power, but now it is dead, and it has been dead for a very long time.

Actually, he was able to compete with him as a craftsman and he was blessed by the abyss.

This is impossible!

Comet also absolutely does not allow this to happen.

The blessing of the abyss is even more fierce. It seems that the abyss has also sensed the power here and began to take the initiative to come to a stronger power.

Obviously, the abyss does not allow himself to be offended. Must surrender!

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