God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2381: Forced moment

"Give me a break!" The big star, the black lotus rose sharply, and the abyss was clearer.

Under the pressure of this monstrous, Shijie was finally difficult to contend with.

The tomb owner has died after all.

He has left more power and is unable to resist such divine power.

The sound of "咔嚓" began to sound, and on the stone sarcophagus, cracks extended.

"Before you let the dark scorpion bow down, after death, you have to be destroyed by the body, can't you be peaceful?" Qin Qi bite his teeth, his heart is not stunned.

"The ancestors have already died, and this person can only bully a dead person, what kind of skill!" Xiaohua bite his teeth.

They didn't want to look at it like this, watching the ancestors who died in the **** battle, being defamed, and not being peaceful after death.

Just, the enemy is not.

This is the cruelest reality.


There were more cracks on the sarcophagus, and the comet sneered and pressed again. Although his face was pale, he was able to withstand it.

And Shi Yan, but can not bear it.

However, before the sarcophagus was completely cracked, a force suddenly burst out, and it was so scary that the comet was knocked out and interrupted the abyss.

Unfortunately, this is only the last strength.

Shi Jie died in silence, and no more power was released.

The comet was repulsed, his face was paler, his throat rolled, as if he had to cough up blood, but he was forced to endure hard.

How can it be coughed up in front of this loser?

What the comet has to do is to pose the winner, not to numb the blood!

"That said, the loser is the loser!" The comet swallowed, and smiled coldly.

However, he did not immediately go to the stone sarcophagus, but the body inside was smashed, but looked at somewhere in the void, mocking a smile: "I said that when I came in, I felt the smell of a few bugs, and here, But nothing has been seen."

"It turned out that it was hiding here!"

"Get me out!" The comet snarled, and the bright red sighs illuminate and burst into the awns, and they melted the void directly.

That location, just to the tomb of Qin Qi where they are.

Sure enough, it was discovered.

Qin Qi’s heart is tight, and things that are only worried are still happening.

"This tomb is hidden deep enough. If there is no chance and special means, even I can't detect it, and I was almost smashed."

If it wasn’t for the collision just now, it was too terrible. Even the abyss had a little active recovery, and the strength of the advent was comparable to that of the stone.

Otherwise, he could not find the tomb.

But since it has already been found, it is not difficult to break the tomb.

"The level of these space forces is difficult, what is hidden?" The comet whispered, sneer again and again.

Wen Yan, Qin Qi and Xiaohua are all changed face.

If the comet gets this big transmission, then the bright world is finished!

"I still can't come out, a few bugs, do you still have to come in and find you in person?" The comet shouted.

"You are waiting here, my son, let's go out!" Qin Qi Shen said.

"We are together!" Xiaohua quickly said.

"No, in the face of his power, one more and one less, no meaning." Qin Qi shook his head.

In front of absolute strength, one or two, there is no difference at all.

Xiaohua still wants to say something, but in the end she can't help it.

Qin Qi did not take her, but went out with her nephew. Perhaps, there is a chance to say.

“Millions of care!” Xiaohuadao.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and held his nephew and walked out of the tomb.

"Oh, there is still a baby?" The comet is a bit of an accident. After all, no one can think of it. Someone will steal a baby with such a baby.

But soon, the look of the comet has changed a little.

"Darkness is a genus!" The comet's pupils shrank. "And, there is a low-pitched breath on this group of losers."

The comet narrowed his eyes.

Just like when the original Yuan Xiu Xiu saw through the identity of the nephew, this time, there is no such thing as a comet.

However, the Yuanshen show can let go of the nephew, but the comet is impossible.

"Dark and dark, the people of the great abyss, are polluted by these dirty and despicable forces, and you are not worthy of returning to the abyss!" The comet is indifferent.

He wants to kill the nephew.

Although the child is very young, it is like a cub. After smelling the threat, the hair will still be erected to reveal the tooth decay.

The child snorted and his throat twitched, making an incomprehensible syllable.

Immediately, there were dark particles flowing out of her body, and butterfly wings appeared on her back. This is the instinctive reaction when faced with threats.

"Wings!" The comet slammed and the pupils contracted for a while.

He only thought that the nephew was a dark genus, and the blood may not be weak, but he did not expect it, or the babies of the young body, can gather their wings.

This wing is a symbol of the blood and the realm.

The child is too young, the realm is not high, then there is only one possibility, that is, the blood of the child is extremely powerful.

Even, it is possible to be above him!

At least in the memory of the comet, when the domain is very young, it has been seen even with the shadow of the wings.

"This is impossible, who are you!"

He does not believe that such a baby will appear.

After all, it is only a few famous names that can produce such a baby. But no one can make such a baby fall outside.

It is even less likely to appear in the land of exile, even in the hands of a human race.

The identity of a deaf child is definitely not low.

This kind of reaction is normal. When the original Yuan Xiu Xiu knows that the deaf children can gather their wings, it is impossible to let the deaf children follow Qin Qi.

"It seems that you can't kill it, you have to bring it back to let the elders of the family decide." The comet squinted.

This matter may be bigger than he thought.

"Are you, don't you put people in your eyes?" It was Qin Qi, an indifferent opening.

The comet is very strong and very strong, and it is more terrifying than the feeling that he was given to him.

Perhaps it is that Yuan Shenxiu has never completely released the breath, but at least this comet is Qin Qi completely unable to compete.

Don't say that there is a problem with the dragon ring vortex now, that is no problem, Qin Qi is not an opponent.

So how do you fight against such an invincible person?

Pray that he is kind, or is he begging for mercy?

No use, no use.

The comet will kill him like an ant.

Then, there is only one way left.

That is, force!

Yes, in this case, only the force can save Qin Qi’s life.

Since it is necessary to pretend to be forced, of course, it must be loaded with enough force. Otherwise, it is impossible to live in this comet.

"Hey, a bug, just want to die?" The comet naturally disdain to Qin Qi.

"I think the person who wants to die is you!" Qin Qi was burdened with one hand, facing the powerful comet, but it was not awkward, unable to find any fear or even tension.

He looked at the comet and his eyes were ironic. Even in the dark world, no one dared to be in front of the comet.

"You thought why your ancestors were here."

"That's because he is not strong enough, he was defeated by the front, oh, no, it was defeated if he had a helping hand!"

"So, he can only lie!"

"He was not put out of this posture after he died, but he fell down before his death, and squatted at the tomb of our ancestors!"

"It’s ridiculous, but you don’t know anything, you dare to speak up!"

"I don't want to think about it. If you don't have a lot of people, the ancestors will have counterattacked your darkness."

"Today, I will follow the example of the ancestors, let you also be here, and beside your ancestors, it will be worthy of each other!"

Qin Qi is arrogant, more arrogant than the comet. If you want to install it, then install a big one. The comet is stunned, how dare this worm like this.

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