God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2386: planning

The condensing of the vortex, in fact, extremely difficult things, Qin Qi and ghosts can succeed, half is strength, and half is also a coincidence.

If it is in addition to the boot margin, I am afraid that the possibility of success is not high.

Not to mention other people.

But I did not expect that there is a special means in the hands of the comet, which can be used for the condensing of the heart.

"The darkness is born with a black ring and a vortex, that is, the subordinates are no exception. What are they doing for this method?" Qin Qi wondered that it was not necessary to feel such a thing.

"It should be an advanced method," Yi Kunlun replied.

In the dark heavens, every famous door has the power of the world, and the gap between them is not great.

However, since it is a famous door, the strength has reached the limit of heaven and earth, and the possibility of the promotion of the top powerhouse is not great. As a result, if you want to upgrade the power of the famous door, you need the people below.

The improvement of the overall combat power is the only way to be a strong name.

The advanced method of vortex is also born. Through this means, the strength of the entire ethnic group is raised, and the gap is no longer small.

It can even affect the strength and weakness of the famous door.

Although in terms of the size of the door, this way to really play a role, even affecting the game between the famous doors, will take a long time.

But for the famous long-lasting door, there is never a shortage of time.

"So, the vortex that is condensed in this way is not the ordinary one, but after the advanced?" Qin Qi eyes brightened.

This starting point can be very high.

"It is much stronger than the dark subordinates, and can go beyond the ordinary descendants of the famous", different Kunlun Road.

"Good!" Qin Qi could not help but say a good word.

If it is possible to successfully promote this method of vortex condensing, then on the basis of the power, Zhongzhou has begun to move closer to the famous door of the dark heaven.

This is something that the great powers of the Taoist world can't do.

"It seems that more things to do than imagined!" Qin Qi whispered, but the heart is extremely excited, he can't wait to see, how can Zhongzhou be strong?

Immediately, Qin Qi combed a lot of things to do next.

Refining the immortality that blends into the fairy fruit.

Divide one of the Dengxian jade fruit into several parts and refine the more powerful elixir.

Use the materials of the Dark Heaven to strengthen the various methods of Zhongzhou.

At the same time, the two circles of the big array will be integrated into it.

Finally, after the adjustment of the different Kunlun, the method of the vortex that is suitable for the practice of the military is taught.

This task is very heavy and heavy, and it is generally Qin Qi and Yi Kunlun.

However, there is nothing to be done, it is an ability that cannot be replaced.

In the following time, Qin Qi is going to implement the plan without stopping, and there is no free time at all.

The ghosts and sorrows of them, they also went to practice, obviously even Zhang Lang, I understand that this is the best opportunity, can not be missed.

The same is true of Scorpio, and her entry is obviously faster.

In contrast, jokes and nephews are not so diligent, and children don't say it. This is a baby, and cultivation is not very meaningful to her.

She only needs to constantly absorb dark particles and increase blood pressure.

Even these are not done, just waiting to grow up, for her, is the fastest way to practice.

Only this ability, no one can copy it, envy is useless.

As for the small flowers, after mastering the avenue particles, the distance from the heavens is further advanced, but cultivation seems to be unnecessary.

She is now carrying the particle light group to deepen the understanding of the avenue particles, which is enough.

Whether or not the Tianzun's realm can be achieved, most of them still need to rely on the avenue particles.

However, although Xiaohua is leisurely, he does not do nothing. During this time, Situ Jing and Gao Song, have been very familiar with her.

These two are women strong, not the genius of martial arts, and the small flowers, martial arts genius is not counted, at the same time, is also a strong woman.

It’s just that her performance on weekdays is the woman’s sinister attitude.

But no one would think that she is just a vase.

After all, under her hand, but there is a giant power, group Fangfang.

Xiaohua itself is not the position of Tianzun, but the group of Fangfang is one of the giants, and it is also the largest intelligence agency and sales treasury.

If you want to take charge of such forces and stand still, how can you just rely on a large number of beautiful people?

The means of small flowers can be far more powerful than it seems.

As for Situ Jing and Gao Wei, the talents in charge of the forces are extremely high, but after all, the experience is limited, and the Chaos Era Alliance is far less powerful and complex than the Fangfang Museum.

Little flowers can teach them something, but there are so many.

The two are humbly asking for advice, and the florets are naturally enlightened, but they have learned a lot.

At this moment, several people are in the area opened up by Zhongzhou, and are ready to further plan.

"In general, this area has been left to the major forces of Zhongzhou to develop, but the important ones are still in the hands." Situ Jing looked at the drawings that came out of the formation and pointed to several roads.

Today's Zhongzhou, respected by the Emperor City and the Chaos Era Alliance, must be the key to the two forces.

The two major forces are also independent of each other. Based on this, the forces underneath naturally do not dare to divide.

Up and down in Zhongzhou, it can be said that it is integrated.

However, all major forces cannot arrange resources with the two major forces. They must have their own development space and external crisis, so that they can grow stronger and stronger.

Therefore, this newly opened area will be developed by the major forces, which will strengthen their enthusiasm.

As long as the key points are in the hands, there is no fear of overturning.

"You are generous, and you have handed over the most critical areas to the Imperial City." Xiaohua also followed the staff and put forward a lot of constructive opinions.

Of course, Situ Jing and Gao Wei will not adopt it in full, and will make adjustments in due course.

The key area of ​​this piece, according to the meaning of Xiaohua, is naturally in the hands of the Chaos Era Alliance, but Situ Jing, but gave it to the Emperor City for development.

"The imperial city is the orthodox city, and it is more secure to sit in the town. They are guarded by this and the effect is better!" Situ Jing laughed.

"I have also heard of this point. The shocking emperor is the same force as she has." Xiaohua nodded.

This is indeed a very magical force. It is neither a sacred nor an avenue particle. If it is to be said, it is like the power of faith.

With the realm of small flowers, how can we not see that the meteorological weather of Zhongzhou has gathered in the fire, which is really amazing. Today's Qin Yi, indeed, is not in the Chaos Era Alliance, but in the Imperial City.

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