God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2387: Return to the border

Emperor City is the dojo of the Emperor, inheriting the Qin Yi of the fire, only where it can play a stronger force.

Moreover, Qin Yi’s income is the second generation of the power of the Emperor and the taboo female emperor. It can be said that it is a collection of three generations of fire.

In addition, the person who stayed in the emperor’s pen is on the sidelines, helping him, and it’s really like opening the road to heaven.

I don't know how long it will be until the end of her retreat.

But it can be foreseen that the Terran is a fire, and it will open up hope for the Terran!

"In fact, the predecessors did not know, when the world salary is the sister of Fu Jun, but also the Qin family, so the key to the Emperor City, just right," Situ Jing laughed.

A little flower, this is why I understand the reason, shaking my head and laughing: "I said that you are not so easy to cede, it is no wonder."

Situ Jing just smiled and didn't say anything.

Immediately, she pointed to one of the areas and said: "According to the predecessors, this area was handed over to the female worm, just..."

"Reassure, the mother worm will not have problems. These days, she will evolve again. It should not continue to go up. After that, she will certainly lay eggs."

The female worm is not the former female worm, but the dark genus, the egg it produces, will hatch in the future, and it will be dark scorpion!

At that time, Zhongzhou will have a group of dark genus.

This kind of attempt is undoubtedly risky, but it is worth it, not only for the moment, but also for the future.

"Before she said that as long as the supply of dark particles is not a problem, she can lay 30,000 eggs. This is not a small amount, and the cultivation in the future is not a hassle."

It is not only that they have not done it, but the entire Guangming community has no such precedent.

The darkness is born with dark particles, suppressing the human race, and wanting to cultivate well, the required investment is extremely great.

I don't know if Zhongzhou can support it now.

"You don't have to bother with this kind of thing, don't you have that kid, what kind of problem, throw it for him to solve it," Xiaohua did not care.

Regardless of it, all the plans that can be done can not be piled up first, and they have to solve it.

If it is still not possible, then change it.

Besides, with the ability of Qin Qi, it is really rare that he will say no.

Situ Jing smiled bitterly and said with a slight distress: "He has to be busy again. It has been a month, and he has not rested even after a break."

"When you are busy, you will do it for you. Do you want your sister to teach you some skills, and let the kid want to die!" Xiaohua smiled.

Situ Jing's face was reddish and hurriedly said: "The older generation will not laugh."

But at the same time, it is the soul of the voice, said: "When the time is over, the seniors will teach me again!"

The little flower was speechless, and the corner of his mouth was twitching. He could only sigh. "Grandma's, that kid is too good, how can you be a good woman like you."

Under the heart, even the mantra of the child was said.

After that, several people discussed the arrangements in various places, and finally decided to finalize the plan. Then, through the Chaos Era Alliance and the Emperor City, they will inform the major forces and implement the plan.

Of course, Qin Qi’s mission has also become a lot heavier.

Good words, Qin Qi did not disappoint, the final results even exceeded expectations, all plans have been implemented on the hardware.

As for the cultivation of the dark armies, it has not become an obstacle.

Qin Qi has been left by the comet and laid a lot of large arrays, which can make the dark particles remaining in the war relics come together to form an environment similar to the dark heaven.

In addition, the Dark Pond is a dark pool required for cultivation, and Qin Qi has also built several seats. If it is only 30,000 dark scorpions, it is more than enough.

At the same time, Qin Qi took advantage of the convenience of building Zhongzhou during this period, and brought a large number of Zhongzhou martial arts forgemasters and alchemists to participate in it. It can be said that they are giving each other a gift.

Although these people will not be as good as him for a while, they will certainly benefit a lot.

If Qin Qi is absent, there are them, they can also carry out the maintenance of the big array, and the refining of the medicinal herbs, and even the creation can be made.

After all, there are also a lot of talented people. If you give enough resources, the future is worth looking forward to.

Three months time.

Qin Qi has done everything, whether it is the law of the medicinal herbs, but the law of the vortex, etc., all completed.

It seems to take a long time, but if you count the workload of Qin Qi, it is a very extraordinary speed.

After doing this, Qin Qi is also the time to leave.

He can't stay in Zhongzhou all the time, he still has a lot to do.

Zhongzhou has no need for him to worry about it for a while. According to Situ Jing’s plan, it will take only a few years for Zhongzhou to grow into a giant.

And if Qin Qi achieves Tianzun during this time, then Zhongzhou can resist the most old giants.

This is naturally unimaginable speed.

It is necessary to know that the giants of the Taoist world are operating in a million years and millions of years, and they have the glory of today and today.

Zhongzhou wants to spend a million years in the past few years, listening, like an idiot talking about dreams.

But, there is no way.

With more resources, a wide range of talents and unconditional conditions, you can do whatever you want!

After saying goodbye to Situ Jing, Qin Qi left Xiaozhou with Xiaohua and others.

The transmission of the big array has been mastered by Qin Qi, connecting the two worlds, as long as Qin Qi is willing, he can even enter the dark world.

But for the sake of safety, it is impossible to take risks.

The darkness of the heavens is too strong. After the opening of the big squad, it is not without the possibility of being countered. At that time, the strong power will come, but Qin Qi can not control it.

So this time, Qin Qi just returned to the world by sending a large array.

I don't know how long it has been, how has the Taoist world changed? Has the Supreme Dark Heaven's Supreme been invited to Kunlun?

This is the first big thing!

In addition, undead esteem also needs attention, I do not know if I can go back to his big plan today.

There is also the old man of the past, Qin Qi has to go and find one.

Out of the void cracks, Qin Qi and others finally returned to the Tao.

This is a wilderness. The specific location is not known for the time being, but the surrounding aura fluctuations are not strong and should be remote.

"I will go back first, the information you need, I will pass it on to you one by one," Tianzhu said directly. She does not want to continue to delay, she must return to the undead palace immediately!

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