God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2399: Not dead, not dead

Just now, he received the news that Zhanjian and others were killed. Under the anger, he also kept his reason. He planned to discuss it first and then make a decision.

Unexpectedly, there was no result in the deliberation, and the culprit directly rushed into their base camp.

To be precise, they stepped directly on top of their heads and shattered the conference hall.

Just as the elders madly discussed how to change the pattern of Qin Qi, Qin Qi appeared.

Full of drama.

The sound of the roaring alarm lingered in the ear, a large number of family warriors came from, like an ant, surrounded by it.

If you have seen Qin Qi, the war madness even suspects that the family has changed greatly, these people intend to rebel.

"Is it a meeting?" Qin Qi smiled and looked at everyone.

In that way, there is no consciousness of going deep into the enemy's hole, but it is like coming over the door.

"Qin Qi, you are too bold, come here, you don't want to go again!"

Everyone hit the front, and they also negotiated a fart, and screamed again!

And here, there is no need to plan anything, Qin Qi can not beat him.

"Come on," Qin Qidao, there is no need for nonsense, just start playing.


I heard that, for a time, I was shouting and killing. Some elders still had some doubts. I suspect that Qin Qi dared to go here alone, but now, I don’t need to take care of it.


Qin Qi is indifferent and is also a fierce shot.

This undead castle is almost gone, these people, do not kill white does not kill, until the dragon ring vortex is complete, Qin Qi can go straight into the sky.

At that time, there may be a possibility of a battle with Tianzun.


A burst of sound, followed by a roar of earth-shattering, shouting and killing tears in the void, and Qin Qi and war mad, have been crazy together!

In the face of war madness, Qin did not dare to keep a hand, not only the outbreak of physical strength, but **** use.

However, the blood scabbard is somewhat sensitive. If it is used, it is feared that the Temple of God and Solomon will not let him go.

But this should be enough!

Crazy war, Qin Qi is more and more brave, every punch, every sword, more and more horrible, simple and direct, recruiting death, even if it is war mad, the strength of heaven and earth, can not help but whitish There is a feeling of being suppressed by Qin Qi.

In fact, the power of Qin Qi has not yet exceeded the war madness, but the fighting momentum and the unparalleled rhythm have given people tremendous psychological pressure.

War madness can be regarded as a battle all the way to the high heavens, and it is not without losing, but this sense of oppression is rarely encountered, let alone the realm is not as good as him.

The war is furious and more powerful forces are concentrated on themselves.

At the same time, the strong besides can't really participate in this level of battle, and now they form a battlefield and support the war.

At this point, Qin Qi was almost fighting with the entire warrior's ancestral home.

And this power is gathered, it is absolutely terrible, and this is the strongest manifestation of home advantage!

"No wonder you dare to break into my ancestral home, it is really strong enough, but I have to look at it now, can you still be stronger!" The mad screams, the muscles are all swelled, the blue veins burst, full An explosive force.

"If you can't, you can die!" The violent violent drink, the madness in the hands, more violent than before, Qin Qi can hardly resist.

Kill the wolf!

When Qin Qili used to kill the wolf to offset the injury, at the same time, the blood above the **** light illuminates the heavens and the earth, the murder suddenly emerges, hitting the heart.

Kill innocent!

"There are still means? How about it, give me a crackdown!" The war was cold and cold, and the killing sent from Qin Qi’s body made him feel cold, but he was filled with infinite power at the moment, what fear?

The knife fell, cracking the endless blood around, even if Qin Qi's sword, it can only be blocked.

However, the power to kill innocent people still makes the war screaming, this killing machine is too horrible, as if under the death, it is difficult to escape.

"I don't die, who doesn't have it?" The war is cold and cold, and it doesn't matter how much it is. What is the point of injury, his undead body has reached the eighth!

The war madness has an advantage, and now it is not afraid of injury, and the shot is more fierce. The pressure on Qin Qi naturally doubles!

The same people who have the characteristics of immortality, but also the level of the flag is quite similar, but they were severely injured by minor injuries. Qin Qi’s disadvantages began to grow.

And this is also helpless. Qin Qi is not taking advantage of the previous heaven that has aggregated the strength of the entire ancestral home.

This is only a ancestral home. If all the warring martial artists in various places rush back, form a battle, and come out, and gather together, then Qin Qi will be hard to fight.

It is also an ant to separate the ants, but if you can aggregate the power in one person, it is completely different, enough to shine!

Kill innocent, kill **** Ji!

After Qin Qi’s death, he was killed in the blood, and he was like a **** red suit. At this moment, the erectus of killing blood is also opened, if blood flows.

Qin Qi's **** and killing blood Ji Ji's vision gradually overlaps, the ability to deepen, the time flow around the time seems to be a little slower, and the control of weaknesses is more precise.

At this moment, the madness of the war, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the body is full of power and flames, and even the body is not open.

However, there are still weaknesses to follow!

Qin Qi’s offensive suddenly changed and became more fierce. Every blow fell to the point, it was extremely killing, and it almost could not be avoided.

The war madness does not understand how Qin Qi can be so targeted under the power of such a huge amount of consumption and no consumption at all.

It seems that you can see through his weakness at a glance.

But this is not enough.

The power of war madness is still the endless stream, and the blessing of the battle array and the big battle makes him still invincible.

Even if Qin Qi’s attack is huge, it can only be changed with a big injury!

Avenue particles.

Qin Qi’s light sank, the dragon ring vortex did not avenue particles began to rush out, he began to push the efficiency of the dragon ring vortex to the limit!

It may not work before, but now, the power of Dengxian Yuguo nourishes the dragon ring vortex, only a footstep, it can be perfect, no flaws.

At this moment, you may be able to use this violent way to push a hand and break through in extreme operations.

"Avenue particles, the capital of the gods?" The war madness suddenly shrinks, and the power is trembled.

He has been in the sky for a long time, and he has not been able to break through so far. The biggest problem is that he cannot enter the threshold of avenue particles.

I did not expect that Qin Qi not only has, but also the number!

The war madness has not been stunned by the power of the shackles. After seeing the avenue particles, he understands that his advantages may be ruined at any time.

Must, no reservations, or be turned over, that is to lose all!

"Dead chain polymerization blade!" War mad, eyes are full of painful color, but this point is that he still has, knowing that life is everything!

In an instant, the momentum of the war madness changed. On his long knife, a chain was wound up like a snake, full of death.

It is Qin Qi, the heart is suddenly shocked.

This dead chain polymerization blade is not a martial art, but a force that the warlords have raised on behalf of the generation.

The investment of each generation of the warriors can make its power grow a lot. For a long time, the power of this dead chain polymer blade is already awkward.

Enough to meet the top of the world!

That is a lot stronger than the shy flower.

The war madness took the opportunity to display the dead chain polymerization blade, and the strength of the avenue was also suppressed.

The two are also full of embarrassment, the injury is constantly exchanged, and the characteristics of immortality are undoubtedly revealed!

In the end, Qin Qi was broken in half, and the war madness was also bloody, all miserable.

The war madness, the dead chain polymerization blade did not even directly kill Qin Qi.

However, this is enough. When the strong people from all over the war are gathered, he can still kill Qin Qi. Just wait, just wait.

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