God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2400: Force and power

The power of the dead chain polymerization blade was passed down from generation to generation by the warriors. Together with the strong combination of the warriors, the power reached its peak. Even the Qiqi particles of Qin Qi could not be suppressed.

This is the contrast between the strength of the single strong and the forces. The single strong does have the terrible power, but a force, after a long period of development and accumulation, can also have powerful power.

It's just that this power is extremely difficult to come. It needs to be accumulated from generation to generation. With life infusion, it is possible to have one or two rivals.

But if you want to kill an elephant with an ant, this is nothing to do.

This world has always been so cruel, since the strength is not strong, it will be able to recover the disadvantages through more time and effort.

The comparison between Qin Qi and the warrior does not seem to be suitable for this.

But the fact is that Qin Qi's talented warriors have never been able to compare with each other. The avenue particles are born, and the strength is more than the war madness.

For Shangqin Qi, only the power of the people can be a battle.

It seems to be a bit sad, but every force has come this way, whether it is the imperial city of the sun, or the undead palace of the thin day, it is a step by step.

The loser disappeared into the long river of history, and the winner was the next challenge.

Maybe the next moment will die, and it will be destroyed by the unparalleled powerhouse, but it may also be successfully won, and the power of detachment will be strengthened, and it will become stronger step by step!

The warrior can walk to the present position, dominate the undead castle, become the strongest one, a similar crisis, how can it experience less in the past?

Since now, it has been said that the past threats have been defeated, and this time, it will not be an exception.

The war madness understands that as long as the warlord is constantly coming, his power is constantly improved, he can defeat Qin Qi and completely kill it!

A similar situation has never happened since the arrogance of the war. After all, when he took over, the warrior was already at its peak. In fact, until now, the warrior still has no progress, and it is already his great dereliction of duty.

Perhaps without his connivance, today's warriors will not suffer such threats.

However, as long as you win, you will do.

His all kinds of faults can be written off.

Moreover, the war madness is also intended to be with the ancestors, in the crisis, to turn the tide.

At that time, he was the hero of the warrior, and even pushed the warrior to another peak in one fell swoop!

The dead chain polymerization blade is wrapped around the blade, constantly whistling, and the most terrible knife, each knife has the explosive power, which is the avenue particles, but also can not stop.

However, Qin Qi, but it is not impossible to support, killing the wolf, killing innocent and **** combination, so that Qin Qi is still unbeaten.

"Soon, this seat will soon be able to defeat you!"

The tribe is coming soon.

The new battlefield will be able to form immediately, and the power of the ocean will be added more quickly.

That is the chance to win!

The battle between the two men is getting more and more violent. If they don’t die, they will not die. Even if the cost of the injury is different, the gap is even obvious, but it is difficult to distinguish the winners and losers at one time.

However, as time passed, Qin Qi began to gain the upper hand. His fighting ability, after all, surpassed the war madness. The situation of evenly matched forces could not happen to Qin Qi for too long.

If any battle is deadlocked, if the opponent can't exert more power, then Qin Qi will win.

The **** power is so unreasonable.

The war madness was frightened, and he began to feel the pressure is improving.

"Crazy people, they are not in place yet, what is going on!" The war mad face was ugly and could not help but roar.

Originally, these exchanges should stay at the level of spiritual communication, so as to avoid Qin Qi's response, but now, the war madness has been somewhat unsatisfactory.

In the screams, he can already see his eagerness.

Also, he is not eager.

Inside the warrior's ancestral home, there is a transmission array of warrior forces distributed throughout the undead castle, and even if the outer transmission array is destroyed, the portal can be opened unilaterally.

From the beginning of Qin Qi's entry into the war, it has already passed a small quarter of an hour. In such an emergency, the people should have gathered before they are right.

If it is smooth, now the war mad has killed Qin Qi.

"Homeowner, out... there was an accident, and the people who can come inside the family are almost there," said a warrior's old-faced pale face.

"What, what do you say!" The war mad face changed greatly, only came this person, what is enough, even dare to say that all come!

The mad gaze is very gloomy. "Is there someone who has a heart and a rebellion?"

The war mad bite, no matter who it is, until this end, he will have to carry out a big cleansing, the warrior does not need a second voice outside of him!

It’s just that the elder’s face is even more ugly. It’s like a dead man. “The homeowner is a dead language temple. They shot and launched a full-scale attack on all the forces of our warriors!”

"They don't want to come over, yes... it's not going to come!" The elders desperately said.

The war madness is heard, and even the heart is not angry, but it is incredible.

The death of the temple, will actually make such a choice?

This made him dare not believe that it was impossible for them to cooperate with the death curse.


The growth of the dead temples has always been the most threatening is the death curse, the hatred between them is the deepest, want to unite, how easy.

At least the master of the death curse and the lord of the dead temple, it is impossible to give in. As long as they are in the same place, they must be dead and alive.

And retreat 10,000 steps, just rely on the courage of Jiang Sheng, dare to do this?

The first madness of war madness, after all, the death of the temple is always criticized by people, is the conservative strategy of the patriarch Jiang.

Unless you have seen the death of war, Jiang Sheng will not be shot, let alone this kind of comprehensive war.

"Homeowners, at this moment, leading the death of the temple, not the Jiang Shengshou, but the crow!" The war parents can not understand.


"With him, he can also mobilize all the power of the dead language temple? Even if you add Liu Yuelan, it is not enough!"

"Hidden secrets, it is said that Jiang Sheng was sneaked by the Raven and Liu Yuelan, and is already dead!" The elders of the warriors had endless bitterness.

On weekdays, the warriors hope that Jiang Sheng will die early, so that they can divide the benefits of the death of the temple, but now, in any case, they want Jiang Sheng to live.

Only when he is still alive can the madness of the dead temple be stopped.

However, the wood has already become a boat, and the all-out war has already begun, and it can no longer be stopped.

The war madness heard the news, and suddenly the earthquake suddenly appeared, and the control of power showed a sudden fluctuation.

And this opportunity Qin Qi will let go, the **** moments suddenly appear thin lines, each one is incomparably clear, indicating that the flaws revealed by this war madness, bigger than ever!

Bloody, a sword stabbed.

Although the war mad reaction is not full, arrogantly urging a huge force, want to stop this sword, but can not do it.

Qin Qi's sword directly penetrated his abdomen. Although it was not a fatal injury, it also made the war madness weak.

The war madness hurts and screams, and the body does not die, and the repair is quick.

He was slightly relieved, and the injury was indeed not light, but with the strength of his eighth undead body, he could still recover, and it would not affect the combat power too much.

It’s just the fighting style of Qin Qi, but what is it that strikes it? Naturally, you are sick and want your life.

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