God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2401: Breakthrough

After a hit, the subsequent attack is followed by a storm.

The war madness is inadvertently falling behind the wind. At this moment, it is a step by step disadvantage and it is difficult to reverse it.

The war madness, more war-torn strongmen were blocked by the dead language temple, and did not show up, it is certain that he has almost no chance to win.

He is going to be defeated.

"Qin Qi, crow, this seat swears, will kill you, all the people who are related to you, all will die!" War mad, that massive power, instant violent, is indistinguishable .

Such a number, broke out in a moment, Qin Qi can not resist, can only retreat.

And the war mad, take this opportunity and go straight into the sky.

Immediately, he reversed the power of his body, and the power that originally converges on him has begun to flow back.

But in this way, this is a powerful force within the controllable range, and it is completely out of control.

War madness, this is intended to destroy all battles, so as to kill Qin Qi.

Even if he can't kill Qin Qi, he can at least drag him.

"Homeowner, you..." The elders saw the intent of the war madness, could not help but fall into despair and shouted.

"What is noise, as long as I am still alive, the warrior will not be finished, your enmity, I will report it for you!"

Originally should be the power of the family to resist the enemy, war madness as the only hope of the warrior, should fight to the last moment.

But I don't want to, I haven't reached the real desperate moment, and the war madness gave up first.

He chose to abandon the tribe and escape on his own.

Qin Qi is indifferent.

The power around him has been completely frenzied. He is naturally the first to bear the brunt. This power has to be taken seriously.

However, until now, Qin Qi’s Dragon Ring vortex has been running for a long time, and it has become more and more smooth. Only a small opportunity is needed to achieve perfection.

At this moment, the situation that Qin Qi suffered was the opportunity.

Qin Qi condensed in the void, completely ignoring the power of the week, the violent approximation to the end of the day, even the blood, stopped the flow.

Only the dragon ring vortex in his body is running at a rapid speed, and the vortex sounds constantly screaming, and has reached the critical point. Immediately, it can cross the past.

After so long preparations, this time, Qin Qi has absolute certainty, success in one fell swoop!

Beyond the warriors, there were many strong men in the undead castle. They heard the news after Qin Qi entered the warrior. Everyone was shocked and knew that there would be a fierce battle.

However, for Qin Qi, the way to go directly to other people's home, but no one is optimistic, do not think that Qin Qi can win.

It is not so easy to single out a force, and it is still the level of the warrior.

However, if you are not optimistic about it, you don’t have to worry about what Qin Qi is doing. Since he is wearing it, then this excitement will have to be seen.

And for those who have a strong background, Qin Qi is not the most important, and the reaction of the other two forces is the key.

And then, there is no difference between what they think and the big battle.

They don't need to enter the ancestral home of the warrior. The one-of-a-kind array of tactics can already be clearly seen, and the atmosphere of the warriors composed of many powerful players can also be clearly felt.

The war madness is playing the home court advantage and it is necessary to destroy Qin Qi.

The violent battle is beyond expectations, as is Qin Qi’s power.

After the war madness exerted the dead chain polymerization blade, the terrible power was even more shocking and unspeakable. It was terrible.

Even though Qin Qi finally survived, there is still no one who is optimistic about him.

Until countless news came from various channels, like snow flakes, everyone was shocked, and after waking up, they believed that Qin Qi could really defeat the war madness and the warriors behind him!

The dead language temple, throwing out the nest, completely declared war on the warrior, and once it came up, it was the gesture of decisive battle.

Not only that, but there are even rumors that the reason why the death of the temple is so unconventional is because the crow and Liu Yuelan, the following commits, sneaked into the Jiang Sheng, and seized the control of the dead temple.

The shock under this is even more thorough. No one cares about how the crow can do this. No matter how beautiful the past, the loser has already withdrawn from the stage at the moment of failure.

What is really important is that the pattern of the undead castle will change dramatically today, which is what other forces need to pay attention to.

Once you stand in the wrong team, or are caught in the pool, it is ruin.

In addition, more secret agents began to explore the news of the death curse.

The two forces are already in a state of endlessness. It seems that only one can be left after today. It is impossible to participate in such a big event.

But even if there is no clear information to pass back, everyone knows that the death curse is prepared to be a squirrel.

The death of the temple and the death of the warriors is already a reckless investment.

Qin Qi is fighting with the war, and both sides have the ability to win, and no matter who wins, it must be a tragic victory.

This kind of war situation is not that God is biased towards the death curse, they just need to wait, and then enter the field with a harvesting attitude.

Rao is the mantra of the death curse that has passed through hundreds of thousands of years. At this moment, he couldn’t help but feel excited.

He did not expect that the undead castle would be completely ruled by him in this way.

"Hey, is that old thing ready to abandon the family and escape alone? It’s a waste!" The curse of the dead man was cold and cold, full of unwillingness.

How much he hopes that war madness can die in this battle.

But forget it, the overall situation is not bad.

Only the next moment, he changed color, and the war madness reversed all the forces. He was planning to escape from the ascension, a sword light, flashing in an instant.

It was a short moment that the curse of the dead was almost invisible.

After that sword, the power of frenzy around it was a stagnation, and then it turned out to be calm.

"What is going on!" The curse of the dead man can't be understood.

Then, his pupils shrank violently, and he saw the war madness, the undead, and could not be repaired.

Was it killed?

The death curse is in the heart of the cold, but soon, he is excited, this must be the final back of Qin Qi, the price is only huge.

What is most satisfying to him is the war madness. He is really dead.


The curse of the darkness is screaming.

But suddenly, he couldn't call it out, because he saw Qin Qi slowly turning around and facing him, and the pair of blood-colored scorpions looked to him.

Although they are separated by a great distance, the death curse taught that Qin Qi was watching him.

Was it discovered?

But what about it?

There is no clear speculation. The curse of the death curse suddenly has some spirits scattered. He still has some doubts. How can it be so until the head of the man falls, only to see the **** Jianguang has cut him into several pieces.

Qin Qi separated the sword and killed him directly. "What's the special thing, can't you be a god?" The last thought of the death curse is the same.

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