God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2402: High heaven

Indeed, no one knows what happened, everything is too sudden.

The war madness finally abandoned everything and directly detonated all the forces attached to the body. The scene is really terrifying. Once it is completely exploded, I am afraid that the entire ancestral home of the warrior will disappear instantly.

Inspired by such horrible fluctuations, the people watching the battle are all cold and shouting, and they have to rush out, otherwise they will be involved.

I am afraid I will finish it completely.

However, on the way to escape, I could not help but sigh. The warriors are in the eternal life of the undead castle. Even if they are not in the hands of war madness, they are also old-fashioned forces.

Nowadays, I am afraid that it will be destroyed in the first place. Even if the war madness is still alive, it is impossible to reproduce the glory of the warrior.

But as long as the war madness is still alive, then the death of the temple is actually more worrying.

Back to the end of a crazy revenge, it is not unbearable.

In particular, the fact that Jiang Shengchen was killed by the Ravens and Liu Yuelan, no one can resist the fierceness of war madness.

I am afraid, in the end, it is still cheaper.

Those guys didn't do anything, and finally they got such a big bargain. It's incredible to think about it, and luck is also a little better.

The same idea is almost flashing in everyone's mind. Many guys who are backed by the powers have already begun to plan and then how to rely on the death curse will not appear to have some wall grass.

This, it is necessary to think about it, but after being unable to rely on it, it will be taken lightly.

However, if the death curse is a big one, I am afraid that I can really despise everything.

Everyone has their own considerations, which can be said to be far-reaching, and the side also reflects that they are already convinced of the glory of the death curse.

It was just at this moment, suddenly, the surrounding space seemed to be solidified, and all the powerful who fled, they all had a meal.

It is clear that they have no power to bind.

This is probably a reaction from instinct.

I haven't waited for them to slow down. Then, it was a guilty conscience, and the power of the body began to be somewhat unintelligible. Many people fell directly from the sky.

An indescribable wave of volatility is passed from the ancestral home of the warriors.

what happened.

what happened!

Everything happens in extreme times, no one can react, just stunned, and even thinking becomes a little difficult.

However, the field of vision has not been obscured, so it can be clearly seen that a **** light suddenly rises to the sky.

Then, the amount of violent violence that could not be controlled within the ancestral home of the warriors was directly suppressed and completely fell back.

And a person flying high, fighting mad, but also in the future to escape, has been in the first place.

There is an undead force that suddenly shrouds out, and wants to repair the body of the war madness, but when it touches the wound, it is directly smashed by the sword that remains on it.

The eighth heavy undead body can't fix such an injury.

Qin Qi a sword, if he wants to die, he will die.

This is, kill innocent!

The shock of this scene, has not waited for someone to respond, but see the **** hands of Qin Qi, once again kneel down, a sword light is going away, the speed is fast, the naked eye can not catch up.

Just know that it is the direction of a stronghold of the Death Mantra.

Jianguang went away, I don’t know when it disappeared at the end of the heavens and the earth. However, in the city, it was a cold silence, and the atmosphere of horror was so overwhelming.

"War, is it so dead?" Someone trembled.

"In that way, can you still live, of course, you can't die anymore!" Another person replied loudly, but he could not cover up the fear in his heart.

"The eighth is not dead, even if it is in the undead palace, it can be compared with it, and only the top-level elders are too old!"

"Of course, it was really killed, and it was still a sword."

"The war madness hit this level, and the means have been done. It’s not too unexpected to die, but what happened to Qin Qi’s sword?"

"It seems that the sword light fell into a stronghold of the death curse!" Some people swallowed a few mouthfuls of water, some difficult roads.

This sword will not be meaningless, so why is this sword issued?

The fearful possibility, flashing through the brain, will never linger.

Everyone was cold and sweaty, only feeling weak and almost fell to the ground.

I am afraid that even the teachings of the death curse are dead.

That guy must not be able to miss the battle in the ancestral home of the warrior, absolutely observing in the dark, and that stronghold, I am afraid that is where he is.

Then, it was killed.

Although it is hard to believe, people can't stop thinking about it, and in the end, finally someone wants to find out what is breaking into the stronghold.

No one blocked, the disciples of the death curse have been scared.

Immediately, the news came out, confirming the conjecture in people's minds.

The teaching of the death curse is dead.

It’s so simple to die, even to be onlookers.

The master of a generation of death curse, can be regarded as the man of the undead castle, the master of the party, but did not expect the end, turned out to be such a bad luck.

Just because I have a look?

I was still thinking about it. After that, how to please the people of the death curse, I can’t speak now.

The story has changed so fast that it has not kept up with the rhythm.

But the only thing that is the same is that everyone instinctively avoids the ancestral home of the war at the moment. Now, no one has the courage to talk about Qin Qi.

In case, just because there is one more mouth, is it killed?

Now Qin Qi can really do it.

No one dares to care about Qin Qi, Qin Qi naturally does not intend to do anything extra.

At this moment, the power in his body is so inconspicuous that he even needs to take the initiative to suppress himself. Otherwise, he may be injured.

Just because this power is too strong, it is beyond the scope that Qin Qi can control at this moment.

The dragon ring vortex has completely reached perfection, and there is no flaw in the structure. It can be operated with power that could not be believed in the past.

And the ability to compress power is unprecedented.

Qin Qi feels that even when he met the comet in the past, the compression ratio of the other party's dark particles was faintly overtaken by him.

This perfect dragon ring vortex is really powerful.

It is precisely because of this power, Qin Qi is now like a huge bubble of soap, an unstable, may burst, and want to comb as soon as possible.

However, this difficulty is not too big, and after killing the war madness, the realm of Qin Qi has reached the level of high heaven and earth, and even with the physical body, it has also advanced a few steps.

When the body strength is settled, even soap bubbles are the most sturdy soap bubbles. "Call", after a long time, Qin Qi only spit out a breath, and finally stabilized the strength of the body, the arrogant avenue particles, also slowly retracted into the inside of the dragon ring vortex.

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