God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2405: Return from the restricted area

"You hide with people, don't make a living during this time, completely crouch, digest this income." The crow put away the black feather folding fan, and the eyes flashed.

In the land of creation, there is something he wants!

"I know", Liu Yuelan nodded, and then said, "You are careful, you can come back. Otherwise, this dead temple is mine!"

"When I come back, I will be the capital of heaven!" The crow smirked and plunged directly into the area covered with colorful light.

The divine light that hangs down is the enchantment. When it is completely fallen, the enchantment will take effect. At that time, no one can enter it.

It can also be regarded as a means of defending others from the dead.

"Yes, go in." Qin Qi looked at the sky and the five colors of light were constantly restrained, and the passage was already open.

Although it has not yet waited for Jiang Lanyu, but the first machine Qin Qi can not easily let go, let alone, who does not know what the channel is, Qin Qi must first step by step to find out.

In the land of creation, there are many opportunities, but it is dangerous, and it is equally heavy. It is not allowed, it will not be easier than the place where the battlefield site of exile is.

Waiting here, say no, it is better to wait there, so that Qin Qifang can bear the brunt.

In this way, Qin Qi and the crow will take a step forward, step into the channel, disappear, and then they may appear in the legendary universe, the first mysterious land - the land of creation!

The curtain of the five colors is still slowly falling, the speed is not too fast, but it is not slow, and when the curtain falls to half, a space fluctuation suddenly appears, tearing in the envelope of the five colors of light. Make a hole.

Immediately, a group of people came out one after another, it was the two geniuses who were banned!

They were sent directly to the two heavenly lords.

These people are all talented and talented. Many of them come from all the worlds, but there are also some who are local strongmen.

The two restricted areas were open, and they also rushed into it to compete for the creation, but now they are transmitted to this place.

As for why, I believe that I can understand without much words. It is everyone who wants to borrow their hands to see what they want.

In fact, no one has the confidence to succeed in this way. After all, the genius of the heavens and the world is inevitable, and there must be special reasons. I am afraid that the people who are not called will be extremely difficult to obtain.

Otherwise why?

But even if you understand this, you are not willing to let go of any chance, so you are still sending people.

After all, the supreme deity of such deities, it is difficult to count the undead, and perhaps he is wrong.

That is the opportunity that you want to grasp.

Of course, this is just one of the many means set by the amnesty. I have never thought about how successful it is, but there are always no disadvantages.

In addition to the local geniuses of these Taoist circles, the geniuses from the heavens and the world are divided into two parts, one is the caller who was originally summoned by the undead, and the other part is the self-exploration of the universe. The people who eventually fell on the road.

According to the situation of those who chose to be called by the undead, the geniuses from all the worlds are qualified to be called.

That is to say, although they came to the Tao on their own, they are all qualified to be supreme!

The Void Rift slowly healed, and these geniuses were finally in place. The breath of each of them was very strong. For a time, the world was discolored, and the genius of the genius was one after another.

Such genius density is rare.

It can be seen that these people have gained in the two restricted areas, and the harvest is bound to be not small. The ones that give the most shocks are undoubtedly the geniuses of the heavens.

After all, their foundation is weak. When they entered the Taoist world, even the Huangjing did not arrive. However, at this moment, there are many figures of the Xuanzun level, that is, the realm, and there are already several.

This is absolutely superb.

Even in such a large number of geniuses, there are still a few people who are inconspicuous, just like standing out.

The momentum on them is endless, and they are slowly turning. It is estimated that they have just gotten a chance in the restricted area, and the breakthrough in the realm has not been completely stabilized.

So the breath will be so eye-catching, no one around the body dares to approach.

"This sacred angel castle is really a good place to go. Who can think of the most suitable power in the world, even in this sacred angel!" A young man, excitedly, wants almost Laughing.

He got the strongest power for him, and the realm of the moment has come to the level of the high ground. It is indeed a standout, and few people around these geniuses can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

This is more than a few times!

"That is a prince of the Imperial City of the Middle Kingdom. It has always been unsettled, but I did not expect that today is a skyrocketing, enough to compete with the best emperor of the Imperial City!"

Some people can't help but admire hatred. Although they have gained in the two restricted areas, they are definitely not small, but they are much worse than the emperor.

Everyone is the one who entered the two restricted areas. When the results came out, they were so different, they were just excited and they became somewhat disheartened.

Unfortunately, there is no way, this is the world, an opportunity can change everything.

After all, there is a song that sings well, we are different... "This should have been expected for a long time. After all, the two restricted areas have not been open for a long time. It is the two forces themselves that have not sent people in for nearly a million years. Nowadays, when the world is so big, the first creation will definitely be born. Whoever has the chance will be able to fly to the sky. This is the matter.

. ”

"It is true, it is only possible, it is not me!" "I remember that it was the thirteenth emperor of the Imperial City, a mother who was not strong in the power of the motherland. It has always been a name that cannot be communicated with those few. Compared with the dazzling Princess of the Emperor, but now it seems that the position of the Crown Prince of the Imperial City may even have to move, after all, the few Princes

The princess is not qualified to compete for the supreme, and can not enter the land of creation."

This time, the land of creation is opened, but it is not the person who is called to enter. Naturally, it is the result of many games behind it. Undead can only make some kind of compromise.

But the undead will respect a step, but it is impossible to compromise.

Therefore, among the giants, the true genius, such as the Tianzhu column, the highest one, is not allowed to enter. Of course, even if there is no such rule in the dark, most of them will not be born. After all, they are the future of their respective forces. Once there is a loss, even for the giant power, it is a big blow.

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