God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2406: Zhang Xianyao

In addition, even if you don't go to the land of creation, the foundation of the giant power, and the quintessence of those geniuses, the ultimate achievement will reach the heavenly honor.

Why take risks and enter the plan of immortality?

Tianzun will not shoot against the weak, because pride is not a shame, but if it is a high genius of Tianzhu, then even Tianzun, willing to pull down his face to kill it.

After all, Tianzun cannot be permanent, and there will be a day of death. If there is no successor, then a force will decline.

In the history of the Taoist world, there is no similar example. The young people who have been entrusted with the future of the whole force have died, but the old Tianzun has not been able to wait for a new successor.

That force, in the end, was swallowed up and divided.

"I heard that the thirteen emperors were persecuted by the few emperors who were smashed, and they did not know how he would choose after this time. I am afraid that this imperial city will not be peaceful."

"When you come back from there, let's talk about it. No one knows which step this time will develop. It is even a scam, and it is not impossible!"

Many people are paying attention to the thirteen emperors, but the thirteen emperors themselves, but do not care at all, he is quiet in joy and excitement.

Of course, not only the thirteen emperors, but also the other are also from the Big Mac, but the same as the thirteen emperors, they are extremely talented, but their status is not the same as talent.

But if not, they can't be sent in.

"Hey, I won't give me a chance in my life. This time I actually let me enter this sacred angel's fort, and I have been made to make it, then you will wait, I will come back one by one to greet you!" Shenfeng Temple The disciple Yu Wen is extremely indifferent, and his eyes are full of indifference.

Like the thirteen emperors, he has been greatly enhanced, his strength has been greatly enhanced, and he is also at the top of the hierarchy.

This level is enough to compare with the first disciple of Shenfeng Temple.

As a disciple of Shenfeng Temple, Yu Wenji is not only as unscrupulous as the 13th Emperor, but also persecuted. He is in the vortex of struggle inside the Zongmen, and death is always around.

This time, the two major restricted areas were opened, and Yu Wenji was so desperate that he did not care about the ban on the upper gates of Zongmen and entered the Fortress of the Angels. The income exceeded expectations.

There is another person, also from the giant power, but this person, even the thirteen princes and Yu Wenji, can not help but look at it.

Zhang Xianyao!

"How could she appear here!" People with giant power couldn't help but frown.

They came from the power of the Big Mac, and the news was very well-informed. But for Zhang Xianyao, it was only slightly heard. Except for the name, I can say nothing.

However, there is such a person in the cold family Zhangjia. After showing a few talents in his youth, he never showed up again. All parties believe that she is the person who has been hiding in Zhangjia.

That is to say, above Zhang Junlin, Zhang Jiazhen will actually entrust his heavy burden.

Status is like a scorpio.

Because of this, she should not appear here, Zhang will not look at her risky.

"Do you admit the wrong person, or the previous guess is not the truth?" Someone said.

"Are you stupid? I don't feel the strong smell of her body? But it is still on the thirteen emperors and Yuwenji, the power of the land!"

"A person like this, you told me that it is not the top genius of Zhang's family? If this is the case, Zhang Jiazao is the first in the world!"

indeed so.

Zhang Xianyao does not need anything else to prove his identity. This realm is enough to explain everything.

But no one knows why her identity is such a thing to participate in, and even more surprising, it may still be Zhang.

They are not really out of heart, and feel that Zhang Xianyao’s children are outside. Someone will scruple Zhang’s name and not dare to shoot it?

It’s Tianzun, you can shoot it!

Zhang Xianyao ignored the others.

She was born in Zhang, and Zhang's most powerful is the ice system. As the strongest person in Zhang family, she naturally inherited the power of Zhang Jiazhi.

In all respects, she is a snow and ice beauty, solitary and arrogant, unstoppable.

Such a woman, people can not help but obsessed, has a very close to the beauty of the four beautiful women.

Of course, the people who appear here are not only one of Zhang Xianyao's peerless beauty, but also a few, and they are also very outstanding.

Two of them are from the heavens and the world, and their strengths are obviously extremely strong. They are already in existence in the realm.

If Qin Qi is here, one can recognize that one of them is the only daughter of the Black King.

She also entered the restricted area, and now that she has come out, the strength has risen, but it has received huge benefits.

When Qin Qi met her, she was just a girl who had not grown up. Although she was beautiful, she was carrying the childishness of many little girls. Nowadays, it has changed greatly and is beautiful.

But this girl, but also a thorny rose, although beautiful, but not so easy to get close.

Behind her, there was a round of black looming from time to time, which was the black hole-like power passed down from the blood of the Black King.

Of course, nowadays, it’s already blue, and the breath is not strong, but it’s incomparable. It’s not just that things on the physical level will be sucked in, that is, sight, soul, perception, etc., will be black. Devouring!

Therefore, although the realm of Jiang’s whispers is not the highest, no one dares to take a nap.

At this moment, she is looking at her left and right, looking for her companions.

After entering the realm, they were lost. Even if they guessed that everyone would go to the restricted area, it was not a place to find people in the restricted area, and eventually they could not meet.

It’s finally coming out, and it seems that the collective is being sent out and always meet again.

The result is as expected by Jiang whispering, and met many companions who used to go out of the same world together, such as Yulin's Yulin, He Xian, and the original king of the sand and the father of the sand.

However, Jiang Qingyu is the most concerned, but he did not see it.

No matter whether it is Tang Sinuo or Qin Qi, it is not here, that is, Bailuo God is no one, and only Zhang Wang, and finally was seen by Jiang Wenyu, the strength has increased a lot, but it is not an opponent of Jiang Liangyu.

This is the difference between air transport and talent.

"What the hell, what about these people?" Jiang whispered, and couldn't help but feel lost.

Because this time, it is obvious that the undead is respecting the situation, and the person who is called should be counted in the list. If it fails to come, it is possible that it has already died.

"Miss peace of mind, they will never have something, may be in some secret land, it is difficult for Tian Zun to summon them out," Zhang Wangdao. He does not believe that people like Qin Qi will die.

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