God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2407: Nine stars

"I think so too. Hey, if you don't come, you won't come. When I get back from the sky, Qin Qi, the guy, I have to listen to me!" Jiang whispered two channels.

In fact, there are still some people from different circles who are under the influence of the kings and their beggars. However, today, apart from the diamonds of the kings of Kaisha and Xingsha, they have not seen them.

I am afraid, it is already fierce.

This place in the Taoist world, the king of this level, death is a very common thing, and there is no big deal.

In addition to Kaijiang whispers, a Buddha of Buddhism also has the color of the country, but the Buddha is superb and pure, sacred and peaceful, enough to wash people's hearts.

Therefore, although she is extremely beautiful, but in the face of her, no one can give birth to evil thoughts.

This is empty, a young bodhisattva from the Buddha world, and one of the ones who had previously received one of the undead celestial gods and eight gods.

She had a strong chance, and she entered the Shenfeng Mountain. The income was naturally beyond imagination, and her strength was stronger than that of Jiang.

Of course, the other people who got the Eight Gods possessed, and most of them came here, the flying eagle of the demon world, and the Terran Mese Cliff and the devil Charolo.

They are all strong ones, and among these people, they are also top-notch standards.

In addition to this, there are still many people, from the heavens and the world, the demon people have all the races, but now there is not much time, and most of them converge on the atmosphere, do not give people a probe, do not know whether there is still stronger Master.


The curtain of the five colors is still falling, and it is almost completely grounded, and the passage has already been opened. No need to explain, everyone knows what to do.

So now is not the time to look at each other, strong and not strong, perhaps after entering the land of creation, there will be an ups and downs.

When everyone rushed into the channel, it disappeared.

The curtain is still falling, and when it is about to land and complete the enchantment, there is another appearance of a fissure of the void, and it is at the last moment and enters it.

The curtain of the five colors has landed on this, and the enchantment has been completely formed. After that, I am afraid that Tianzun will come and it may not be able to enter it.

At the moment when the enchantment is generated, the internal and external contact is cut off instantly. The crack in the space naturally heals in an instant, but fortunately, the people in it have already stepped out and will not die in the space.

"Here is... oh, it won't be the last part of the undead esteem plan!" The hunter whispered in a whisper, and the look in his eyes was like an eagle.

Yes, this is out of the void cracks, not others, it is those who were blacklocked together with the city that did not fall into the exile.

After Qin Qi left there and went deep into the exile, he never took care of them. He wanted to come to their own strength and could not survive in the exile. Perhaps, he had already died in the mouth of dark subordinates.

Even if you don't die, it is estimated that you will not be able to escape from exile in this life.

I thought, they will appear here!

If Qin Qi saw it, I was afraid that it would be extremely surprising. I did not understand what kind of means they used to break out of exile.

The place where the exile was not only the entrance to the place was a bit of a chance to get out. In addition, it was the large-scale transmission of the two cities in Zhongzhou.

But neither is possible.

From the entrance, there must be news, and Zhongzhou is even more impossible.

"Hey, I didn't expect to come back in this way, Qin Qi, you will be very surprised!" Hunting King sneered.

"Qin Qi, yes, this time, I must kill him!"

On the edge of the Hunting King, Wuguangjun appeared, and the ability to be invisible and invisible clearly increased.

Unexpectedly, he was also involved in the exile.

When he competed for the heavenly spirit, he was defeated by Qin Qi, using his own ability, and invisible, which escaped from birth and was free from death.

I didn't expect that he didn't even have a long way to go, but he was squatting nearby, waiting for an opportunity to move. It is estimated that he wants to get back to the game.

The result was good, but it was sent to the exile area by the black lock.

However, his luck is also good, and now he is returning with the King of Hunting, and it seems that the strength is much stronger than before!

The environment is respected!

These realms can be compared with those who entered the two restricted areas.

And still have the victory!

But they are not strong, and now there is only one possibility.

Their income is still on top of Yu Wenji and others!

In addition, this growth rate, to be honest, has completely exceeded the imagination, no one in the concept can be promoted at this speed.

It is the existence that is close to the supreme world, and it cannot be done.

Unless that is not their own power!

Of course, this time it’s not just the Hunting King, but the Wuguangjun.

There are also genius figures who gathered in the vicinity of the city that did not fall and participated in the Qin Qi auction. They also returned.

Such as the Jun Lin and Yan Yan, etc., these days Qin Qi's men defeated, after the family of heaven and earth masters were strangled by the black lock, but lucky to survive.

Nowadays, they also appear together.

In addition to these strong names, there are still many people who were brought into exile by black locks.

There are still a few of them, which are simply unnamed. They were only weak in the beginning, but they are already strong at the moment.

This is really amazing.

Even if Hunter and Wuguangjun are like this, this is the top genius of the top ten worlds. The talents and air transport are enough to match the Scorpio.

Even so, it is still unbelievable, but I can accept it.

But these few people can only be regarded as inferior geniuses, or simply they have little talent, and now they are also at the level of the land, which is really incomprehensible.

It seems that they have experienced together.

The average person may not see it, but if Qin Qi is there, with his perception, he can discover the power of these people, and there are some similarities.

To be precise, there are some forces that are the same, and before that, they did not have this power.

And if you go deeper into the study, you will find that they are stronger than before, relying on this same source of power.

This is a very strange force, not a genre, similar to particles, but not dark particles and avenue particles.

"Let's go, it seems that everyone else has already entered." A middle-aged man faintly said.

He is different from the Hunting King, his eyes are slightly sluggish, he has no aura, and he does not feel like this normal person.

And if you look closely, you can see that there is a purple linger on his forehead.

In fact, apart from the King of Hunting, everyone else is like him, and there is a very purple tinge on his forehead.

"Hey," Hunter disdainfully snorted, he does not need others to remind him what to do.

Just about to give a lesson, but there is a faint purple appearance, the body suddenly stagnated.

The face of the Hunting King is hard to look at, but it can't be violated. At the moment, it can only be chilled again, no longer nonsense, and jumps directly into the passage.

And everyone else is close behind.

The appearance of these people does not actually evoke the eyes of Tian Zun, and you are really scared.

This is indeed unexpected.

Only the enchantment has been formed, even if they want to break, it will take some effort, so there is no shot.

Moreover, they are now innocent of him.

In the universe, suddenly nine light groups suddenly illuminate, and its radiance has concealed the glory of the big day!

In the meantime, the sky of all the worlds was shrouded in the glory of the nine regiments, an ancient atmosphere that emerged from the gathering of light.

That is the breath that Tian Zun can't help but sigh!

The nine large light groups move slowly, very slowly, as if carrying the weight of the heavens, and even moving, giving a sense of the majestic rolling of the historical wheel.

That is no matter how powerful the existence, can not resist the power of one point!

In the end, the light group seemed to be in the right position, and at first glance, it was a figure.

This is the nine stars!

It’s nine mysteriously connected!

"Don't you have a supreme sacred fairy?" The imperial city owner stood in the symbol of the imperial city, which was written on the monument of "the orthodox of the world". The gods in the eyes shot and directly collapsed the void!

Supreme Majesty, no one believes. But the nine-star renju, but this makes it impossible!

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