God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2410: Land of creation

"Is this the land of creation?" Qin Qi accidentally looked at the picture in front of him.

To be honest, some are too common.

It is a very simple mountain. There is no speciality. The vegetation is an ordinary variety. Even the only pine tree is still a turn of the corner. It is not spiritual.

Can this place be a land of creation?

Qin Qi shook his head. When crossing the passage, the consciousness was somewhat blurred. At this moment, it was completely returned, but it could not help but frown.

The place is ordinary.

The crow was gone.

Qin Qi's eyes narrowed up and quickly ruled out the possibility that the crow had its heart. I was afraid that when they crossed the passage, the position of everyone appeared different.

This is naturally not a good news.

After all, working with the crow is because he has come to this land of creation and is helpful to Qin Qi.

Moreover, in this way, the plan to meet with Jiang Qingyu will be lost.

"Is there no danger in the result?" Qin Qi whispered, there is no danger in this land of creation, everything seems very ordinary.

Even Qin Qi suspected that he was in the wrong place.

"In short, first find someone to meet," Qin Qi thought.

The crow cooperated with Qin Qi, and described the past in the land of creation, without any concealment, so Qin Qi generally knows about the situation of some land.

According to the crow, there is a giant wood in the land of creation, which is very huge. It has the feeling of opening up the world, but it has already withered.

But that can be used as a landmark, and beyond the distance, you can see it. If the crow is smart, you should go there first.

Qin Qi only needs to find the giant wood.

At the moment, Qin Qi chose a direction and went straight.

There is nothing to choose from in this place. It depends on how the air transport is, and if this is the land of creation, then the air transport is the key to achieving the creation.

Just go.

If you can meet some places that the crows have mentioned, there will be some ideas at that time.

Walking in the mountains, everywhere is the usual visible scenery, which is not like mysterious, but like a poor aristocratic country.

After about a day, Qin Qi did not even get out of this mountainous area.

"Grandma's!" Qin Qi couldn't help but screamed at the nephew's mantra.

Although this place is ordinary, but it is also very evil, it is impossible to fly, and even the speed of running has attenuated a lot, and you can't even think about it when you break the void.

If this is not the case, Qin Qi will not be more irritated in his heart. After all, the road to go this day is really limited, but the mountain in front of it is meaningless.

But what is the solution? Qin Qi can only accept and move on.

Of course, such a day cannot last forever. On the third day, the picture in front of Qin Qi finally changed a bit.

The surrounding vegetation has become a lot of tenderness. It seems that the soil here is particularly fertile and gives more nourishment to the vegetation.

In this way, it is quite easy for Qin Qi to relax. After all, looking at the green grass and lush scenery, it is better than before.

"Oh, the surrounding atmosphere has changed a lot." Going forward, Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly, and the surrounding vegetation became more lush.

Qin Qi determined that those are just ordinary varieties, but now, they have grown so many times more than the outside world, that is, the grass with high palms, and now it has become one person.

If there is no special fluctuation above, Qin Qi will probably regard it as a kind of spirit grass.

Ordinary vegetation, but it grows like this, it is not ordinary at all.

Qin Qi hesitated a bit, and his heart was alert. Although the pace of the past was still stable, the speed slowed down a lot.

Going forward for a while, Qin Qi’s brows are already wrinkled.

The grass here has grown taller than trees, and the trees are even more strange. The trunk is twisted and twisted, and it is not grown normally.

It doesn't feel good at all.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and arrived here. Qin Qi has felt a pressure in his heart, and the grass that has flourished over his head will not give people a feeling of vitality.

Yes, it’s just horror and weirdness.

"This is..." Qin Qi walked a distance, and the picture in front of him suddenly disappeared. Almost every day, the grass and trees came to an end, and did not continue to grow.

Here, there is an open space.

Qin Qi stepped on the ground, and the shoes fell directly into the soil, not because of too much water, but because it was too fertile.

It is no wonder that the surrounding vegetation is so long, it is because the land is extremely fertile.

Qin Qi's strength was slightly moved, his body was lighter, and he did not fall into the soil. Immediately, his nose tipped and he smelled a bit of rotten smell in the air.

Something is rotten here.

Is nutrients in the soil derived from decaying things?

Qin Qi's heart moved, and slowly moved forward. After a while, he stopped, and in front of him, it was a pothole that was sunken into it. In the pothole, the smell of decay continued to spread, and it was very pungent.

It can be seen that around the pothole, there are locusts crawling up and down, and the scalp is numb.

Qin Qi did not move, and a flame in his hand condensed, and a wave of fire broke through, and those locusts suddenly became fly ash.

They are just ordinary mites.

Otherwise, it is impossible to bite the rotten thing until now, and not all of it is foraged, but it is fattening the surrounding soil.

"A piece of meat?" Qin Qi saw something in the pit, and could not help but have some accidents.

It is a human flesh-sized flesh and blood. I don't know when it fell here. Now it has completely rotted, but it can be seen that this flesh and blood is very strong, otherwise it will not decay until now.

"What kind of race is this?" Qin Qi was puzzled.

Such a piece of meat, although it has rotted, does not look like a human being.

When Qin Qi pointed to the sword, he had to cut the next piece from the piece of meat, but under the attack, it was not successfully divided.

The strength of the physical body, it seems that every cell contains a starry sky, which has already transformed the physical body into a big one!

For the first time, Qin Qi encountered such flesh and blood, which was stronger than his physical body.

However, Qin Qi is also Emei. After all, if it is such a level of physical body, then it should be invisible, how can it rot?

People can die, but meat can't be bad. This is the physical universe.

With doubts in my heart, Qin Qi then snorted, and how strong your body is, it has already rotted, and you don't believe it, so you can't open it!

Qin Qi's running power, the dragon ring vortex slowly rotates, the super compression ratio makes Qin Qi's power stronger, killing the sword, and finally cut a small piece of flesh and blood.

Qin Qi took it out and suddenly stinked, even if he closed his nose, he could still feel the spoiled taste. "Different Kunlun, give it to you, analyze it quickly!" Qin Qi quickly handed over the small piece of rotten meat to the different Kunlun.

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