God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2411: Body fragments

Different Kunlun has nothing to feel about odor, and the speed of analysis is far faster than that imagined by Qin Qi.

"Is there a result?" Qin Qi unexpectedly said.

With the improvement of Qin Qi's strength, in addition to combat assistance and large-scale coordinated simulation, the understanding of various things by different Kunlun is becoming more and more difficult.

There is always a taste of kidney deficiency.

Oh, there are no kidneys in different Kunlun, but there are always a few times, which makes people feel weak.

This is good, it is not empty, and there is an answer so soon.

"The result may be beyond your expectations." He Kunlun Road, even bought a Guan, but it seems that he himself is also very surprised with this answer.

"It's very unexpected?" Qin Qi stunned, haven't encountered it before!

"The left hand of God", different Kunlun Road, "The composition of this flesh and blood, and the left hand of the god, there is a great similarity!"

"Although the power level is not the same thing at all, but... well, let's just say, in the words of the earth, the genes of the two are exactly the same," said Xiao Kunlun.

It's really amazing!

Qin Qi sighed with a sigh of relief, and did not expect that there would be such a thing.

When Qing Litian did say that the left hand of God was brought by their ancestor Athena, it was a foreign object, and she did not know where it came from.

However, at that time, Qin Qi was not aware of the vast universe beyond the Tianyuan world, only when it was the extraterrestrial starry sky inside the world.

But now, look at it, it turned out to be from the world of Tianyuan.

It is from this vast universe, somewhere in the world.

"Interesting!" Qin Qi smiled.

The left hand of God is actually related to this land of creation. This is indeed unexpected, but since it is related, then Qin Qi can not let go.

He would like to see if there is any secret in this flesh and blood, who belongs to it.

In addition, referring to the left hand of God, naturally, I can't help but think of Qing Litian.

Like the poetry, she left with the North, and she should have arrived at the Devil.

But among the people who called, she did not have her, and she did not know whether she came to the border after that.

"Maybe, she also entered the land of creation, maybe", Qin Qi snorted.

The land of creation has infinite creation, and if there is a fate, if there is enough air transport, then you can get the most suitable for your own creation.

This was the case when the original crow got the card of the dead.

Therefore, if Qing Litian also entered here, without any guidance, she may be able to come here by air.

Could not help, Qin Qi did not calm down.

Qing Litian has already returned to him, but it is different from other subordinates. After all, Qin Qi had a "fever contact" with her for several days.

Of course, that time was Qing Litian playing with her own fire, and Qin Qi was almost swallowed up by killing. In the end, Qing Litian himself had to come out to save his life, no wonder who.

No one even mentioned this afterwards.

But now I look back, but it is hard to have the original state of mind, how much is always different, and Qin Qi in fact, in some respects, talent can be said to be different.

Often, when you enter the soul, there is no falsehood.

Except for Fu Cai Xuan... or the Everlasting Queen who has lost her hand, her woman, regardless of her race, is pregnant with her children.

In this regard, Qin Qi does not know whether it is the pride or the smile.

Therefore, in the end, after Qing Litian, Qin Qi really can not let go.

If you can meet this time, say something, you have to ask.

Thinking this way, Qin Qi glanced at the flesh and blood, and finally crossed the past and continued to go inside.

This piece of meat has lost all its divinity and is completely rotted. Even if it is taken, it does not make any sense.

It would be better to look for it again, perhaps to find more flesh and blood, or even keep the bones of divinity.

That should be helpful for Qing Litian.

In this way, Qin Qi continues to move forward, and this time, with the goal, the mood is finally no longer ups and downs, trying to find the flesh and blood fragments or broken bones that may still appear.

The result did not disappoint Qin Qi. There are still a lot of broken meat in this place, but unfortunately, most of them have completely rotted, and only a few parts have retained a trace of divinity.

Fortunately, the different Kunlun analysis of that point of divine nature, and with it, Qin Qi can be induced with other fragments, do not need to continue to luck like a headless fly.

After that, it is constantly searching.

With the growing deity in the flesh and blood, the surrounding land is more fertile, and Qin Qi has seen many strange, "normal" trees.

Open, oh no, it should be pushing a blade of grass. According to the induction, there should be a piece of debris here.

Sure enough, in the fertile soil, a piece of minced meat falls in the pit, and this piece, unlike the previous one, is only rotten, and there is no locust foraging.

Qin Qi walked to the front, and the dawn flashed slightly.

That flesh and blood, even a bone stuck!

This bone and flesh and blood can be different, the above-mentioned divine swaying, forming a halo, even reaching the point visible to the naked eye, is far from the degree of decay.

The preservation of bones is obviously better than flesh and blood.

"What kind of creature is this? Look at this bone, it should be just a toe bone. It is so big." Qin Qi whispered.

It's like a Titan giant, but it's a lot smaller than the Titans, and the breath is different from the Mozu.

Qin Qi thought about it, the blood in his hand flashed through the cold, began to cut flesh and blood, to remove the bones.

These flesh and blood are the great conditions that have reached the physical body before life. Now they are no longer useful. They are bones, and they still retain the more completed divinity. If they are put together, they may be helpful.

In addition, Qin Qi remembers the left hand of the **** of Li Tiantian, that is, only the bones.

With specific gains, Qin Qi is now more eager to collect, half a month's time, it is so consumed here.

Qin Qi has collected seven 7788 bones, what foot bones, leg bones, right arm bones, ribs, shoulder bones, etc., and so on, can almost piece together a human form.

However, the most critical vertebrae and skulls are missing.

Of course, the most exciting thing for Qin Qi is that he can't find the left hand bone anyway. This seems to make his guess more close to reality.

"There is induction. It seems that the more bones are collected, the stronger the induction will be, and the rest will be the vertebrae!"

They have just harvested two complete ribs, and they have finally removed the rotten flesh and blood. After they are obtained, the sense of divinity suddenly increases.

Within the sensing range, there is also a breath that has never been perceived before.

"Go, look at the past", Qin Qi eyes bright, quickly rushed in that direction.

Pushing open the grass blades that are bigger than the door panel, Qin Qi’s eyes suddenly disappeared, and then the pupils contracted.

"Qing Litian!"

Qin Qi had had a guess, maybe she could meet her here, but she did not expect that she was really here, after a few years, in this land of creation, once again reunion!

Qing Litian heard the voice of Qin Qi, and the originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and when he saw Qin Qi, the look became incredible.

Obviously, the encounter with Qin Qi here also made her heart tremble.

"You..." Qin Qi is going forward.

"Don't come over!" But Qing Litian screamed.

Qin Qi suddenly stopped, and a force crossed the front of him silently, leaving a wound on his cheek.

Qin Qi’s hole jerked, and I saw Qing Litian’s sword in hand, and a strong sacred beating in it. Just shot, she is!

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