God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2412: Qing Litian

Qin Qi burst back, his brows wrinkled.

The attack just now was indeed the hand of Qing Li Tian, ​​the power is very amazing, even if Qin Qi's body, it was actually hurt.

Although it is a skin injury in time to avoid it, but with the strength of Qin Qi's physical body, a little skin injury is enough to explain something.

"You are going, this ancient **** is not something you can deal with!" Qing Litian shouted again.

And with her voice almost at the same time, it is a more powerful force, and the power is extremely powerful, turned into a giant hand, directly oppressed.

Although it hasn't arrived yet, Qin Qi feels that the bones are all squeaky, and this pressure is really terrible.

Qing Litian is the best descendant of the Athena clan, and her potential even surpasses the old ancestor Athena, but she is unlikely to grow to this point.

This power comes from Qing Litian at this moment, but I am afraid that it is not led by her.

Is it the ancient **** in the mouth of Qing Li Tian?

Qin Qi snorted, every cell in the body began to release power, starlight, formed a piece of Xinghai, like the universe.

Of course, it is not the real Xinghai, and there is not much star power, but it is made up of dragon power. Every place has become the origin of Longli's growth.

In the body, the dragon ring vortex is rapidly rotating. Under the huge compression ratio, the high concentration of avenue particles constantly rushes out, strengthening the strength of Qin Qi.


Qin Qi sighed low and made a fist with one hand. In a moment, the violent physical strength of the body was dissipated and the air became distorted.

In the land of creation, this is a bad thing.

It shows that Qin Qi is physically strong.

With the avenue particles, it is even more terrible.

Qin Qi obviously does not intend to retreat, want to hard to pick up this note.

After the undead castle got rid of the shackles of the dragon ring, the strength of Qin Qi rose, and it has already entered the level of high heaven and earth, and the strength of the battle is unprecedented.

Of course he wants to see what he can do.

At the moment, I can try it.

The power of this ancient **** is strong, and it is difficult for people to breathe, but it is still within the acceptance of Qin Qi. At least it seems to be the case now.

Qin Qi punches, and the palm of the hand meets, "砰" sounds loud, the space trembles, the circle of the ripples spread, the surrounding scenery has become distorted.

Qin Qi snorted and kept retreating, but his body trembled and continually surged, but it was supported and was not hurt by the ancient god.

However, the attack did not stop there, and the giant palm fell, like a sky, the ancient atmosphere is constantly swaying, like eternal eternal, long-lasting.

Qin Qi took a deep breath, shouted, and did not retreat. His body was swaying, and the vortex further accelerated the rotation. The concentrated avenue particles were accompanied by more violent power.

Once again, I will drop again and punch again.

Behind Qing Litian, it seems that there is an ancient **** standing up, old and powerful, and the momentum is terrifying, and the sun and the moon are swallowed.

However, after Qin Qi, Kunlun appeared, and Kun Kunlun did not need to be described, it was already the highest in heaven and earth.


The battle is extremely violent, it seems that we must break this solid and incomparable void. You come to me and face the decision, but it seems that no one can help.

Until the punch and the palm of the hand reveal the strongest strength, the ancient gods are low, the Kunlun is melodious, and the two forces are separated.

Through this most violent collision, Qin Qi has an intuitive understanding of his own strength, which is even stronger than expected, but he is also deeply vigilant against this ancient god.

The battle was temporarily suspended.

Qin Qi violently gasps, it is his flesh, and at the moment he feels tired, and he can't help his opponent.

Even if it is not the blessing of the ninth undead body, Qin Qi may have fallen to the bottom.

However, compared with Qin Qi, Qing Litian is obviously more shocked.

She knew that the ancient **** was so powerful that she exceeded her cognitive limit of strength, but she did not expect that Qin Qi could block it and was not defeated.

It is too strong.

"I didn't expect you to become so strong." Qing Litian whispered, and she couldn't hear what emotion she was.

Seeing that the ancient gods did not attack again, Qin Qi resumed as soon as possible to restore consumption, while his eyes were looking at Qing Litian, especially in his lower abdomen.

Qing Litian felt the eyes of Qin Qi, and the silver teeth suddenly bite and calmly said: "Do you think that you can relax now?"

"What is your attitude?" Qin Qi raised his eyebrows.

Qing Li’s weather was stagnant and he snorted, but he was not prepared to call Qin Qi’s “adult”.

It seems that the wings are a bit hard.

Qin Qi did not care about her. After all, the past is now a good memory. The two are also old people. When they meet at the other end of the universe, they don’t have to hate each other.

"You have a big belly, I think it is a little thicker than before," Qin Qi pointed to Qing Litian's waistline.

Qing Litian heard the words, suddenly a burst of fire, she is a woman of war, the body is the most well-balanced bodybuilding, while the body is full of power, but also gives people a natural feeling.

How can her waist be thick?

Qing Litian closed her eyes and sorted out her mood. The panic in her heart did not show up in the slightest. It was just indifferent: "Do you still have time to control my body?"

Qin Qi's mouth, Qing Litian obviously understands his meaning, but he does not accept the words, he is helpless.

And now, it is not the time to talk about this.

The power of the ancient **** is still attached to Qing Litian. This Qin Qi can clearly feel that it is only the specific state of Qing Litian at this moment, but he does not understand.

"Talk about it, what happened?" Qin Qi adjusted, and warned that the power of the ancient **** broke out again.

Qing Litian did not hide it, and said the experience roughly.

After arriving at the Devil World, Qing Litian got great help and began to gallop to a wider world. After arriving at the Taoist World, it was considered a lot of opportunities and gained in the territory of the Magic Gate.

Later, it was entered into the Shenfeng, where it was not entirely the power of the Buddha, but also the demons that were suppressed by it. Qing Litian got one of the inheritances and the realm was once again improved.

When the land of creation was opened, they were sent to the passage of the five-colored gods, and they entered the land of creation.

In fact, Qing Litian has no specific concept of where she is. She only knows that after entering this place, there is more guidance in the middle of the road, and eventually she has come to this place.

"Poetry poetry, are you alright?" Qin Qi asked.

"The Virgin is naturally very good. She is a Mozu smallpox. Although the realm grows as relatively slow as before, it is more solid than anyone else." "But now, she should be in the devil," Qing Li Tiandao.

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