God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2413: Confirmed eyes

The demon statue is the gatekeeper of the Taoist demon gate. It is also the strongest Tianzun of the Mozu. Its status is similar to that of the imperial city. It has the terrorist power beyond the general Tianzun.

As for the demon world of the top ten universes, in the end, it is only the power of the cultivation of the devil.

Similar configurations are also presented in Buddhism and the Yaozu. The relationship between the Buddha and the demon world and the Tao is generally the same.

As for the others, the Prometheus and Catherine of the Mozu also came in. The few of the former Yaozu were as strong as the half-sacred blood, or the ink and ink, the night of the night known to Qin Qi, and also arrived in the land of creation. .

The Haizu Zhonghai listens to the heart, the purple eyes, and the indigo that left with the desert in the west. Many of the old people of Qinqi, nowadays, seem to have reunited.

I have to say that the fate is really amazing. This arrangement is full of infinite drama.

But it also shows that the world of Tianyuan is so powerful. If it is not restricted by the laws of the world, I am afraid that it has grown into a world after the world and the world.

But wherever the gold shines, although the Tianyuan world is gone, the people who come out of Tianyuan are still writing legends.

Qin Qi had a general understanding in his heart, but now he is no longer distracted, but Shen Sheng said: "What is the situation in your present situation, what is this ancient god, but is it related to your left hand?"

Qing Litian nodded and said: "It seems to be the power of homology."

According to Qing Litian, after she came here, all the way forward, the first to find the spine and skull.

The vertebrae are even connected to the skull and are full of divinity.

It seems that because of the appearance of Qing Litian, the bones and skulls were stimulated, and the bones suddenly bloomed infinitely, and the whole of Qing Litian was wrapped up.

Qing Litian’s left hand was dragged, and she did not even give her the opportunity to control herself.

The final situation is what Qin Qi sees now.

The ancient god's vertebrae and skulls have been integrated with Qing Litian. Now Qing Litian is the ancient god, but she has no control over the power of the ancient gods.

Even if this continues, she will not be able to maintain her own consciousness, whether she will be assimilated into the ancient gods, is a problem.

"You are a big man," Qin Qi can't help but sigh.

This is really a step in the sky.

How strong is this ancient god, Qin Qi does not know, just relying on the remaining power, it almost suppressed Qin Qi, showing the power of the past.

To know that his body is decaying, the body is broken, and it is not easy to keep the power.

Even so, there are still such standards, and it is terrible to think about it.

It is not the heaven and earth supreme, afraid that it will also reach the level of the Buddha demon.

"Mastering is the creation, can not control, it is a disaster", Qing Li Tian bitterly.

If it is impossible to master, it is better not to encounter it.

Qing Litian was helpless about the current situation. Until Qin Qi came, she had tried all the methods that she could try, but all ended in failure.

Qin Qi nodded, and Qing Litian said that it is correct. If it can't be controlled, it is a disaster. Even Qing Litian himself may disappear.

"Don't worry, I think about it, can you help me?" Qin Qi said, and then smiled slightly: "If it is successful, you may even get more power than me, how can you not give up." ”

Qing Li Tian stunned and wanted to say something, but did not say anything.

The power of the ancient gods was surviving. It was a battle with Qin Qi, which consumed too much. There was no intention of attacking for the time being, and Qin Qi took this opportunity to let Yi Kunlun fully analyze it.

The past has long been unimportant, and now that it has met, Qin Qi naturally does not allow Yunqing Litian to act in front of him and will fully help her.

Different Kunlun people also know that the situation is serious, and they are doing their best. All the computing cores are all open, and we want to find out how Qinglitian reversely integrates the ancient gods.

However, progress is obviously not optimistic.

In the end, the conclusions drawn by Yi Kunlun made Qin Qi mixed.

Different Kunlun found a way to weaken the activity of the remaining power of the ancient gods, so that Qing Litian once again got some control over the body.

But the problem is that this fundamental cure will not cure the problem, and it will let Qing Litian lose nearly half of the combat effectiveness.

Here, it is equivalent to no fighting power.

And to solve this problem, Yi Kunlun deducted to the end, only gave a plan.

Born after death!

Let the ancient gods recover more completely, directly suppress the will of Qing Litian, and then destroy her, and die later, Qing Litian will be defeated and overcome this power.

At that time, Qing Litian was the continuation of the ancient gods. Inheriting all its abilities and strengths is definitely a great creation!

Just, what should I do?

The so-called recovery power of the ancient **** is to give the remaining bones to the integration of Qing Litian.

These bones are now in the hands of Qin Qi.

But in this way, can Qin Qi still rival the ancient gods?

Qin Qi is really a little bottomless.

As for the death of the dead, this is a good solution, Qin Qi is not broken, why not give Qing Litian?

At the moment, Qin Qi analyzed the situation with Qing Litian, and Qing Litian frowned and shook his head: "You can't defeat the complete ancient god, even if it is only complete."

Qing Litian and the ancient god's bones merge, knowing that it is strong, and the heart is always uneasy.

Her left hand, the power of gathering is getting stronger and stronger, fearing that for the ancient god, the left hand is also special, but the power is not enough, and the power of the left hand of God cannot be exerted.

And if the tibia is restored, then the left hand of God is afraid of a dramatic change.

Qin Qi is bound to be an enemy.

As for handing over to others, it is too risky, that is, it will not break, and Qing Litian is also very likely to be killed.

After all, this is the power of the ancient gods. It is not only that Qing Litian can inherit, so how can it make people not be jealous?

"That can only weaken the activity of the ancient gods first. At least, I can still protect you in your vicinity. Otherwise, when the ancient gods recover, we are afraid that there will be one you will die." Qin Qi Smile bitterly.

"Only so", Qing Litian nodded.

"This is not broken, you accept it." Qin Qi shot in accordance with the way given by the different Kunlun, weakening the power of the ancient gods, but also will not be broken and handed over to Qing Litian.

If there is an accident, this should not be able to save the life of Qing Litian.

Qing Litian looked at it and did not break it. She had heard that it was one of the Eight Gods, very precious. I did not expect Qin Qi to give her directly.

"How, remember the previous things?" Qin Qidao.

"Nature remembers," Qing Litian snorted, but then said: "However, just remember."

In the end, Qing Litian did not break, but the power of the ancient gods was also successfully weakened by Qin Qi.

Although it is difficult to last for a long time, there is no better way for the time being.

After doing this, Qin Qi intends to leave with Qing Litian, but suddenly, Qin Qi's heart trembles fiercely, and suddenly it is cold and sweaty, a huge sense of crisis, direct attack!

what happened!

Qin Qi’s face was mad, but he seemed to feel it, and he looked at it in one place.

There, there was a woman who stood in midair and looked at it.

In the land of creation, flying in the air?

Qin Qi’s hole shrinks, and when he looks at the past, the woman is watching him.

The next moment, Qin Qi directly picked up Qing Litian, the whole body power madly swayed, the dragon ring vortex limit roar, the body is like a phantom, rushing away.

This made the woman bow down.

No way, no escape. I have confirmed my eyes and I am a person who can’t beat them.

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